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Simply Love It - Im a Mac Convert


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Finally lashed out and bought an Apple Mac Mini to replace my aged (windows vista/pentium) laptop :)

Hooked up to my 42 inch TV in the lounge, downloaded my music from iTunes/cloud and all the porn movies/you tube, catch up tv, internet radio a chap could possibly want FULL Screen - brilliant :good:

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Ive had a macbook pro for a few years, fantastic , so intuitive to use, everything can be done with one hand! I have the great misfortune though of having to use a HP laptop for my job, Its like going back in time using it. Once you've had a MAC you wont go back!!

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I started off with an Apple OSX PC but changed to windows when my eldest started grammar as she needed 'Word' for school. Yes, I know I could have stayed with Apple and added Microsoft Word, but I didn't realise back then just how poor Microsoft really was.Am on my third Microsoft laptop currently in seven years but am totally fed up with them so last weekend nipped into Carlisle and an hour later came home with a beautiful Mac Book Pro. Best thing is I can put it down against my tax ! Very happy bunny!

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Finally lashed out and bought an Apple Mac Mini to replace my aged (windows vista/pentium) laptop :)

Hooked up to my 42 inch TV in the lounge, downloaded my music from iTunes/cloud and all the porn movies/you tube, catch up tv, internet radio a chap could possibly want FULL Screen - brilliant :good:

Welcome to the real world, have had Macs since day one, how anyone can still sing the praises of P lactic Cr.p is one of lives mysteries.

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price of mac?

But my Mac is 7 years old and (touch wood) still going strong. I've never had a PC last that long which means I would have spent the cost of a mac and then some on PC's


7 years on I still love it.


Employer had the chance to give us iPads for work but have given us Panasonic Toughpads. Utter ****.

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question not answered, what is the price of a mac?


My Mac Mini was £499,

but then you need a keyboard and mouse (or trackpad) roughly another £100 for Apple products.


I bought a Logitech wireless keyboard with track pad for £30 seems to do the job :good:

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I am currently using two G5 macs ( on my scanners ) and three Windows PCs ( one on my CNC mill, a Lenovo laptop, and the HP desktop I'm typing on now ). I'm typing this on a Windows XP PC.


In my experience ( of 19 years running a computer maintenance company ), Apple reliability is variable. Some G4 macs were incredibly reliable, they literally run for a decade with just a CMOS battery every couple of years, yet some models of G5 were awful - the water cooled models sprang leaks and died horribly. Apple only offered a 1 year warranty when HP and other PC companies were offering 3 years as standard.


You might ask why I'm still running G5 macs, well that's a good question, it's because when Apple release an OS update many existing programs simply won't work with the new OS, and the older OS ( that runs your programs ) won't run on the new Mac. So, you spend £20k on a scanner and software and you can't use it on a new Mac. Great. Thanks, Apple.


In future all my stuff will be PC, because it's backwards compatible and I believe that Apple will concentrate on their core business of phones, tablets and MP3 players.

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price of mac?

I looked at the Mac Book Air but they didn't have the model I wanted in stock (64 mile round trip) so considered the next size up, but adding an external CD driver at £66 (the Mac Air doesn't have one) put it fairly close to the Mac Book Pro at as near as makes no difference to £1000 so I got that.

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Both the mrs and I had pc till a year ago. I'm MacBook Air (won't go back to pc for personal use) and the boss has MacBook Pro (won't go back to pc also). Although we both use pc at work, but the office version we use is nearly the same on both platforms. My air gets the swirly thing now and then but I think it's cos I'm pushing it to far, the mrs has only had it once.


It's worrying how msny other apple gadgets we have in the house.

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I had a Macbook Pro. It was ok but didn't really get used that much. The best thing was that I owned it for 3yrs and sold it on for £100 less than I paid for it. I probably couldn't have given a normal laptop away that was 3yrs old!


I'm too ingrained with Windows, i know where to find everything and do what I want. I honestly didn't find OS X that intuitive. But then I like Windows 8 so what do I know!

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I have noted for a long time on TV most of the people who use computers for there work seem to have been using macs for a long time they may be more expensive to buy but then you do not have to pay out for all of the virus programs so in the long run it works out to be not as expensive as it would first seem the only thing that gets up my nose with them is I do not mind paying the extra for the technology but then they are made in China for peanuts that does bug me.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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