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£32000 for sitting on your fat ***


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As long as cash is given it will always be so.


Pegasus Bridge has the right idea. Contraceptive implants for a one off payment and vouchers for food and utilities.


have to be a big payment to make it worth while or nobody would take the deal and lose future benefits. any of you boys going to send the wife along for the compulsory sterilization program mmmm thought not . cant see it working chaps.

Edited by overandunder2012
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Without getting into all the other side debates, don't you think that a system that actively encourages, not just allows, these sort of people to behave in the way that they do is fundamentally and deeply flawed?


Built it and they will come. It was there so they simply availed themselves of it. They are not fiddling the system they are just milking it. Lazy civil servants, do nothing to prevent it, same with lazy social workers, housing officials etc.


Doing nothing is always easier than doing something. Rubber stamp the file, close it, drop it in the drawer and forget about it. No comebacks, the path of least resistance.


Labour were more than happy to throw (borrowed) money at these people to keep them voting Labour

Edited by Vince Green
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I'm not condoning the suggested bribed contraceptive implant, however the implant last 3 years, It is not mass sterilisation. It is the most effective form of contraception, my wife is a midwife so she knows about this stuff and this is what we use. If I was in charge I might try and make this more widely available and possible have nurses going into schools on a regular basis to give these to the girls!

I have no solution to the problem of benefits reliance, generations of worklessness and sink estates etc. although one think that definitely won’t help is loads more kids born to girls and buys who are too young to even work to support them. I thought I had an idea but when I tried to explain it, it just sound like a workhouse, and they don’t work really.

My grandma is doing something interesting she used to foster problem kids, the last girl was 13 and would sell herself for a pack of fags. Now she has a 22 year old who has a baby, who has had her previous kids taken into care. She is teaching her to look after the baby and coaching her on how to get on in life, the idea is that the baby will stay with the lass and eventually the lass will live on her own, this will be better for the lass and the baby, plus a lot cheaper than keeping a kid in care till its 18!

I think it is a little naive to say the benefits budget is a drop in the ocean, It cost more than defence and education put together! We do need to find constructive ways of reducing it, and whilst benefits pay more than work it will be difficult to do. If we raise the minimum wage we will not be able to attract industry, so then we must cut benefits, which is a minefield as we don’t wont to put people in to poverty and hardship. For ever story like the woman in the opening post there are people who are struggling on benefits, who receive much less, so the benefits cap proposed by the government will help in situation like that!

Right I'm off to kick in some doors (I work and can afford spare, kicking in doors is a luxury, and my tax shouldn't be paying for endless spare doors for these scroungers)

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is it what the government wants ? or is it what most people want.... I have nothing against people earning good money having 6 houses etc etc as long as they have worked for it....

i have no problems helping people who try but don't earn enough....top ups... I have no problems helping people with disabilities ..........i do have a problem with bone idle people who look at the benefit system as a way of life, and just produce and claim....


and!!!! if these men who have no jobs , yet can still knock up kids all over the place.... then put them under the control of road sweepers ..make them work for the money they claim.....maybe they could then afford to put a condom on their pecker

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Leading off topic a bit, my mate Mick was a gas fitter with the gas board and he worked for a while with the enforcement team who investigated fraud. Basically they identified houses where the demand was showing as zero, so not very subtle way of fiddling.


What he was surprised by continually was the extent of the problem. Its more common than you would ever imagine. Many houses have "professionally" installed bypass systems fitted to the meters. Ordinary houses too, not just on the rough estates. They only caught the silly ones who were not showing any gas usage at all. How many more must there be who aren't that stupid? Show a bit, fiddle a bit.


We have no idea what's going on in the world around us.

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There are too many people on this world now and not enough resources. Food and money included! There is not enough work to go round and thus more and more people are straining and draining the resources of those who do work and pay taxes by expecting to be kept in luxury. I worked for over 40 yrs and never made this kind of money in a year and one job I had involved delegated authority to sign away millions of pounds a year in grants. Paid my taxes all that time and still do and I am now sick of supporting scum who won't work or want to steal off others for that is what this is.


And on the tax front there are more and more evading and avoiding and so the coffers of treasuries around the world are not being filled bar by those like us who cannot avoid or evade, morally or otherwise.


The governments of the world need to address this over population problem and quick before man completely screws everything up. Therefore there needs to be strict birth control right around the world whatever a nations or religious beliefs are. There also needs to be a sensible and strictly controlled euthanasia programme to allow those who want to go to go and I include myself in that given my failing and painful health.


David Attenborough pointed out some time ago that when he was born in the early 20's there were some 2 billion people on the Earth. Now there are 7 billion and rising. 5 billion more in less than a century of mainly feckless and useless drains on resources.

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So whilst the PW hanging possee are suggesting sterilising people For the hideous crime of beeing on benefits i wonder what you guys think we should do with the fatties, alcoholics and smokers amongst us as they cost the NHS in this country way way way more than a few women with kids on benefits ? Should we gas them all as well? Offer them a few bob to have a gastric bypass done maybe or ban them from anywhere that sells cream cakes, fags and booze? Tattoo " sell me a cake and you will be arrested " on their foreheads maybe?

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The governments of the world need to address this over population problem and quick before man completely screws everything up. Therefore there needs to be strict birth control right around the world whatever a nations or religious beliefs are. There also needs to be a sensible and strictly controlled euthanasia programme to allow those who want to go to go and I include myself in that given my failing and painful health.



euthanasia is a bit harsh to take a bit of strain of the benefits bill old chap . any other civic minded people thinking of being topped to save the country a few quid? i think not the euthanasia ideas only popular if your not on the list to go lol

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Work sets you free - the only solution to this problem.

a disgusting play on the very darkest side of humanity, Those poor **** in Auschwitz and those on benefit seen as requiring the same solution? you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.




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