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how long has it been a offence to walk to your permission


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Wow what a drama, cops got it wrong.


I guess no one here ever makes a mistake?





It is very simple, illiterately makes it hard to read the letter of the law. Since you feel the need to announce you chosen profession you should represent yourself in a manner than is indicative of your ability to carry it out in a professional manner.



Its illiteracy by the way.




Edited by Muddy Funker
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So many of you are all hanging off every word of the original post as though it was Gospel, how many posts are simply a précis of the facts presented in a personally biased manner, I am making no accusations here, it is simply human nature that we are all prone too.


If the OP is 100% accurate it appears the police have uttered words they have no legal right to enforce, somewhat like much of the drivel that comes out of the mouth of your local FEO! :good:

Edited by Dekers
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Another one who has not read all of the posts.

Originally the poster referred to his lad and I posted a section of the firearms act which related to young people having the right to carry a shotgun in public but it must be covered.

The OP then amended his post to declare his son was 19 so that section of the act did not apply.

Do put your glasses on old boy and don't assume like so many on here

Sorry for confusion what I meant was the law does not say an adult must have a gun covered in a public place as far as I know ?
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"Evening, Son."

"Hello, Officer."

"what's in the bag,then?"

"A shotgun."

"Can I see?"

"Of course."


"Yep, SGC and also FAC."

"Got the SGC with you/"


"I think I,m going to have to take this as I'm not sure about it without the licence. All being well, you can get it back tomorrow when we can check and you can produce the licence. Hang on, who's this?"


More police arrive.


"OK, Lad, all seems well but I'm not too happy with you carrying it in the streets on your own. It's obvious what it is and I'm thinking of your safety should someone decide that they'd like to relieve you of it. Not a good idea, you'd be better off getting a lift. Jump in the car and we'll take you home."


Utopia - and it doesn't exist.


Long gone are the days when I could carry mine, uncased and open over my arm, passing the post office and bank and on the way back propping it in the corner of the bar while I had a quick pint, all with no one turning a hair.

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Long gone are the days when I could carry mine, uncased and open over my arm, passing the post office and bank and on the way back propping it in the corner of the bar while I had a quick pint, all with no one turning a hair.

Mainly because people kept using them to rob post offices and banks.

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the point he is making is that, you could walk down the street with a gun and nobody took any notice, like we used to,now people are so affraid of guns we dont stand a chance o look there is a man with a gun lets call the police,when im on the family farms in michigan,we can still do this,carry guns in the open, nobody takes any notice,still good old days over there.

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So you are a police officer.

It is funny how reluctant most of you are to admit your profession.



It is very simple, illiterately makes it hard to read the letter of the law. Since you feel the need to announce you chosen profession you should represent yourself in a manner than is indicative of your ability to carry it out in a professional manner.


Funny you know, but I was completely aware that Ginger Cat was a copper, he said so very early on in his PW career, he has again in this thread as he has in many others, so I see no reluctance from this particular copper. To be fair, I'd be reluctant to 'come out' on here with so many muppets constantly police bashing.


As far as illiteracy goes, he's hardly illiterate. I can easily understand him and there's far worse on here every day. Maybe if English was your first language you'd find it easier, maybe your literacy might be better too? Judging by the post quoted above you're in no position to criticise others. Maybe we'll have to give you a typing test with a mobile after a bottle of wine and see how you get on?

For Gods sake, the man is prepared to come on here and give a PROFESSIONALS opinion which is worth 10x more than most of the other personal opinions and you want to pick him up on a typo or two? Amazing.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Funny you know, but I was completely aware that Ginger Cat was a copper, he said so very early on in his PW career, he has again in this thread as he has in many others, so I see no reluctance from this particular copper. To be fair, I'd be reluctant to 'come out' on here with so many muppets constantly police bashing.



I never said he was reluctant, i asked him and he told me, i was referring to others on here.As it happens i posted this to Ginger Cat.


"I personally hope you stay and contribute to the forum over the years, as from what you have posted you are prepared to argue your point and for that I respect you,some of your colleagues should take note"




I have no gripe against anyone, it is a forum,you would be a bit simple if you lost sleep over someone typing on a forum.

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... I posted this to Ginger Cat.


"I personally hope you stay and contribute to the forum over the years, as from what you have posted you are prepared to argue your point and for that I respect you,some of your colleagues should take note"




I have no gripe against anyone, it is a forum,you would be a bit simple if you lost sleep over someone typing on a forum.

Fair enough, at least you had the decency to speak with him to clarify. My main point was really that it does seem that as soon as somebody says "I'm a copper", some people see it as open season when really we should be encouraging them to stick around and give us the benefit of their experience. I saw similar on a motorbiking forum. We had 3 traffic bike coppers on there and had a good two way relationship with them, but as the forum grew the anti Police attacks got worse and more frequent until eventually they'd all had enough as well as a negative attitude to anyone from the forum. Bonkers really, the idiots had, with their vitriol managed to make bike coppers (who were on there to build bridges) anti biker!

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Fair enough, at least you had the decency to speak with him to clarify. My main point was really that it does seem that as soon as somebody says "I'm a copper", some people see it as open season when really we should be encouraging them to stick around and give us the benefit of their experience. I saw similar on a motorbiking forum. We had 3 traffic bike coppers on there and had a good two way relationship with them, but as the forum grew the anti Police attacks got worse and more frequent until eventually they'd all had enough as well as a negative attitude to anyone from the forum. Bonkers really, the idiots had, with their vitriol managed to make bike coppers (who were on there to build bridges) anti biker!

I agree it is always good to have all walks of life on here, but sometimes the advice given is skewed to back up a colleague,and some of the officers thinking that unless you are a police officer you have no idea of any of the system at all, whereas quite a lot of us have worked closely over the years with the police and have a good idea of a lot of the aspects of policing.


