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I was in possibly the roughest part of Coventry today and the off license was selling Bollinger @£130 a bottle! Mr Pork-Pie hat with his 2 cans of Red Stripe was asking the shop keeper about it's flavour but he was Muslim so hadn't tasted it. I did them both a favour and told them it tasted ****! ;)

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A new bloke came in tonight, give him a skinny smoke and two of my tea bags.

He was telling me he he knows loads of tv stars and footballers, got invited round his house when I have finished here (another 8 months contract to do).

Uncle Stu or H as I call him said he would even baby-sit for me & our lass....top bloke.

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I was in possibly the roughest part of Coventry today and the off license was selling Bollinger @£130 a bottle! Mr Pork-Pie hat with his 2 cans of Red Stripe was asking the shop keeper about it's flavour but he was Muslim so hadn't tasted it. I did them both a favour and told them it tasted ****! ;)

Good work citizen.


Instead of giving a homeless drunk beggar money to waste on meths, I gave him a lolipop. Admittedly I took it from a child first, but it's the thought that counts.

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I just got up to go to work, 03.50. As I scratched my bits and looked out of the window to check the weather, I saw a bloke laying face down on the park.

I gently woke my wife and asked her to watch my back as I went to check on him.

When I was about ten feet from him I asked if he was alright. His head lifted and a pair of very stoned eyes tried to focus on me. "Yeah, I'm just having a smoke" came the reply and then he dropped his head back to listen to the music in his head phones.

I kept hearing a mumbled "thank you" as I went back to make my morning cuppa.


He's bumbled off somewhere else now.


Oh well, off to work :|

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Regularly mow both of the neighbours front lawns (they don't have back ones), one is a 77 yr old woman and the others don't have a lawn mower.


Give a lift to a guy I pass on the way home every night, don't know him, but passed him the other week in the pouring rain and offered a lift, and do so whenever I see him. He walks the 7 miles to and from work.


Offered to teach a local guy off here how to blow a goose call.


Try to do a random act of kindness every day.

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Walked past a mother who kid was being badly behaved at the table.

She shouted at the kid saying "you don't have the manners of a pig"

I stopped and said "he did", and then carried on.



My motto for life is "do something nice when you can and as often as you can" it is the best medicine you can have

Edited by bakerboy
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I got a phone call at work yesterday from an old school friend to go and see his dad who was dying and who needed to swear some documents so I popped in on my way back from work.


His dad is in his 80's, lost his wife the year before and was riddled with cancer.


It was quite an uplifting experience though. The old boy had been given 2 days "notice" so to speak but was at peace - he said life was a journey and he was at the end. He had done everything he ever wanted to (he had flown planes, raced cars and motorbikes, shot regularly with his friends), had everything he ever needed and he had ticked all of his boxes. He said another 10 years would have been nice, but it's a lottery.


His advice - do it, do everything but don't do drugs :lol: and do it all right now. There's never a good time, you will never have enough money but it all sorts itself out but you will blink and you will loose your chance.

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Up at 3, again at 4:30 and again at 6:30 so thought s@d it!, had some toast and tea, fed the cats, wrote birthday cards out for my 2 youngest (birthdays today and tomorrow).


Did the washing, put it out and fixed next doors washing line, dragged out my bins, dragged out the neighbours bins and put my knee out again!. Now sat in bed full of painkillers!, serves me right!.

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