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Hi gents,

Sprained a facet joint in my spine a couple of years ago and have suffered to varying degrees with sciatica ever since.


It's pretty bad at the minute so wondered if anyone had any tips on how to ease it without resorting to my usual co-codamol/tramadol and neproxen. I've tried hot water bottles but they seem to ease it whilst there on but aggravate it overall, Physio helps but too expensive at £35 for 45mins.


How do you guys deal with it?



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Nothing has ever helped me. no pain killers, copious amounts of cider or physio.

When its bad its a horrible dull ache all the way down into my foot.

The only way for me to get any relief is to squat keeping a straight back. I guess it just takes pressure of the nerve. Only helps while I am doing it though.

Hope you find something.


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i had it once a few years ago i s... myself i thought i had broke my back.. i only lifted my leg to put my camo's on and that was it...since then its always been a bit touchy ... but i stared to walk to work and all pain went no touchy moments when you think its going to go...it was 3 mile there 3 back a lost weight and had no back issues for two years.... i now drive to work and yes its back again... i think the key is to work it......i will walk again in the winter :yes::yes:

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Have a look at this link.




The Mackenzie exercise helped me immensely when I had sciatica due to herniated discs.


Hi gents,
Sprained a facet joint in my spine a couple of years ago and have suffered to varying degrees with sciatica ever since.

It's pretty bad at the minute so wondered if anyone had any tips on how to ease it without resorting to my usual co-codamol/tramadol and neproxen. I've tried hot water bottles but they seem to ease it whilst there on but aggravate it overall, Physio helps but too expensive at £35 for 45mins.

How do you guys deal with it?


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Nothing has ever helped me. no pain killers, copious amounts of cider or physio.

When its bad its a horrible dull ache all the way down into my foot.

The only way for me to get any relief is to squat keeping a straight back. I guess it just takes pressure of the nerve. Only helps while I am doing it though.

Hope you find something.


Mines the same it's bloody purgatory! On a daily basis it's just out into my hip and it just about bearable but at the minute it's down into my lower leg/calf and my foot feels almost numb, high doses of painkillers take the edge off it but I can't take them at work as I virtually need to knock my self out to get any real relief.


Squatting also helps mine but as you say only whilst actually squatting, anyone tried acupuncture?

Have a look at this link.




The Mackenzie exercise helped me immensely when I had sciatica due to herniated discs.


Thanks for that I'll have to have a proper look later as I'm at work but sounds positive, do you still suffer?

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Yes, I have had acupuncture as part of the physio treatment I had for a second herniated disc in 2007/08. IMO it helped along with the physio and the exercises that I linked to.


Squatting provides relief because it opens the vertebra and releases the pressure on the sciatic nerves, and is one of the things that the Mackenzie exercises are built around.


Mines the same it's bloody purgatory! On a daily basis it's just out into my hip and it just about bearable but at the minute it's down into my lower leg/calf and my foot feels almost numb, high doses of painkillers take the edge off it but I can't take them at work as I virtually need to knock my self out to get any real relief.

Squatting also helps mine but as you say only whilst actually squatting, anyone tried acupuncture?

Thanks for that I'll have to have a proper look later as I'm at work but sounds positive, do you still suffer?

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I found which ever side it's on deep massage to the side of that butt cheek takes it down a lot and getting my foot hooked under something and stretching pulling against pelvis.


Mine is caused by the deep muscle in bum cheek cramping up to varying degrees and pinching the nerve. If I don't do anything it starts a vicious circle of pain.


Had a bout niggling for a few weeks now.


Ill have a look at the Mackenzie excersise.




Edited by figgy
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Acupuncture would certainly help your situation Figgy.


I found which ever side it's on deep massage to the side of that butt cheek takes it down a lot and getting my foot hooked under something and stretching pulling against pelvis.

Mine is caused by the deep muscle in bum cheek cramping up to varying degrees and pinching the nerve. If I don't do anything it starts a vicious circle of pain.

Had a bout niggling for a few weeks now.


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Whenever I read this sort of stuff my heart goes out to those who are suffering in this way. It's not just the physical pain but the mental torture that goes with it it seems.


My mother had it when she was 83 and all she said was that the pain was so bad that she wanted to die. It was with her for over a year and now it has gone and she is a human being again (well almost).

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It can be relentless JDog, stops you doing a lot of things. I had 26 months of it the first time until I had the disc removed and vertebra fused.