It is just some want to hold an ace up their sleeve and not tell that they are pc's but continue an argument, what is so shameful that you do not say that you think something is wrong because you are in the job.


And again earlier in the thread i stated this,

" implying that all pc's were dammed before they started,that is not the case and there are some excellent police officers on here that are great to chat to and have debate with"



I have more reason than most not to like the police after two tried to ruin my career and reputation, yet i do not hold it against all the rest for the actions of two idiots, and i continue to work with police officers on a weekly basis.


I also know police on another forum i frequent and have no gripe with them,infact i was exchanging tips only the other day with a very witty and amiable officer the other day.


This is a forum for all ,you only have to look at what job do you do thread to realise the vast spectrum of people on here, that is what makes it one of the best forums around.

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I so far have been arrested and put in custody 8 times, the longest spell was 13 hours and have had the joy of a police sgt and pc lie through their teeth forcing me to have all my legally held weapons removed,they were returned as the retards forgot about the 3 hours of video fotage i had showing them to be liars. so i think i know the score on being arrested, i have also arrested over 200 people so again think i may know the score,i am all up for well reasoned discussion but suggest you look back through your posts as you cannot seem to take a stance and stick to it, you seem to slowly try to change your perspective as you realise your position in untenable.


Not a pc by any chance? come on let us all know.


How about a pc telling the custody sgt that they stopped the male and he became aggressive toward them and they removed his weapons for public safety,couldn't happen,think again,they have already told him a made up law they think should be in place,been there and only a head cam saved me from losing my weapons and a career,police making it up as they go along.

If you are up for well reasoned discussion then fair enough but precious little evidence of it. I haven't changed my perspective at all. It's perfectly clear and I've restated it a few times. For the avoidance of doubt my perspective is that the advice was wrong but all the hand-wringing and vitriol is over the top for what the OP said happened. Your "well-reasoned" debate seems to involve making up parts of the story and presenting it as fact. Then complain that this is what "the police" do.


Yes I am a police officer. Not that it's very important. Anyone is capable of finding out the relevant legislation (or lack of it). The only area it would help with is understanding why a police officer may have said/done certain things.


Of course it is possible to lie about why someone has been brought to custody but it usually gets found out. Though if that is really what you think might happen it begs the question why didn't they just arrest him from the initial stop?

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The whole point was the officer was wrong and unless a complaint is made the officer will continue to give bad advice.


Also on your point of police telling fibs, well take it from one who went through 4 months of hell because two tits a sgt and pc lied to get my weapons removed, to date the police will still not release the email that was sent stating i was violent aggressive and out of control, but then they were so thick they forgot about the recording of the 3 hours i was with them showing me being professional while being put under extreme pressure by them,3 out of 4 of my complaints were upheld the fourth of malicious communication was lost on a technicality as it was deemed the police email is a private system.


I have also been in a house in london while two met officers smashed a camera with pictures of them on and violently arrested a black male for doing no more than pointing at them while sitting on his couch,i refused to give evidence for the officers when it went to court,


I have been threatened by a officer in mid england because he believed my head cam was switched off,he threatened to smash my truck up if i didn't move it, and when i told him i had recorded what he said he left in a hurry leaving two wpc's on their own,He then tried to cover his butt by calling my office and complain about me, they told him to put it in writing,and as i had already contacted then about the officer they said they would use the evidence from the recording should it go to court,we never heard from him or his force again.


Or the sgt who rolled up after being called by his officers,shouting into the warehouse that i had 10 seconds to get the **** out of the building, oh how he became a totally different person when he saw the head cam and i asked him to repeat what he said.


There is more, but i am sure you get the gist that the police are not above lying to get their way.



That all said i have worked with hundreds of great officers who are a credit to their force, and have often got the Sheriff i work for to write in thanking the officers for their professionalism,i regularly call a control room and ask for my thanks to be passed to officers who have been out to assist me.



As i told the other dc on here this is just a forum and i don't hold a grudge,especially in my job.


I think we will have to agree to disagree on our views on this one.

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Next time I'd politely decline the request to do what the officers suggest and carry on ur legal way ;)

Finally someone gets it

Good luck with that.


That's what I was thinking! If I was in that position I'd make it quite clear to the copper how wrong he was, then offer to accompany him to the station so I could witness him make a complete fool of himself in front of his superiors when we got there.


Failing to comply will only end in tears. They will simply force the issue and there's little you can do. Much better to first make the fella question himself on the street (may give him second thoughts so you can go on your way) and if he still decides to act, grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy the party when you get back to the station!


Edit... I reckon most of us here could outwit the average street copper on the subject of legal firearms.

Edited by njc110381
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Quite a common occurrence around here.


Here too. I actually stopped for a chat with a copper a couple of years back whilst walking up a small road with my Beretta. Once we'd had a short conversation for him to get to grips with me he was fine and I went on my way.


I wouldn't be doing it up the side of an A road, but it's a simple matter of common sense and whether you actually do have a decent reason for not bothering to slip the gun.

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Pretty sure a shotgun does not need to be in a slip, just unloaded. Unlike an air rifle.

There is a lack of consistency in the firearms laws and it seems a need for education on both the police's and publics side. There's an easy 8 pages in this thread but I do think the point has been covered quite well enough.

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i'm interested in this, my permission is only half a mile from my house and if I am just popping over to have a walk around, I feel rather lazy taking the car. I have in the past just put the shotgun in its slip and walked, gun unloaded but carring wearing a cartridge belt. I was under the impression that i was doing nothing wrong, but not sure now. I do live in a rather remote area and the chance of me meeting anyone let alone a ploice offer is very slim.

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