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Don't get too attached to any more characters.

I got the same warning when I started reading the books (now finished). It's like a series of small pets, you want to love them to bits but deep inside you know it's not going to end well!!

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Read the books on holiday: it ruined the TV series for me.

That's why I stopped. Last night thought they where going to close the family back into to bigger groups, strengthen the resolve etcetc I'd got it all worked out then bang, whys it only on a Monday, I could watch it every night.

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I'm on the third last book


I think the books would be a hard read without at least seeing one series just so you get a "feel" for it

Has been a cracking series/read, there are only 2 more books and that's it finished, so maybe 2 more series after this one



Edited by shaun4860
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they are contracted to make more TV series than there are books and the authour is franticly trying to write a few more books to keep ahead of the TV people apparently

I watched an interview he did a while back, he said he knew how it ended and it just needed writing down,


He said there has only ever been 7 whole books in the story (not counting the 2 books that make one, if that makes sense)


No spoilers here, just a bit of where its been/where its going




Will be a shame when it ends but at least it has an ending unlike Lost which droned on at least two series to long



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The books are hard going bordering on tedious. I'm a big reader but other than Tolkien I don't really like sword and sorcery style fantasy stuff. However, the TV series is supurb with a good array of top quality actors. I've watched series 1 and 2 plus first 4 episodes of 3 and am now craving a fix like a junkie.

Where I'm working HBO series are a god send. On series 4 of Sons of Anarchy now. Disbelief has to be suspended but its a cracking bit of entertainment. Loved Rome and believe it ir not Nashville. Got The Wire next.

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The books are hard going bordering on tedious. I'm a big reader but other than Tolkien I don't really like sword and sorcery style fantasy stuff. However, the TV series is supurb with a good array of top quality actors. I've watched series 1 and 2 plus first 4 episodes of 3 and am now craving a fix like a junkie.

Where I'm working HBO series are a god send. On series 4 of Sons of Anarchy now. Disbelief has to be suspended but its a cracking bit of entertainment. Loved Rome and believe it ir not Nashville. Got The Wire next.

Rome was very good...


The Wire was an amazing series....


So believable and an insight to what proper ghetto life would be like in the states



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