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Gun Cabinet Key storage

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Hi all, new shooter with a recently acquired SGC and FAC going in soon. When I had my interview with the FLO we discussed ensuring that only I had access to the keys for the gun cabinet. Now, if you share a home with your partner/wife/husband etc, how do you securely put away the cabinet key so they can't get access to it. I could buy a little lockbox and put it in there but then you still have to keep the key to that somewhere. I could keep the key on my keyring but at home that just gets hung up on a hook and, if I were out and lost the keyring, I'd have lost the key to the cabinet and, besides, surely you want to have a spare?


Hope this doesn't sound daft but I'm interested to know how you deal with it or do you just ask the partner, politely, to not go digging around in the cabinet ;)



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I've just gone through the same process - my FLO said I had to ensure no access to others.


So I've got a small combination key safe (from Amazon) bolted to the wall somewhere else in the house, and only I know the combination - FLO was happy and it's simple!


My spare set of keys are kept with another SGC holder, at the suggestion of the FLO - should something happen to me and they need access to the safe.





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This question comes up regularly.


All you need to do is use a little common sense and not advertise where you hide the spare. Mine is on a nail behind a beam where no one, not even my eagle eyed wife, would find it.


The other is on my key ring in my pocket. When I go to bed it's in the draw beside my bed along with my wallet and watch. One must balance key security with practicality.

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I've just gone through the same process - my FLO said I had to ensure no access to others.


So I've got a small combination key safe (from Amazon) bolted to the wall somewhere else in the house, and only I know the combination - FLO was happy and it's simple!




Same here and got exactly the same advice. I got a combination key safe from Amazon (at the time 2 for £20). The responsibility to prevent unauthorised access to your cabinet lies with you so as long as no one gets access to your cabinet key you can put them where you want, hidden somewhere only you know etc.

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I purchased one of those small key safes and bolted it to the wall until a friend came and opened it with a screwdriver. Now keep keys in a small safe, not digital type which are easlly opened by banging on the top of it.

The key to this safe is kept in a plastic magnetic case some where in the house. Bit ott but my concerns are waking up looking down the barrel of my own guns. We have been burgled a few years ago and some opened my front door last Saturday evening, not locked because my son did not take his key with him, luckily the alarm was on woke me up.


Apparently the scum bags try doors etc to see if they are open, always locked now even during day time and ordered a security light with camera in.

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when my application went in i phoned our local firearms dept and spoke to the feo who didnt like the idea of us carrying keys on our person but liked the idea of a key safe hidden somewhere in the home.


when he visited he asked about security and i said i had phoned (it was him i spoke to) and fgollowed his advise that was fine by him

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when my application went in i phoned our local firearms dept and spoke to the feo who didnt like the idea of us carrying keys on our person but liked the idea of a key safe hidden somewhere in the home.


Why? key in pocket....... guns in house.....


As long as you don't have a tag on the keys with your address and "Gun cabinet" on them what's the issue?

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I have a set at work in the safe and a set hidden at home where I know for a fact no one will find them unless they start digging around with a metal detector.

The simplist thing to do is get your wife to get her ticket as well, then there are no dramas about her knowing where the key is, she comes shooting with me and I have the added benefit of asking her to pick some cartridges up for me when she's out shopping in town :lol:

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Thanks for all the excellent replies, it does look like I was probably over thinking it a bit. Good to know there's a variety of ways people deal with the key issue, I'll be able to deal with mine happily now.


As to my girlfriend getting her ticket, yes she will eventually but right now she's not able to.



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Like pointed out already - we buy expensive cabinets that have to be built to a BS spec and then we put, potentially, thousands of pounds worth of guns / scopes / moderators etc in them so don't count on a £20 safe protecting your keys.


The link below is to the only Police approved key storage small cabinet without spending a couple of hundred pounds -




We have a very decent insurance approved combination safe for valuables so that's another option if you have one.

Failing any physical storage options then the old hidey hole option is probably best.



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Key security is a thorny old issue and there is no 'standard' advice. Carry one on you and the other should be locked in an approved safe, three miles below ground, in a secure military bunker, guarded by hounds from one of the more pestilential pits of hell. (Although, please ensure these have no access to the actual keys, you wouldn't want to get into trouble) and if you can house this facility on another planet, in another galaxy...or better yet, another dimension I think even the most hardened Firearms officer will concede these precautions are 'probably' adequate! ;-)

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I think if I was going to get a second safe, it would be something like this which I could bolt to a wall at the back of a wardrobe in the bedroom. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HIGH-SECURITY-ELECTRONIC-DIGITAL-SAFE-STEEL-SAFE-HOME-/330996320688?pt=UK_HaG_Lock_Safes_GL&hash=item4d10eb09b0


We have a large, fireproof media and valuables safe, which is where I put the keys and retrieved them when the FLO came round. He then asked if my girlfriend had access to it too, so we had the discussion about it. With one of these above, I could mount it up in a wardrobe bolted to a wall and I'd have the only combination. I think that's as secure as I can realistically get.


Either that or I'll just hide the keys somewhere :)

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