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.35cal pheasant.


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Here we go again with the shooting birds on the ground argument! Personally, I reckon a good shot on a bird in season, and tasty too! Love the rifle and I've just put in for variation, you may be getting questions in the future underdog!

Top man keep knocking em over!

a distinction can be made between someone shooting pheasant a couple hundred yards away and someone choosing to stalk a savvy bird close enough to have a chance with open sights and head shot with a single slow bullet! :-)



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On the ground and unsporting doesn't come into it for me, if it hed been with a shotgun it might be a different matter but it wasn't so that is a ctracking shot with open sights for a very nice meal with no meat damage or wastage. :yes::yes::yes:

Well done mate! :good::good::good:


Edit: Anyone from the "Overkill Brigade" going to arrive and comment! :lol::lol::lol: .

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Can I just say that is overkill and unsporting.


Now I have said it hopefully no one else will feel the need to knock a good sporting shot with a great rifle at a legitimate quarry in season. That is the ultimate shooting for the pot and is no different to me and my spaniel walking a hedge and hitting a flying bird with my shotgun.


Well done, I salute you.


I hope to have a lever action one day it is one of the ultimate sounds in shooting when you cock the action bit like cocking a pump action shotgun, two sounds I love to hear.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally don't care if a shots 'sporting' or not if your shooting for the table it should only come down to safe/unsafe, I've shot a partridge on the ground with a shotgun before then dropped one of its mates as they all lifted up out the long grass, my wife enjoyed it so who's it harmed. Would never do it on a shoot though as there is more etiquette involved but hunting is hunting.


Well done mate excellent shot!

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good shooting there mate! stuff the "overkill, unsporting" stuff, if your hunting for the table i say it doesn't matter what your using along as its a clean kill and a safe shot! wish i had a patch of ground i could hunt on with an un-moderated under-lever! i can say I'm jealous of you!

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