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Yvette Cooper gobbing off at the Labour conference about under them there will be a significant rise in the cost of licensing, what she call the 'true cost', and that shooting will need to show that it is environmentally sustainable.



Shooters would have to pay “cost” price for their shotgun and firearms certificates if a Labour government is elected next year, according to shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper. The shooting industry also needs to demonstrate its environmental sustainability and address public concerns over matters such as illegal raptor persecution, according to shadow DEFRA minister Angela Smith.

Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Manchester this week, Miss Cooper announced the proposed licence fee increase as part of a package of measures to save up to £70million to stop cuts to police forces, saying her party would end “the absurd £17m taxpayer subsidy for gun licences that David Cameron is desperate personally to defend“.

The shadow minister did not give a precise amount for the increase, but indicated that police forces would be told to charge shooters “at cost” – something which could see fees rise to significantly more than the £88 reported to have been proposed by the current cross-party parliamentary working group.

In August, David Cameron reportedly blocked the working group’s proposed increase and Diana Johnson, shadow minister for Home Affairs with responsibility for firearms licensing, called for an inquiry into the Prime Minister’s motives for the move. At the Labour party conference, Ms Johnson praised the “strong and forthright” way members of the shooting industry such as BASC, which sits on the working group, have engaged in licensing discussions. She added that she hoped constructive communication would continue since both shooters and policy makers “have an interest in making sure that we have the most effective licensing system that we can – that it is efficient and people feel that when they pay their fees they get a good service.”

In response to the announcement on licence fees, BASC Chairman Alan Jarrett said: “The purpose of the firearms certificate fees is to fund the process of administering them. The fees are not intended to be put into a general pot to cover policing costs or spending deficits. There is a collaborative process underway through a Home Office working group to examine the level of costs and fees which involves the police and shooting organisations. This process has identified the costs of administering the licence fees and the necessary processes involved. This process has been established in line with Treasury guidelines and the principles of better regulation set out by the last Labour government.”

BASC chief executive Richard Ali said: “Certificate holders are willing to pay a fair price for a fair service and the process of examining and discussing costs and income has also involved the police identifying ways to reduce their costs and deliver a better service – for example by introducing e-commerce payments where people can pay online instead of the current requirement for payment by cheque.”

“BASC recognises that an increase in fees is due, even if just to cover inflation. The last increase was in 2001. We have fully engaged with the comprehensive review of cost and processes and we hope that an agreement will be reached in the near future. BASC also believes that introducing a ten-year certificate would be a positive move which would significantly reduce administrative costs without any impact on public safety.”

Also speaking at the BASC reception and at a Countryside Alliance fringe debate at the conference, shadow DEFRA minister Angela Smith reiterated Labour’s pledge that it would not ban shooting and acknowledged that it is a legitimate activity of value to the UK economy. However, Mrs Smith also stressed her party’s view that the industry needs to be environmentally sustainable and must address the concerns of the public. Issues of particular concern, she said, are the illegal persecution of birds of prey, heather burning and habitat degradation.

Mrs Smith added that, should a Labour government be elected, its policy on shooting would be dictated by “a robust evidence base”. Like Ms Johnson, she stressed the party’s willingness to work with the shooting industry to share best practices. At BASC’s reception, she praised the association’s conservation work and its efforts “to promote an environmentally sustainable and environmentally responsible industry”, saying that her party wished to see such examples of best practice “propagated throughout the whole shooting industry.”

At the Countryside Alliance fringe debate, titled ‘Let’s get real about wildlife’, Mrs Smith stated that a Labour Government would stand by the hunting ban and would bring a halt to the pilot badger culls. She said that fox hunting has “no place in a modern democracy” and that Labour believes that TB in cattle would be best tackled with strict biosecurity and vaccination and not by culling b

Read more at http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/news/licence-fees-rise-labour-40496#yloXe2Lic0C0JRlM.99

Nope, that's blocked under this hotel wifi too:


Category: Sports Hunting and War Games


Not sure why this site isn't... Anyone care to précis the article here?

Edited by Penelope
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Staggering hypocrisy from the welfare party, who usually love a bit of taxpayer subsidy.


I would wager that significantly more than average, people who shoot are 'net contributors'.

We have the licensing system imposed upon us.


The Labour Party really boil my ****.

I bet what shooting brings in covers that anyway ?

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Did anyone really think any different. Lead will go along withe game shooting and the general licence will be changed to make it imposible to shoot unless you are a farmer, and not many of them have time to go pigeon or rook shooting thats how come the lets us go!

Edited by bluesj
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Ah but us shooting toffs can easily afford that(!) We'll just have to forget that firearms licensing is supposedly in place to protect the public from us evil gun nuts and therefore as the public are the beneficiaries of the service they should be the ones paying for the lion share of it, but hey, this gives 'working class' Labour another excuse to bash the toffee-nosed Tories <_<

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Just about what it boils down to.


Ah but us shooting toffs can easily afford that(!) We'll just have to forget that firearms licensing is supposedly in place to protect the public from us evil gun nuts and therefore as the public are the beneficiaries of the service they should be the ones paying for the lion share of it, but hey, this gives 'working class' Labour another excuse to bash the toffee-nosed Tories <_<

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and that Labour believes that TB in cattle would be best tackled with strict biosecurity


Only way your going to impose strict biosecurity on cattle is to lock them all indoors all year round. Not very environmently friendly for the cattle and it would force the costs up for everyone from farmer to consumer.

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If we are unlucky enough to end up with the red shower in charge and they implement a massive rise in the cost of an FAC or SGC I do hope the police forces raise their game and conduct any requests for extra information and issue the relevant paperwork in a reasonable timescale!

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That's a big hope, and one I doubt will be met.


It'll just be part of banning by a thousand cuts.



If we are unlucky enough to end up with the red shower in charge and they implement a massive rise in the cost of an FAC or SGC I do hope the police forces raise their game and conduct any requests for extra information and issue the relevant paperwork in a reasonable timescale!

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and yet, if you are of working age, (but not working), and in a council property - the labour party will uphold your 'right' to have a spare room, all tucked up and paid for by the taxpayer :mad:


(the erronously named 'bedroom tax').


not to mention the moronic leader of this party Ed Miliband, gave a speech of almost an hour, and didnt mention the deficit. These people really are clowns. The prospect of a labour government getting in again makes me feel sick.

Edited by pegasus bridge
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If we are unlucky enough to end up with the red shower in charge and they implement a massive rise in the cost of an FAC or SGC I do hope the police forces raise their game and conduct any requests for extra information and issue the relevant paperwork in a reasonable timescale!

As if they are going to be able to keep the money. Just like Road Tax obviously doesn't get spent on road maintenance.

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