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Online pornography to be blocked automatically, PM to announce


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Typical governments - just dive right in full throttle. There will be huge pushback from the industry - not because they do not want to lock porn, but because what they are proposing will be cumbersome, if not impossible to fully implement.


Why not start softly and just offer a filter at te IP or DNS level. I suspect most parents will go for it.

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Of course, the protection of children must be paramount, however, I don't trust any of our politicians. What may be introduced under the banner of 'child protection' will soon be employed for its true purpose.

'Prevention of terrorism', 'Prevention of crime', 'Prevention of the illegal importation of endangered Pink Gooflangle Lillies' will all follow as the gummint becomes more and more desperate to control the masses and secure their positions and use catch-all terms to justify interference in everything.


The other thing is, how many other legal searches will get prevented by the filters and how long before the term 'firearms' gets added?


As others have said, put the effort into smashing the producers.

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it says you can still chose to have it, the filters can be turned off, it just means you have to admit to being a porn surfer. as for stopping bad things not sure its really workable the net is global not just in the uk. just the other day we had a chap from here in china asking for ways he could view content the chinese banned (think it was youtube) and within 5 mins he was sorted.

Edited by overandunder2012
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it says you can still chose to have it, the filters can be turned off, it just means you have to admit to being a porn surfer


As well as using Child Protection as a banner the politicians are famous for dressing up unpopular policies as 'giving us a choice'


Once it became clear that everything privatised was going to cost three to five times more then they stopped saying that it would save the taxpayer money and, instead, told us it would give us a choice.

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i think its more about votes than actually cleaning up the net its going to take ages if ever so its got longevity as a vote winner. it is however a little worrying that should they achieve it what else would they chose to filter, my money starts with wikileaks as the number 1 :lol: two things i do agree with cameron on is that it should be harder for children to view porn and they should make efforts to stop child porn on the net it will be a uphill battle if the uk still wants to be seen as a free country as to do this filters are inevitable. they also may underestimate children, at my daughters school all the kids used proxy servers to get round the schools internet security, theres some smart kids out there.

Edited by overandunder2012
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When I moved to virgin I had to phone and have the adult filter dropped as I could not look at the gun list on swillington shooting supplies hope this don't happen again, will they place a adult filter on for everything as in this case or just for porn , if its for everything a lot of sites will not be accessible :( I for one will have it removed if I can't access shooting sites gun lists etc ...

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i don't think this will reduce porn access for teenage boys who want it (IE: nearly all of them). there will be reams of porn already out there, it will just get shared between smart phones / laptops, under the radar of ISP's. (a modern day version of the well thumbed copy of readers wives that used to circulate at my school!).


i totally agree with restricting child abuse searches, images and hosting sites, they should put the extra resource into policing and investigating this instead of trying a blanket approach.


The idea of asking to have porn from your ISP sounds great, but i bet a lot of men will not be wanting to tell the wife / girlfriend they want it! not me of course... :ninja: :ninja: :innocent:

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I don't really see the point in this, if parents don't want their child looking at porn their is plenty of software out their what blocks websites etc. How are the government going to decide what websites are blocked? Their are millions upon millions. It will cost millions to implement... Does this also mean their going to block other pages like lacs etc as these show gory images etc they need to concentrate on the real issues... Not if some teenager wants to see a pair of tits...

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I don't really see the point in this, if parents don't want their child looking at porn their is plenty of software out their what blocks websites etc. How are the government going to decide what websites are blocked? Their are millions upon millions. It will cost millions to implement... Does this also mean their going to block other pages like lacs etc as these show gory images etc they need to concentrate on the real issues... Not if some teenager wants to see a pair of tits...

To be fair, it is difficult to block. ISP's could do a lot more - and easily. Installing software on each device is futile as each device may have a different operating system - then you have guests/friends who visit. You need to filter at the router or even before it hits your router. I just configured a neighbours router to use the OpenDNS filtering nameservers. It is free, works from a single point covering all devices in the home regardless of operating system. I'm at a loss of words as to why ISP's don't offer this. It woud be a real boon to parents. Their lack of initiative in this area has led to this blunt instrument of a do postal from government.

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its just a feeble attempt at vote winning, it won't stop kids being exploited will it? more like a sweeping it under the carpet and as the above person said a VPN network would bypass it anyway so if you where driven enought o want to view such content it wouldn't take a Nasa scientist to get around it lol

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The PM has just been on JV show and it's usual 'just an idea with very little detail but look, we've got to do something so we're talking to the companies'. :rolleyes:


Pretty pointless announcement in my opinion.

Edited by KFC
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The PM has just been on JV show and it's usual 'just an idea with very little detail but look, we've got to do something so we're talking to the companies'. :rolleyes:


Pretty pointless announcement in my opinion.


i listened to that - i think it will fall down when the reality of the practical issues come to fruition. what a waste of bloody time!

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