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Traffic warden madness


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I live in a village with a population of around 200, of which 35 are at the primary school. This morning taking my two kids too school there stood 2 traffic wardens with handheld computer ticket machines ready to jump, as it goes there are no double yellow lines in the village, there are only zigzag lines by the school gates, who the hell told them to stand and wait at the gates waiting for people to park on the zigzags, its nuts waist of time pluss they got some crappy insults of the moms lol I carnt understand as there are no on going parking issues at the school as its a clear rd and everyone parks on the verges there would be no need to go onto the zig zag lines, well theres my rant cheers

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Just because it's a small village, that doesn't give the residents the right to ignore regulations. This has gone on at a LOT of schools, due to lazy and inconsiderate parents stopping on the zig zags to drop off and pick up their kids. Anyone who does it DESERVES a ticket.

did I or did I not say no one parks on the zig zag lines ?? I just carnt understand why they were there for that purpose you arrogant man

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did I or did I not say no one parks on the zig zag lines ?? I just carnt understand why they were there for that purpose you arrogant man

I beg to differ! I am not arrogant at all, and feel rather saddened that YOU think I am. Surely there has to have been some incident of, or report of inappropriate parking practice for the enforcement officers to attend. As for my comment about people who park inconsiderately, I stand by that! reguardless of sounding arrogant or not! Parents are the first to moan about child safety, but then seem to ignore the very restrictions that are put into place to protect them. That is arrogance! :yes:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Have seen two run ins over two consecutive mornings over ignorant parking, happy for PCSOs, wardens or police to enforce any regs.


It's a problem mother with a new younger boyfriend who insists on parking down a narrow street blocking residents in. The school have asked specifically that people do not park there and send staff out to monitor it. The mother claims she has to park there as if she parks further away, the other mums bully her.


None of the other mums want to talk to her after she stalked a new mum last summer. Her child sadly is losing out as due to no parental discipline, he is disruptive in class.

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Lord Geordie - your posts to date show you to be anything but arrogant. I agree with your posts - I thought the original post was unclear. :good::good:


Traffic wardens do not turn up in pairs if there was nothing to see. In a village with no yellow lines at all, just why else would they attend?

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I have to echo a lot of the above, if there is no problems then there's no worry. only people with issues need worry.


i take the kids to school every morning, and every morning i wish i was a warden, it is stupid what some people will do just to get a meter closer to the school gates.





yes that car is parked.

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I live in a village with a population of around 200, of which 35 are at the primary school. This morning taking my two kids too school there stood 2 traffic wardens with handheld computer ticket machines ready to jump, as it goes there are no double yellow lines in the village, there are only zigzag lines by the school gates, who the hell told them to stand and wait at the gates waiting for people to park on the zigzags, its nuts waist of time pluss they got some crappy insults of the moms lol I carnt understand as there are no on going parking issues at the school as its a clear rd and everyone parks on the verges there would be no need to go onto the zig zag lines, well theres my rant cheers



They make money out of it..... easy prey

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I too live near a small village, and it is plagued by the drop off and scoot mob.


Only they don't drop and scoot - they park their cars to make a quick dash (i.e. park anywhere) and then see a mate and stop to have an urgent chat.....


The cobbled village street doesn't have double yellow lines due to the visual effect, but there are clear signs not to park.


The village pub used to allow mums to park on their car park, but they made such a mess of parking that this privilege was withdrawn by the pub.

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Lord Geordie - your posts to date show you to be anything but arrogant. I agree with your posts - I thought the original post was unclear. :good::good:


Traffic wardens do not turn up in pairs if there was nothing to see. In a village with no yellow lines at all, just why else would they attend?


+1 :good:

Just because the OP has not seen any idiots parking on the zig zag lines does not mean that anyone else had not.

They were there for a reason - child safety and to catch idiots who adopt the 'I'm only dropping off' attitude !



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A few years ago whilst walking back from dropping my boys off at primary school something whacked my hand. I soon realised it was a wing mirror of a car being driven half on the road half on the pavement by a woman trying to get closer to the school to drop her kids off!

Speaking of getting closer! There was a Woman who's kids went to the same school as mine. I live over 1/2 a mile from said school and used to walk it. She lived 50 meters away and She uses her CAR to take the kids :blink:


I saw this in Norfolk too. A chap took his van not 150 yards to the paper shop and back???????

Edited by Lord Geordie
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On my way home from an early morning cleaning job I encounter the school run at a junior school.


A member of staff waves in one car at a time to stop on the zig-zags and unload the kids. meanwhile there's a queue of cars waiting to drive onto the zig-zag. Parents on their mobiles while driving with a car full of kids or crossing the road with pushchair and kids hanging off it.

With junctions only a few yards away and work traffic using the same route then it's only a matter of time before a nasty accident.


I'd like to see a PCSO for all the mobile phone users.

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I too live near a school and have complained about people parking on the zig says only to be told by the council that its ok to drop kids off using/parking on the zig zags! Its funny , now and then a traffic police car parks up nearby and everyone parks so well and within the law.

Go on fixmystreet.com and put your complaint in with them, a copy goes direct to your council .

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