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How to get rid of a wasps nest?

remy 700

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I'd refrain from pesticides & poisons, why not instead donate it to the local caravan club - as I hear they're quite into nature studies & looking after the environment - just take it along to the nearest site & an overarm lob will get your donation flying towards a worthy cause


Take photos of the results - you may get an Arts Council grant or funding for a new C4 series

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I'd refrain from pesticides & poisons, why not instead donate it to the local caravan club - as I hear they're quite into nature studies & looking after the environment - just take it along to the nearest site & an overarm lob will get your donation flying towards a worthy cause


Take photos of the results - you may get an Arts Council grant or funding for a new C4 series


That's the best suggestion yet!!!! :good:

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Place a brick at the foot of the tree with the hollow of the brick uppermost.


Put some granulated sugar in the hollow of the brick.


Mix some ground black pepper in with the sugar.


When the wasps go to get the sugar thay will sneeze and smash their heads on the brick.


Sweep up dead wasps. :good:

Best answer so far.... :lol:



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Fantastic replies , off for a copy of the guardian and some eley wasps 22 or 177 , what range can i take em out at , and what choke? Oh and cheers to arnie boy for offering to come out and sort em , cheers (now I know I have a can of lynx somewhere!)

Edited by remy 700
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Fantastic replies , off for a copy of the guardian and some eley wasps 22 or 177 , what range can i take em out at , and what choke? Oh and cheers to arnie boy for offering to come out and sort em , cheers (now I know I have a can of lynx somewhere!)

Go with .22 as they will impart more energy and less chance of a flyer :lol: ,keep your range sensible out to 100yds is good,anything beyond that the hmr is capable of taking them down up to about 704yds,if you get a few consider skinning them,they make a great talking point waist coat. :good:

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Fantastic replies , off for a copy of the guardian and some eley wasps 22 or 177 , what range can i take em out at , and what choke? Oh and cheers to arnie boy for offering to come out and sort em , cheers (now I know I have a can of lynx somewhere!)

If you shoot them one at a time with the .177 wasps from the bedroom window you should be rid of them in a couple of months. :whistling:

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Get a can of something flammable and make a flamethrower to get rid of it. But try not to set your tree, garden, house or neighbour's house on fire in the process.


You could also buy some fireworks and fire them at the nest. But I'm not sure you'd have a safe backstop there. How high up is the nest?




But seriously, I'd go down to a garden centre of agricultural supplies store and see what they have. Have a look around and you should find something for wasps.

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I used rentokill foam nest destroyer , the ones outside the nest were not amused , it says to spray from 12ft so i tried 2 inches , now I understand the 12ft is to give you a head start on the evil blighters that seem to know exactly what you are upto! Thanks for the humerous coments.

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Fantastic replies , off for a copy of the guardian and some eley wasps 22 or 177 , what range can i take em out at , and what choke? Oh and cheers to arnie boy for offering to come out and sort em , cheers (now I know I have a can of lynx somewhere!)

I think you should bring it to Catton rifle shoot and we could run a comp to see who could shoot the most wasps at 170 yds with a 17hmr :yahoo:

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