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Interesting...Farmer fires shots in the air to deter burglars


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Didn't Cameron say he was starting to protect home owners protecting life and property. If he felt his life was at risk then he would be in his right to defend himself. Shot in the air is the best way all round, just glad they have seen it for what it was, and not jumped onto the easy conviction bandwagon.


Most of us would not get the guns out in time, but as a farmer he must have been foxing from the window etc :)

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It's reported that they were trying to smash their way into the house. Seems like a proportionate response to me.


There's no report of damage to the house caused by the shot so I'm assuming that he was outside the house and just returning from shooting Rabbits. :yes:

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Always worked on the basis that I never point a gun at anything I don't want to shoot.


I'd never use an unloaded gun to try and put off a burglar as if they then did you harm they would probably get away with it as self defense, despite them being in your house uninvited.


We have some lovely decorative Maori war clubs around the house and the dogs kick off if a cat walks past the house so we have a good early warning system.


If anybody did ever get through the defenses I wouldn't hesitate to use whatever force was necessary to protect myself and family from the threat.


No point arguing the finer points while your throat is being cut!!

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Damn shame you can't put a Rock Salt round at their back pocket, just enough to make the thieving rotten fatherless people squeal & then be arrested, charged & made to do proper time not just a few weeks holiday at tax payers expense


Well done the farmer.


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Well, a year or two back he would have got hauled off and lost his SGC, seems David Cameron has made a difference!

No he wouldn't, however shooting at them is where you get problems. He took the sane option and scared them off, had they refused to take the hint then he would have had a few more questions to answer but that's always going to be the way

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Absolutely nothing to convict on. Legally held shotgun fired into the air on his own land,what charges could there be?

Discharging his weapon in a aggressive manor using a weapon for intimidation..... All could be used as a charge, like it has been said though common seance has been used and no charges made don't try amd start a argument over a comment your trying to find a fault in.


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