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This time it's personal.

English archer

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Remember me saying in the other thread that one of our neighbours runs a scrap metal business from her house?


Well on the way back from the school run, guess what I saw her passing through her rear gate to her boyfriend.


Now this probably wasn't the wisest move of the year, but I immediately got on the phone to the police, and gave there details, and the reg of the van, this led to me getting a bit of a kicking.




The worst bit was, when it was all over, the police seemed proud that our property had been recovered.

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Hopefully, the police will at least warn them off and you shouldn't have any more trouble with them.

Don't leave anything unsecured that you don't want to go walkies and try to get a move ASAP.

All kids outdoor toys are now stored elsewhere.


Were they not arrested?

No, she can't remember which "neighbour" gave it her to dispose of, and he surrendered it to the police when they said it was stolen.

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If they know that you shoot it may be wise to get your guns legally moved out of your possession before they call the police and pretend that you threatened them with them.

I only have air rifles, and pistols, but again, they are now secured in another location.


Plus they will all be for sale to aid a bond and deposit fund, we have decided the only way to get to live somewhere nice, is to rent privately, as we can then move from social housing, and find a better area

Edited by English archer
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Iv only just read this and feel gutted I didn't contribute. Amazing thread and makes you have a little more faith in humans. Everyone banding togeather to help a fellow family. Spot on chaps ;)

You could always give us £1000 to help towards a bond, deposit, and moving fees.


Only joking, for anyone that still feels they want to contribute, please feel free to make a donation to the RNIB, or a charity of your choice.


Again thank you to all that have donated.

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Jesus, sorry to hear. Perhaps we have a show of force and get a load of us to meet at your place and just show these scummers how big your circle actually is. No need to do anything other than meet for a cup of tea at your house..

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Hey guys, lets not sound like a load of thugs here, we're all responsible adults here,a crime has been done and it's been rectified - English Archers daughter is happy again and that's what matters the most...

Happy shooting chaps :-)

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Remember me saying in the other thread that one of our neighbours runs a scrap metal business from her house?


Well on the way back from the school run, guess what I saw her passing through her rear gate to her boyfriend.


Now this probably wasn't the wisest move of the year, but I immediately got on the phone to the police, and gave there details, and the reg of the van, this led to me getting a bit of a kicking.




The worst bit was, when it was all over, the police seemed proud that our property had been recovered.

their really are some pond scum wasting our oxygen in this world!! i hope your ok and not too badly knocked about? hope fully they will get charged (or am i just kidding myself?) do they live in rented accommodation? if so can you get them evicted? gotta giggle at the old bill thinking they have some thing to be proud of for getting your go kart back? i also thought you have to have a license from the enviroment agency to operate some where for scrap?


Failing that can we not have a Pigeon watch eviction party where 4 coach loads of us turn up and help your neighbours in their "decision" to leave the neighbourhood?? :whistling:

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