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Ex Military types using their rank when retired


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You have probably never had to stag on and be abused by drunken squaddies and even worse the spawn that are pads wifes,they are evil when drunk and will abuse you something awful,they live in a military bubble where life is far far away from what civilians get up to.


If you had been put in charge of a camp gate that was a target for terrorist attack and been told no id no entry, then had a drunken stuck up wife who knew she had to have id to get in as the letter sent to all quarters in the garrison informed them of the fact,but because she thought she was special and it didn't apply to her she could abuse me and tell me she would have me jailed because she could not comply with an order,you would still let her in. i don't think so.


And a few months later terrorists did get into the camp and blew part of an accommodation block up,they didn't try the front gate as they knew that soldiers doing the guard duty were switched on and if you didn't have id you didn't get in. :)


Are you Uncle Albert from Only Fools? What with terrorists blowing up the camp - when and where by the way, or is that still classified? - and friends coming a cropper due to car drivers watching TV or knitting or something, you have enough bad luck to write a book.


I also found you a new avatar more in keeping with your life experiences



Edited by Flashman
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Are you Uncle Albert from Only Fools? What with terrorists blowing up the camp - when and where by the way, or is that still classified? - and friends coming a cropper due to car drivers watching TV or knitting or something, you have enough bad luck to write a book.


I also found you a new avatar more in keeping with your life experiences



Now you wouldn't be calling me a lier would you?

Unlike yourself I have lived a bit and been around the world.

Feel free to apologise for insinuating that I made things up.



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Now you wouldn't be calling me a lier would you?

Unlike yourself I have lived a bit and been around the world.

Feel free to apologise for insinuating that I made things up.




Did the Captain's young wife bomb the place as revenge?


No accusations, simply that you always have a story of woe to top anybody's comment. A bit like Redbeard Rhum...

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Did the Captain's young wife bomb the place as revenge?


No accusations, simply that you always have a story of woe to top anybody's comment. A bit like Redbeard Rhum...

Still waiting for that apology,I am not a person that lies,to insinuate that I do is a slur on my character.do the decent thing for once and apologise.

Or you could remove your accusing post.

Edited by welsh1
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Another one for flash man.same camp different time,here's the link so you know its true.


This one went off in the block adjacent to my block




Still waiting for an apology.



Tell me flashman what do you do for a living?

Edited by welsh1
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I suppose if you've never been shot at. Lived with bomb nets over the windows or been stood outside in your undies at 03:00 while the Barracks are searched. Then there's not much chance of understanding what went on in the forces. Or the pride in having served.


Sonic, Gunner (retired)

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A title like Captain or General does give you an idea of what kind of person you are dealing with, to me it implies honesty and integrity, so maybe if performs a useful function in some situations.


I can't see much use for it in the pub though, apart from trying to assume some kind of authority over other drinkers.

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It's a case of the have nots feeling hard done by again. If you've made nothing of your life that's your own fault and people who have deserve a bit of credit not your distain for being richer/having land/a title or anything else that you poor hard done by moaning **** don't have.

Be happy with your lot or do something other than moan about it.

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If some has served their country, I believe that they should be able to use their title / rank outside the forces. Where it does rankle - forgive the pun - is being able to use certain ranks. It should be the same for all ranks or not at all.

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