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I did'nt get to where I am today .....


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A woman where I worked has just been done for benefit fraud, £44,000 in total...


She got a £350 fine and on a tag for 6 months..


Bit of a let off in my opinion..

she would probably have to work for 18 months to earn that does she have to pay it back or has she had a result so to speak?

Edited by overandunder2012
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A woman where I worked has just been done for benefit fraud, £44,000 in total...


She got a £350 fine and on a tag for 6 months..


Bit of a let off in my opinion..

problem is you cant fine them what they cant pay, and they are not going to be locked up because we cant afford to lock people up simple as, not saying its right or wrong just pointing out the fact that magistrates hands are well and truly tied.




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She was sacked stright away so I didn't see her...but been told she has to only pay the fine at a small amount each week...


Why would she have been sacked for fiddling benefits ?. Rather a vindictive employer ,as fiddling benefits seem to be a national pass time among some in this country .


Harnser .

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There's a lot of people taking offence here when they don't need to, there are the genuinely unfortunate people who end up out of work through no fault of there own and struggle to find work. But there is a massive amount of people who don't want to work, never have and never will work.


I was out of work for a year after being made redundant, I was only out of work for that length of time because I have a mortgage and needed to find a job to match my out goings. All these career unemployed who live in council or housing association houses could easily take these lower paid jobs as they would still get their rent paid but earn more than the dole.


Everyone moans about the migrant workers 'taking our jobs' but the jobs are there to be taken by people willing to do them. I worked in various factories when I first left school and yeah there repetitive and boring but it was a job. Now factories are full of immigrants and the job center is full of layabouts.


I'd rather we stopped the migrant influx, cut benefits and forced people back into working in these jobs. I think the vouchers idea is brilliant but it should be vouchers for essentials and nothing more, if you want more earn it!

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Free housing, No council tax, Meals for your kids in school and money in your pcket for 30 hours work a week! Hell yes. I don't see why so many people refer to it as slave labour? In effect you have a JOB and are getting paid more per hour than NMW when you work out the housing and council tax benefits alone are over £110 per week here. then add the cash element and other benefits! Thats still more than NMW.




Absolutely nail on the head,


The scroungers / uneducated should jump at the chance , I would if I wasn't skilled/ qualified, what are they all moaning about,


You have put into words what I was thinking mate,





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Indeed, you either work or train for work. It should hopefully break the cycle!!!

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all baloney and he knows it hence he can say it, there never will be again an all con men govt



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I havent read this thread fully ( as i cant be chuffing *****) but one thing i would say is that the opportunities for youngsters today do not exist like they did for the auld duffers who's wayward acts effectively ****ed this country up.


You had your rebellion, your rock and roll, your recreational pharmacy and now your surprised that the youth of the country is on its ****? What the **** did you stupid ***** think would happen? Your generation bore the ones that followed. Man up and face up to the fact that whilst the sixties yielded some great nostalgia programmes they also unleashed a world of ****.


I would hate to be a sixteen year old going out into this world. Everything has moved on, if you ain't semi bright or tech savvy, you have had it.


Granted opportunities still exist but the competition is overwhelming.


Stick your beatles on the the radiogram and leave us alone to clear up your mess.

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I havent read this thread fully ( as i cant be chuffing *****) but one thing i would say is that the opportunities for youngsters today do not exist like they did for the auld duffers who's wayward acts effectively ****** this country up.


You had your rebellion, your rock and roll, your recreational pharmacy and now your surprised that the youth of the country is on its ****? What the **** did you stupid ***** think would happen? Your generation bore the ones that followed. Man up and face up to the fact that whilst the sixties yielded some great nostalgia programmes they also unleashed a world of ****.


I would hate to be a sixteen year old going out into this world. Everything has moved on, if you ain't semi bright or tech savvy, you have had it.


Granted opportunities still exist but the competition is overwhelming.


Stick your beatles on the the radiogram and leave us alone to clear up your mess.

Rob....you can never find a local mod when you need one...





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Rob....you can never find a local mod when you need one...





Ha ha, obviously theres a hint of troll in my post but a grain of truth also. The lamentable state of play that this wonderful nation is in has to be at least partially attributable to the uber cool dudes that stuck two fingers up at their folks that had just fought their way through the second world war.

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Ha ha, obviously theres a hint of troll in my post but a grain of truth also. The lamentable state of play that this wonderful nation is in has to be at least partially attributable to the uber cool dudes that stuck two fingers up at their folks that had just fought their way through the second world war.


A post that confirms that I ain't young enough to know everything. After all, I lived through it, 6 of us in a 2 up, 2 down,with my parents sleeping on a bed settee in the 'living room'. The toilet down the yard and a bath taken in a tin bath with the door of the gas cooker open to keep warm.


You obviously know sod all about nowt.


Before you rush to print read your history books, not the drivel that the mass media spout out.

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he has a point

Lord Geordie made the original point, which I copied because I totally agree with him but I couldn't be ***** writing it all out, if you were on the NMW you would be worse off so why are all the workshy moaning,





Edited by flynny
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