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Petition to Regulate & monitor activities of animal welfare charit


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Noticed this in the Shooting Times and signed the petition. Sorry if anyone has highlighted this already.


"An online petition has been set up by a West Country lawyer requesting the Government regulate and monitor the activities of animal welfare charities more closely. The move by Jamie Foster aims to stop charities committing invasions of privacy and incidents of criminal damage and assault."


To find out more about the debate or sign the petition visit the site http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/59679


If you like to go out shooting without fear of your vehicle being targeted by the roadside or have people roaming around your land (owned or permission to shoot) then I think you should sign up.

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I'm sorry but someone is going to have to explain this to me, but why would anyone thinking putting their name to this would do anything, but further the stereotype that shooters are nothing but a bunch retard born sister ******* bumpkins?

Not only does this petition not make any sense, it's filled with gramatical and spelling errors. I'm not saying I'm perfect but **** me if I'm going to try and write a serious petition I'll shove it through spell check at least once.

The government already licenses charities, it also monitors everyone in the interest of the "public good" - otherwise known as "the law".

Also, I've read more than one thread about shooters all getting tarred with one brush, but we are going to start doing the same here? - are you seriously saying that the issue is so widespread that we need far-reaching new laws to bring "Animal welfare charities" into line? - So we can regulate the unrestricted thuggery of the Guide dogs for the blind association?, the constant criminal damage of the British deer society? and stop my privacy from being invaded by the British beekeepers association?

I'm not saying that RSPB need to rethink some of it's priorities, and LACS can be a nuisance, but this petition does nothing, and will never do anything, to add to our cause. All you are doing by signing it is by making us all look like idiots.

Edited by Bleeh
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The RSPB need to take a long hard look at their priorities. The decline in songbirds is heartbreaking, yet all we see in the press and on TV is the RSPB banging on about birds of prey and portraying gamekeepers as such villans.


In relation to the government monitors everyone in the interest of 'public good' otherwise known as 'the law' I would be interested to know how many protestors were prosecuted for disturbing the peace during the badger culls. This got plenty of TV coverage showing how good and life-saving these people supposedly are, no mention of the wasted tax payers money.


I don't believe registered charities like the RSPCA should be gaining access to sensitive information like firearms and shotgun certificate holders details, nor the ACPO being paid over £100,000 by the RSPCA for data related to prosecutions and named individuals from 2011-2013.

The RSPB, RSPCA, the LACS and anti-shooting organisations WILL gain momentum, next I'm afraid will be the ban of lead shot (I hope I'm wrong!).

The lead shot campaign across the biggest shooting organisations has raised 13,806 signatures in support, whilst the LACS have 52,000 likes on their facebook page alone.


Any petition, any chance of voicing our concerns regarding our rights to enjoy the countryside with rod or gun without interference, should be expressed.

If someone out there put together a better worded and rock solid petition to help slow down the anti shooting campaign, then I will sign that too. In the meantime I'd rather sign 20 ill-grammared petitions, wear my tweed cap and be called a retarded village idiot if it means getting a voice out there.

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The RSPB need to take a long hard look at their priorities. The decline in songbirds is heartbreaking, yet all we see in the press and on TV is the RSPB banging on about birds of prey and portraying gamekeepers as such villans.


In relation to the government monitors everyone in the interest of 'public good' otherwise known as 'the law' I would be interested to know how many protestors were prosecuted for disturbing the peace during the badger culls. This got plenty of TV coverage showing how good and life-saving these people supposedly are, no mention of the wasted tax payers money.


I don't believe registered charities like the RSPCA should be gaining access to sensitive information like firearms and shotgun certificate holders details, nor the ACPO being paid over £100,000 by the RSPCA for data related to prosecutions and named individuals from 2011-2013.

The RSPB, RSPCA, the LACS and anti-shooting organisations WILL gain momentum, next I'm afraid will be the ban of lead shot (I hope I'm wrong!).

The lead shot campaign across the biggest shooting organisations has raised 13,806 signatures in support, whilst the LACS have 52,000 likes on their facebook page alone.


Any petition, any chance of voicing our concerns regarding our rights to enjoy the countryside with rod or gun without interference, should be expressed.

If someone out there put together a better worded and rock solid petition to help slow down the anti shooting campaign, then I will sign that too. In the meantime I'd rather sign 20 ill-grammared petitions, wear my tweed cap and be called a retarded village idiot if it means getting a voice out there.

Go re-read the petition you just signed. In it's vagueness it doesn't cover a single issue you raised, nor does anything it suggest have any relevance, or would have any effect, on these issues.


I also find the lumping of hundreds of charities with thousands of workers who do essential hard work completely unfair and unnecessary. If the petition wants to address LACS/RSPCA then say it.

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Isnt the point that you have to deal with all such organisations alike or 'make them special'.

Those that do good work well, would have nothing to fear or be impede them in their normal delivery?

Making sweeping new laws that wouldn't solve the original issue, and effect majority when the tiny minority is the issue?.


Talk like that is the very thing that will see us all losing our guns. The same way we lost handguns.

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