Whenever I read this sort of stuff my heart goes out to those who are suffering in this way. It's not just the physical pain but the mental torture that goes with it it seems.


My mother had it when she was 83 and all she said was that the pain was so bad that she wanted to die. It was with her for over a year and now it has gone and she is a human being again (well almost).

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Buy a tens machine, rest, as well as anti inflammatory and pain killers had it on my 3 rd lumbar for 10 yrs might only come on every couple of years depending when I try and do stupid things, but until you get the muscles to relax away from the nerve your going to be in pain, the tens m/c relaxes the muscle better than anything.

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I have had it for 15 years and had a discectomy 10 years ago that made no improvement at all, as the sciatic nerve was already too damaged.

Nothing seems to help it and I won't take strong painkillers.

A glass of tonic water in the evening stops the night cramps, but all the exercises, physios and osteopaths have made no difference at all (apart from lightening my wallet).

I am now firmly of the opinion that want can't be cured has to be endured.

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Jeez, you have my empathy Cranfield.


When I had my discectomy in 2000 I was told that the procedure had an 80% success rate.


I have had it for 15 years and had a discectomy 10 years ago that made no improvement at all, as the sciatic nerve was already too damaged.

Nothing seems to help it and I won't take strong painkillers.

A glass of tonic water in the evening stops the night cramps, but all the exercises, physios and osteopaths have made no difference at all (apart from lightening my wallet).

I am now firmly of the opinion that want can't be cured has to be endured.

Edited by Penelope
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I have just had my disectomy, best thing I ever done, no pain except for the operation itself, after spending 10 months unable to walk and sleeping on the floor. I was told by my surgeon no amount of physio will help my ruptured disc. and the painkillers are dreadful I got very addicted to tramadol, diazapam and Codien and had a dreadful time getting off them. iv just had staples out. am going to do a thread at some point on it


all I can say to u is keep stretching doing the home exercises every morning and hope it eases off. I also used loads of ice packs most nights and that seemed to help .

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I too suffer with Sciatica, it's the dull ache in my leg that gets me down. I am lucky, in that mine only hurts when I'm stood up, so get some relief when sat down, and have no pain when laid down. I was given diclofenac which stopped working after a while, then was given annatriptalin (Sp) these worked very well, but didn't want to continue due to the side effects.


To help with the pain, I do stretches (The first one on this page - http://www.moore-chiropractic.com/sciatica-stretches.html ) everyday and do a pilates DVD each week, and both seem to help. I also use Biofreeze gel rubbed on the base of my spine and leg, that seems to help at times and ice packs on my spine too.


Infra-red lamp, never used that - I will get one and give it a go.





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Hi gents,

Sprained a facet joint in my spine a couple of years ago and have suffered to varying degrees with sciatica ever since.


It's pretty bad at the minute so wondered if anyone had any tips on how to ease it without resorting to my usual co-codamol/tramadol and neproxen. I've tried hot water bottles but they seem to ease it whilst there on but aggravate it overall, Physio helps but too expensive at £35 for 45mins.


How do you guys deal with it?



Has your GP recommended Facet Joint Injections. I've had 6 but have done nothing but I do know of some people where they have worked wonders.

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Has your GP recommended Facet Joint Injections. I've had 6 but have done nothing but I do know of some people where they have worked wonders.

No I've never heard of them. I'm hoping the whole exercise and stretching will do the trick, but if not I'll ask about them. Normally when I've been to my GP he just wants to write me a prescription and sign me off which I refuse. I can't afford to not work and don't want to live on painkillers which barely work so thought I'd try find an alternative.


Thanks for the replies gents hope you all get sorted out

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No I've never heard of them. I'm hoping the whole exercise and stretching will do the trick, but if not I'll ask about them. Normally when I've been to my GP he just wants to write me a prescription and sign me off which I refuse. I can't afford to not work and don't want to live on painkillers which barely work so thought I'd try find an alternative.


Thanks for the replies gents hope you all get sorted out

There not nice but if they work for you it doesn't matter.

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have had facet joint injections in the past,

I believe they are corti costeroid based and take a while to have some effect and last to a varying degree.


had a year off work with Sciatica and a yea roff my face on tramadol and Pregabalin and other stuff, Got so fed up of the effects of the drugs I decided to give them up and get back to living, around the same time I started to go swimming once or twice a week, also experimented with sleeping positions and pillow or cushion under either side of my hip/pelvis, all of which has helped.

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