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Happy boy and a happy dad.


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My oldest son has been shooting the .410 in the garden for a while now and today I thought I would take him out to try for a rabbit. I shot first and put 5 in the bag then he had a shot and bagged his first rabbit quickly followed by his second and third. He was delighted to say the least which is a shame because I think I have just lost my .410 ha ha.



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that day will be with him the rest of his life now..........when he gets all growd up and in his 40's and he knows what stress is and problems...he will just sit down and close his eyes and think of this day...and smile...........that is something that a millions pounds cant give ..ever

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Another great story and pic of lads, their dads and some excellent shooting, well done both of you :good:


And to those that continually say a .410 isn't a good start point............................tell your lad he must be a much better shot than a lot of "Grown ups" on PW :yes::lol:

Edited by turbo33
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