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New Escort


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Thinking about a cheap semi and phoned the local shop to see what they have in and he mentioned the new escort with extended chokes and speed load, said it was ok with 28gr loads. Quick look on the net says 32gr up, anyone using one that could tell me what there like? cheers

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I've recently bought one, put about 1000 shells through it with out problems, got a winchester sx3 and a Benelli but prefer to shoot the escort, kill ratio is far better with it, can't praise it enough, hope that helps, only minor fault is the chokes tend to work loose and need checking regular.

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I've put about 2000 rounds through an escort so far. I've had 3 jams. The first was with a 28gm cartridge about 2 months after I got it. I've since then had 2 jams on clays with 24gm cartridges.


I use it for skeet, sporting clays, my 1 trip wildfowling and practical shotgun.


I clean it regularly though including the gas ports.


I watched a guy with an A400 a few weeks ago - he had more jams on one stand than I've had in 1.5 years. We were talking after, and he doesn't clean regularly.


From what I can tell, all gas semi's need a little love and cleaning care. The Hatsan may need more than some, but I can't say because it's the only semi I own.


There are 2 things I'd note though - Hatsan's idea of speed load may not be the same as other manufacturers. If it's the same model as I have, there is a tongue inside the lever that has to be pushed in to allow you to load a cart. This is better than the old system that needed a button to be pushed, but still a lot slower and more fiddly than many other guns.


The second thing is that they come with a 3 year (I think) warranty. So if you do have issues, you've got ample time to get it fixed.

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No no no dont buy an Escort !

Before you do decide just goto the Playpen section and read Reeceknights horror story when he bought one from New off Essex Gun Fennes ground in Braintree it will scare the life out of you and hopefully make u see sense!


Best buy secondhand beretta or browning auto unless you like buying a semi you cant shoot ???????


Good luck...

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it was a year old when I bought it and it came with some warranty.

it has been back and was ok for a short time but the last time I used it I had to strip it down in the field In the dark.

That was the last straw put it in the cabinet and that's where it stays.



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I bought mine from new....and yes...It jammed from new...every 3rd or so loading it would jam....Only took it out three times, quickly traded it for Beretta A300 Outlander...best trade I've ever made, never a problem since!! Save the extra cash, the Escort was a tad under £400, the Outlander £800 both new......!!

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