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Pigeon numbers declining.

Fisherman Mike

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I've collated some information from some fellow shooters, Keepers and Farmers in Glos, Wilts, Oxon, Berks and parts of Devon and the general consensus is that numbers are definitely down.


Alarmingly Lots of reports of birds reported dead in the woods, could be Acorn poisoning, and some reports of some with trichonomiosis. I have seen dead birds locally with this and they would probably have caught it visiting dirty bird tables.


Also bags that are being shot have much fewer young birds than other years so perhaps the breeding has taken a knock back too. I even took a visit to one of my roost woods yesterday late afternoon, which is an established winter roost for 100,s of birds and has been since I started shooting in 1972......absolutely nothing !!!


There seems to be plenty of individual birds around these parts but they don't seem to be venturing far from human habitation and I and others think the last two winters have seriously knocked numbers back.


Not cause for concern for the Farmers though as I suspect they are happy as Larry. I'll just have to keep the guns cabined for a few weeks longer and check my supply of lob worms ready for the Big Perch sessions after Xmas.

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Despite all ths scaremongering , I will eat my hat if there are not plenty of pigeon about in the spring .

Almost every year we hear these types of stories and there are always plenty of birds turn up sooner or later, I am pretty sure I read numbers are still increasing as a whole.


Just because there are not many about around you (or me at the moment ) does not mean they have all gone off and died , they have just found a better food source.

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Its the same old post every year at this time, nothing new. For some reason, there are very rarely any birds around in December/January. Yes you see the odd flock here and there to get you inspired, but as a rule, unless there is snow, its really quiet on the pigeon front.

For as many years as I can remember, around the pheasant shooting season, you rarely get more than a pigeon or two added to the bag as they are just not around at this time of year. I have know idea why. Come February, they will be back and I am sure the numbers will increase as the breeding season approaches.

I would imagine they are somewhat smarter than most of us and whilst we are sitting it out in vain on a frost covered rape field, they will be in a warmer climate enjoying life!!

As per your post Mike, 40+ years has seen a lot of change in agriculture, particularly in the uk. So it makes sense that that the pigeon have changed their habitat and location preferences accordingly.

Edited by turbo33
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Thousands of pigeon on one of my farms all over the drilled beans. The 4 feilds haven't been rolled because of the wet weather so they should be around for a bit. All other farms dont have any. I dont think numbers are down, I just think they are hidden in woods being a WOOD pigeon. Once all other food has gone they will be back in the feilds where you can spot them easyer.... longer spent looking is a must this time of year

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The woods in my area are chock full of birds and some are now venturing away from the acorns and beechmast.

I shot 26 last Thursday late afternoon, just standing under a flightline and all had berries and wheat in their crops.

This Autumn I shot a large percentage of young birds, probably the most for a few years, it has been a very successful breeding year here.


I am sure the next RSPB bird count will confirm there are plenty of woodpigeon about and their numbers are from declining.

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The woods in my area are chock full of birds and some are now venturing away from the acorns and beechmast.

I shot 26 last Thursday late afternoon, just standing under a flightline and all had berries and wheat in their crops.

This Autumn I shot a large percentage of young birds, probably the most for a few years, it has been a very successful breeding year here.


I am sure the next RSPB bird count will confirm there are plenty of woodpigeon about and their numbers are from declining.

My customer runs the rspb around the midlands and I've asked the question about pigeons but he's heard nothing

The sky was dead here in tamworth but the past few weeks has shown a few flocks of 40+ around and just starting on the rape

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Despite all ths scaremongering , I will eat my hat if there are not plenty of pigeon about in the spring .

Almost every year we hear these types of stories and there are always plenty of birds turn up sooner or later, I am pretty sure I read numbers are still increasing as a whole.


Just because there are not many about around you (or me at the moment ) does not mean they have all gone off and died , they have just found a better food source.

Sorry not scaremongering ....should have put a ? against the topic title...


But bird numbers definitely down in this area from what I've been told.

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Its been a bit of strange year for me. No big flocks about with glut of nuts and mild weather. However, I have had some consistent shooting with just under 700 in the bag in last ten trips. I think the numbers are generally on the up, but this is bit of a freak year. Last time they behaved like this was about 13 years ago from recollection.

Edited by Dr D
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I sat watching flight lines into a wood about 2pm today and nothing at all was showing but all of a sudden something spooked about 1000 birds already in the wood who lifted swirled around and dropped back in. If I hadn't been looking right then I may have thought there were no pigeons about anywhere. You've just got to look in the right places and at the right time it seems.

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I sat watching flight lines into a wood about 2pm today and nothing at all was showing but all of a sudden something spooked about 1000 birds already in the wood who lifted swirled around and dropped back in. If I hadn't been looking right then I may have thought there were no pigeons about anywhere. You've just got to look in the right places and at the right time it seems.

