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Teacher Jeremy Forrest found guilty


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Teacher that took the 15 year old girl to france found guilty of abduction.




Not saying that its right, but from what i heard from the news about the girl giving evidene. She wanted to go and did everything willingly. she even instigated certain events, so hows that abduction???


Abuse of trust or his position as a teacher would be a more fitting statement... or sex with a minor would be more acurate. Surely there was something more acurate they could of done him for? Nethertheless, hes not teaching children anymore, which is a good thing.

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Its a funny case because their age gap isn't massive and she sounds like she encouraged him as much as anything. Obviously he shouldn't have done anything and certainly shouldn't have left the country but to be labelled a paedophile is almost a tad strong. He has abused a position of trust and they can't just let that ride so I can see he will go down for it, be interesting what happens when he is out though whether she will try and see him again. I know a far few people in relationships with less of an age gap and some who started them when the female was a similar age, had he not been her teacher nothing would have happened.

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He has groomed a child into having sex with him and running away with him and you don't think he is a peadophile?


No, having sex with a prepubescent child would make him a paedophile, so on the evidence in this case, he's not.

Edited by paul65
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He was a teacher She was a child, he knew what he was doing was wrong but did it and then took her abroad.Hope the book gets thrown at him.


All this he only had to wait a few months is rubbish.


Children go to school to learn in a safe environment,and our children are entrusted to the teachers to protect and nurture them.

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Its a funny case because their age gap isn't massive and she sounds like she encouraged him as much as anything. Obviously he shouldn't have done anything and certainly shouldn't have left the country but to be labelled a paedophile is almost a tad strong.

Indeed it is. Paedophilia, legally speaking has to involve a pre-pubescent child which in this case she clearly isn't.


It appears that the following applies: Technically the 15 year old is unable to legally give consent to sex. Sex without consent is the basic definition of rape. So in the eyes of the law the 16+ year old has committed 2 offences. Rape and sex with a minor.


However, he is in this case twice her age, that is a huge age gap in my opinion, especially at their ages. They are, or should be miles apart in terms of maturity, experience etc. He KNEW what he was doing was illegal and he got caught. He deserves to go down, especially as he abused a position of trust.

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the law is no different for teachers than any other man but if your child was sent to school and you found out she was going out with the teacher i think the beretta will be coming out

16 year old is still a child and that is legal but with her teacher is still wrong but 15 with any man is illegal

as he is in a position of trust its all over as far as i am conserned

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the law is no different for teachers than any other man but if your child was sent to school and you found out she was going out with the teacher i think the beretta will be coming out

16 year old is still a child and that is legal but with her teacher is still wrong but 15 with any man is illegal

as he is in a position of trust its all over as far as i am conserned

I don't disagree with the verdict or punishment - but everyone should be equal under the law. Why aren't the fathers of15 year old mothers in prison?

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I don't disagree with the verdict or punishment - but everyone should be equal under the law. Why aren't the fathers of15 year old mothers in prison?

cos, they dont know who the hell they are, a lot of the time. Believe it or not, there is no legal requirement to put a father on a birth certificate. Liberalism, dont you just love it? :no:

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The Law is different for teachers, there is a specific offence of abuse of trust where one can be tried even if the child is 16 or 17.


S16 Abuse of a position of trust: Sexual activity with a child

Case law example,


R v Wilson [2007] EWCA 2762 D 31 of previous good character formed a relationship with a 17 year old pupil at a college where he was a student teacher. Some months into it the defendant realised it was illegal and the following month V ended it. It was accepted he did not groom or corrupt the victim who was already sexually experienced. It was accepted he would not work in teaching again. Unbeknown to the Judge he had formed a relationship with a mature woman who was expecting their child. HELD: The guidelines are not rigid. A Judge must do justice to a particular offender and a particular case. Given these factors the court took what they described as a merciful course 6 months instead of 10.


That being said he was only charged with one count of abduction which leaves me wondering why, what happened to the sexual activity...perhaps she refused to complain.

She also stood up for him and said sorry as he was found guilty....there is more to all this than we will know.

Edited by Sprackles
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Indeed it is. Paedophilia, legally speaking has to involve a pre-pubescent child which in this case she clearly isn't.


It appears that the following applies: Technically the 15 year old is unable to legally give consent to sex. Sex without consent is the basic definition of rape. So in the eyes of the law the 16+ year old has committed 2 offences. Rape and sex with a minor.



That's incorrect, in the eyes of the law a 15 year old can consent but it is still unlawful.

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This is a difficult case but he had to realise this would only ever end badly. He actually appears to be the victim in all this but that doesn't change the fact that he should have known better and maintained some self control.


However my friend Phil who is a retired teacher says this is not new. Its always gone on and worse than now. The only difference is years ago it all got hushed up. A bit like all the other scandals involving children it appears.

Edited by Vince Green
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That's incorrect, in the eyes of the law a 15 year old can consent but it is still unlawful.


I stand corrected, deeper digging has revealed the threshold to be 13 years of age, under that and it's statutory rape. So what is the offence in this case?

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I know that when I started my job at the secondary school I and everyone else working at the school was given a form to sign stating that we would not become involved with anyone below the age of 18 whether they are at that school or not, don't know if alls schools do this.

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An ex neighbour of mine was investigated for a relationship he was having with a friends sister in the village. He was in his mid-thirties and she was 14 when they started dating. They had a child when she was 15 and moved in together. The bloke was a complete **** and the relationship tore the rest of the family apart.


Alas, he was never charged, despite the kid being the obvious evidence. Nout as strange as the law. Or village life for that matter.


If my 15 year old daughter ran off with a teacher he'd better not let me catch him.

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