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Some Days You Have to do as they Ask.

pigeon controller

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Friday saw us heading for the bean stubble as we had seen combines working in the week. When we arrived at the first farm we checked the stubble and it had a good head of birds coming from two directions . As it was an easterly wind it would be difficult to shoot as when the predominant wind is a westerly we have lots of cover to chose from with it as it is we would have to set up from a single tree and shoot side on. We drove into the farm full of expectation to be greeted with the farmer talking to his shepherd, we waited till they finish and asked for permission . The farmer said that as they were shooting the ducks on Saturday he had been asked to keep all shooters off the farm so he asked us not to shoot , so we agreed and started looking. We drove to a thirty acre field of bean stubble on another farm and found five birds down and none joining. We watched it for ten minutes none joined so off we went. As we were buying our sarnies my phone went and it was a farmer who sked us if we were shooting . Now this farmer is one of the few who will ring if he has a problem so we like to turn out and help him , so we drove to the farm to be confronted with a seed field with about two hundred crows on it . As we watched the field the farmer came up to us and said I'm glad you've turned up as I phoned my other shooters and they said that they were busy, will you shoot these crows as they are picking up all of my seed. Now DB is not the greatest fan of crow shooting so it was with a heavy heart that we agreed to stop and shoot as at least he had phoned us . We knew from expierience that on this farm one shot and they fly away not to return . We set up with twelve thawed pigeon on spikes , we had no crows with us so we started blowing the Primos after about ten minutes one crow came near and paid the price . The farm next door started to combine his spring rape and this disturbed a few pigeon which gave us some good sport while we waited for the crows. At the end of the day we picked up 69 Pigeons and 18 crows so we were the highest paid scarecrows in the midlands, but we did what he asked .


Saturday saw us scratching our heads as to where to start looking . One of DB fishing mates had told him that he had seen some birds at the back of a local pub ( I mean pigeons ) so we headed off in that direction. We parked up in a gate way and whatched the field , not impressed we moved on.As we drove through one of the local villages we spotted some birds making for a rape stubble field it had about fifty birds down and more in the trees, so we popped the the farm and got the OK we drove the field to spook them and waited after tweny minutes none returned so we moved on. As the time was getting on we went back to the bean stuble that we had looked at on Friday, this was a thirty acre field it had twenty birds on it and we spooked them off and waited . In five minutes twelve birds returned so I phoned the farmer he said carry on but informed me that he had bought another thirty acre field which at present was bean stubble and he was going to work it Monday , so we went to find this new land when we did it was devoid of birds so we drove back. We set up with the wind off our backs with twelve thawed birds, ten on spikes and two on the magnet. The birds returned well with some committing to the decoys and others spooking just clear of the edge of the pattern, we tried changing the shape . no magnet , added angels etc, the main help was a shooter in the distance behind us who kept sending us birds after he shot. This may be why they were spooked when they came to our decoys. At approx 16.00 a Landrover came across the field so I left my gun in the hide with DB and approached the driver. he was the brother of the farmer and I recognised him , he asked if we could stop shooting as they had a wedding reception in the village hall and our shots were very loud due to the easterly wind. I agreed and we started to pack up . We ended the day with 137 pigeons and we had complied with all the requests this weekend.







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ye the usual stuff for you pc,good planning and shooting again,can i ask do you shoot in the same hide as DB or do you have an hide each,cheers simon,,,

We shoot side by side in the same hide with a seperater between us and take it in turns to shoot. This allows us to look different ways and finish off wounded or pricked birds. We then share the flasks and the banter. We also have a hide language ie a Tall one meaning high in front we also pick points on the horizon ie the ash tree , church or house this allows us to tell the other one which direction the birds are coming from. We have an empathy that we have developed over twenty four years of shooting together. DB loves high crossers and he will anticipate me saying " Your Bird" and he will take the shot where as I will take the low pairs as a Double Tap.

This system works well for us and we never cross barrels with our hide discipline .

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We shoot side by side in the same hide with a seperater between us and take it in turns to shoot. This allows us to look different ways and finish off wounded or pricked birds. We then share the flasks and the banter. We also have a hide language ie a Tall one meaning high in front we also pick points on the horizon ie the ash tree , church or house this allows us to tell the other one which direction the birds are coming from. We have an empathy that we have developed over twenty four years of shooting together. DB loves high crossers and he will anticipate me saying " Your Bird" and he will take the shot where as I will take the low pairs as a Double Tap.

This system works well for us and we never cross barrels with our hide discipline .

ye fair play PC,me and driller have shot together around 12 years and after years of us together you learn a sequence the same,we have do's and turns,but if flocks come in i start at the right and him from the left and work our way to the middle,some times we can drop four in one flock,also none ha ha,but over years you do work together,its only when you sit with some one else that you realise how harder it is,not as its a bad thing just certain folk shoot certain ways.atb simon....

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