Nailed it!! Right place at the right time.
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The woods in my area are chock full of birds and some are now venturing away from the acorns and beechmast.

I shot 26 last Thursday late afternoon, just standing under a flightline and all had berries and wheat in their crops.

This Autumn I shot a large percentage of young birds, probably the most for a few years, it has been a very successful breeding year here.


I am sure the next RSPB bird count will confirm there are plenty of woodpigeon about and their numbers are from declining.

Its the BTO BBS which has more creedance Cranfield and although nationally since the 95, survey (up to 2011), results have shown strong increases as a whole of 40% the last couple they appear to have levelled off with only single figure increases recorded. In real terms this could be construed as a dip of the total population... It will be very interesting to see the 2013 survey results.


I took your advice about the lurcher forum by the way and have sourced a dog which I collect tomorrow ... will post picture up under separate topic.. Many thanks

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Sorry not scaremongering ....should have put a ? against the topic title...


But bird numbers definitely down in this area from what I've been told.

I was Talking generally as there are always posts similar to yours around this time of year , normally with little basis other than there are not many about in the posters area

I could post similar at the moment but know they will be here in numbers sooner or later.

as you can see already from posts in other parts of the country there are still plenty about , it just that good bags are few and far between this time of year even if there are good numbers about as they become difficult to shoot once they are flocked up.


I saw plenty of young birds late september early Oct and shot a bag of 70 odd which must have had 50 young ones in so I believe they have bred just fine , I also shot a young bird this last week !

lots and lots in Lincolnshire

That would be parts of lincolnshire , as there are none too many in my part at the moment !

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Its the same old post every year at this time, nothing new. For some reason, there are very rarely any birds around in December/January. Yes you see the odd flock here and there to get you inspired, but as a rule, unless there is snow, its really quiet on the pigeon front.

For as many years as I can remember, around the pheasant shooting season, you rarely get more than a pigeon or two added to the bag as they are just not around at this time of year. I have know idea why. Come February, they will be back and I am sure the numbers will increase as the breeding season approaches.

I would imagine they are somewhat smarter than most of us and whilst we are sitting it out in vain on a frost covered rape field, they will be in a warmer climate enjoying life!!

As per your post Mike, 40+ years has seen a lot of change in agriculture, particularly in the uk. So it makes sense that that the pigeon have changed their habitat and location preferences accordingly.

Must vary from region to region as I've always found plenty of birds around in the 6 to 8 weeks up to Christmas generally straight off the stubble on to the young rape ( the rape is young fresh and not been toughened up by the frosts.) This year has been a bumper year for natural food so perhaps that's got something to do with it, but I've never noticed a lack of birds during other good Autumns. You are right about Feb though and lets hope some foul weather is on its way and will concentrate the birds better.

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I've collated some information from some fellow shooters, Keepers and Farmers in Glos, Wilts, Oxon, Berks and parts of Devon and the general consensus is that numbers are definitely down.


Alarmingly Lots of reports of birds reported dead in the woods, could be Acorn poisoning, and some reports of some with trichonomiosis. I have seen dead birds locally with this and they would probably have caught it visiting dirty bird tables.


Also bags that are being shot have much fewer young birds than other years so perhaps the breeding has taken a knock back too. I even took a visit to one of my roost woods yesterday late afternoon, which is an established winter roost for 100,s of birds and has been since I started shooting in 1972......absolutely nothing !!!


There seems to be plenty of individual birds around these parts but they don't seem to be venturing far from human habitation and I and others think the last two winters have seriously knocked numbers back.


Not cause for concern for the Farmers though as I suspect they are happy as Larry. I'll just have to keep the guns cabined for a few weeks longer and check my supply of lob worms ready for the Big Perch sessions after Xmas.OH

Loving the idea of getting a few big Perch out, Ive already bagged a couple of 3lb ers!! :good:

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Loving the idea of getting a few big Perch out, Ive already bagged a couple of 3lb ers!! :good:

Corking fish a big Perch ...


I've had fish up to 41/2 lbs. out of the Bristol Avon down stream of Malmesbury and Mid Thames around Hinton Waldrist...even took a 3lb fish from the Ray (A stream mainly fed by treated sewerage water from Swindon) at Cricklade a few years back. My best fish however was a shade over 5 from a gravel pit smack in the middle of RAF Fairford a stones throw from the runway ! Some big Rudd in that water too at the time.


I'm sure the Thames is going to produce some really big perch in the next few years...they are really fattening up on the crayfish.

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on our farms they disappear in winter the odd winter they are there in good numbers on the rape, but they always turn up at other times of the year and definatley no reduction in numbers when they do turn up quite the opposite on some farms in recent years so I never worry about pigeon numbers its just knowing when to look at a specific farm and time of year to look on them

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