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Alan Henning


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In the end the only thing that bothers us in the west is Oil the fact if they are the only ones who can sort this problem out but we want there oil so we keep on pocking our noses in only when the oil runs out will the problem get sorted.

Agree. I notice that Boko haram in N.Nigeria/Mali and Al shebab in Somalia aren't getting bombed. Could it be because they have no oil?

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R.I.P Alan. What we say or do will not make on ounce of difference to these people. They have a cause, yes , But they also just enjoy doing what they do.

Just like so many incidents in history. Brutality is a re-occurring example of the worst of human nature. (ie;Chinese in Japan for one).


People like Alan, are the antidote to hate. May his God be with him and his family.

Edited by Longbower
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Another tragic event and sympathy to Alan's Henning's family and friends. God bless, rest in peace.


In my world, I'd put the Chinese in charge of dealing with these people, wherever they are. No religious conflict, take it or leave it politics, a million pairs of boots on the ground with easily replaceable losses and the guts just to get on and deal with it. They handle it well enough in China 'though we don't hear much about it. A big player of the future but not showing much of a hand now. Not a subtle solution and not to everyone's taste yet here we are hamstrung by bottle-fed politicians who never even had a punch-up in the playground, makes you want to weep.

Edited by Full Pelt
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The world needs more Alan Hennings RIP. How are his family going to reconcile this senseless act? Such a good man should have been immune from such hate.


I echo the comments about the press using the 'just before death' photos. And their insistence on interviewing and quoting insignificant gobsh*tes like Anjem Choudhary, whose mad views represent virtually nobody.They should be more responsible.


As should we. Why on earth would anyone watch, let own share, the beheading videos? I would never watch one, because it is what they want me to do. I'd rather remember him doing what he loved and knew to be right.


Didn't "taking the gloves off" get us into this situation in the first place? I don't have the answers, but I have seen some moronic suggestions on the solution. I particularly like comments about nuking Mecca, like it is some sort of mothership for global islamic terrorism.


Having said that, I'd have appreciated seeing more muted celebrations of Eid. We've all lost out today, whatever our faith. Time to reflect not celebrate.

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I missed the beginning of it but on the radio this morning some spokesman (government?) said that the individual responsible for this would be hunted down and 'dealt with', and that he 'didn't think anyone would be particular' about how that occurred. The unspoken implication was clear enough. Well said; that's more like it.

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Scully I hope that is what happens . A good man doing good to help people he didn't know, how could it go so wrong ? I'm beginning to think you need to turn your watch back 2000 years once you get south of the Med. I'm beginning to think it's time to show them how to turn all that sand into glass, compassion obviously don't work.

Edited by 88b
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I'm afraid limited military air strikes are going to do nothing to stem this problem.. They are ineffective and indiscriminate..


The sick ******** will use their own children as shields.


The only way to stem this cancer spreading through the region and protect the innocents is sustained Military occupation and land based action.


Starting with the stemming of supplies of ordinance.


This is a Global problem which will affect every non Islamic culture in the world and many Islamic too.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Are you suggesting a law against the supply of weapons?

No I'm suggesting the United Nations and Combined Arab states should do more to stem the availability of sophisticated Russian built weaponry reaching these fanatics..


My Friends son is a weapons technician just returned from a 6 months covert stint over there and he couldn't be specific but he said you wouldn't believe what some factions have available.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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is it just me ??.

how comes in this day of all the advanced technology that the us uk and all the other countries that have agreed to "fight " these nut jobs have they cant find them .

yes they are in a huge area of dessert/scrubland but if the so called spy satilites can read car reg numbers or pinpoint a single person how the hell can they not find all these morons and their equipment ...........


can some one explain!!!

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is it just me ??.

how comes in this day of all the advanced technology that the us uk and all the other countries that have agreed to "fight " these nut jobs have they cant find them .

yes they are in a huge area of dessert/scrubland but if the so called spy satilites can read car reg numbers or pinpoint a single person how the hell can they not find all these morons and their equipment ...........


can some one explain!!!

Stop watching CSI.

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What really gets to me is the brutality of the whole thing. The actual reality of taking a knife on another human being's throat and slowly cut it takes a very specific type of person. I am sure that in a combat situation things are rather different, but to stand opposite a camera, deliver a 'speech' and then proceed to do that is beyond my understanding. It really is.

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is it just me ??.

how comes in this day of all the advanced technology that the us uk and all the other countries that have agreed to "fight " these nut jobs have they cant find them .

yes they are in a huge area of dessert/scrubland but if the so called spy satilites can read car reg numbers or pinpoint a single person how the hell can they not find all these morons and their equipment ...........


can some one explain!!!




Stop watching CSI.



The mind boggles then, I've always thought the same as Hodge911



Edited by Bazooka Joe
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Stop watching CSI.

we had planes designed in the 50's and flying at 3 x the speed of sound in the 60's no one apart from those who needed to knew, lord knows whats out there now, and if you believe you do think you know all that is out there! dream on.



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we had planes designed in the 50's and flying at 3 x the speed of sound in the 60's no one apart from those who needed to knew, lord knows whats out there now, and if you believe you do think you know all that is out there! dream on.



Did i say i knew all that was out there?again you seem to want to tell me what i am thinking :rolleyes:

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What really gets to me is the brutality of the whole thing. The actual reality of taking a knife on another human being's throat and slowly cut it takes a very specific type of person. I am sure that in a combat situation things are rather different, but to stand opposite a camera, deliver a 'speech' and then proceed to do that is beyond my understanding. It really is.

Which is why we should change our methods if we do respond. These sub human things are not worthy of being considered human, we should disregard the Geneva Convention, forget human rights.

If we end up putting troops on the ground(which I think we will) then they should be allowed free rein to kill whenever and in whichever manner they see fit with no fear of prosecution.

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is it just me ??.

how comes in this day of all the advanced technology that the us uk and all the other countries that have agreed to "fight " these nut jobs have they cant find them .

yes they are in a huge area of dessert/scrubland but if the so called spy satilites can read car reg numbers or pinpoint a single person how the hell can they not find all these morons and their equipment ...........


can some one explain!!!


If you reverse the question and ask it from the opposite direction, it would suggest that the capabilities are lower than you think and/or there arent as many assets available as you have been led to believe.


Popular depictions of military capabilities are always fanciful, especially where the higher end stuff is concerned.


It is in the interest of governments to play up their capabilities sometimes. Tom Clancy used to get briefs from the US government on selected projects in the knowledge he would hint at them in his books. The Soviets knew this happened and so could potentially be led up the garden path, or at least waste their intelligence services time.

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The time is here for the gloves to come off.


No more mr nice guy, nuke em it's only desert. Surely the forces of our combined nations have some new toys to play with.



So your not for the diplomatic route then?



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