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HAven't seen a thread on it yet so...Xmas dinner, what will it be?


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Know these crop up each year but not seen this years yet.


So what you having Xmas day?


I get two this year as my eldest is up next week but little'un isn't here until Xmas Day.


For the big lad I will be doing haunch of venison, roast sweet potatoes and parsnips, with sprouts, cauli and mashed swede.


For when the little dude is here I am going to do pheasant breast in white wine and wild mushroom cream sauce with a mix of wild and exotic mushrooms thrown in.

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I can never cook turkey right so gave up on it.


Its a case of not quite done, not quite done.....2 seconds later its as dry as the Kalahari :no:

Cook it upside down so the juices flow and stay in the breasts then flip it right side up for the last 30 - 45mins to crisp the skin.


Saw it on tv a few years back and tried it - it worked !



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Turkey and all the trimmings, sausages rolled in bacon, crisped bacon to originally baste the breast. Roast potatoes, boiled potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce made with champagne, turnip and carrots and Brussels sprouts in a thinnish onion and turkey gravy.

A few bottles of Bollinger (Coop special £10 Off) and I hope you all enjoy yours as much as I will mine ! Merry Christmas.

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me an mrs beeredup will be dining on the breasts of my first pink footed goose i shot, i plan to stuff the breasts with shallots and smoked black pudding and then wrap the breasts in bacon and slow roast them and serve them with roast veg and my favourite sprouts and lardons glazed with honey.


breakfast will be the traditional (in fort wilson) smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on granary toast washed down with bucks fizz (i don't bother with the Oj in mine)

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