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japan dolphin slaughter


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Ya not going green on us are you sparkie m888 :good::lol: Next thing you will be wanting to protect the poor bunnies :blink: :blink: :sly:


In my view its just a cultural difference, although not a particularly nice one I must admit. They just see things differently out there in the far east, especially when it comes to food.

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There is a lot of conflicting information about this episode, its on just about every Internet forum in the World.


Apparently, none of the species of dolphin are from any "endangered" group and are being culled for food.


Nobody seems to be disputing that the species involved are not "endangered", but there are claims that they are being killed for pet food and fertilizer.

Bizarrely, there are also claims that they are being sold to Marine Parks and Aquariums.....................dead ?


Its a pity that the commercial longliners activities and the miles of abandoned gill nets, don't get the same publicity as any attacks on Flipper.

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If the dolphins are causing a problem to the livelyhood of the fishermen then they need to be controlled, in the same manner we control rabbits and pigeons.

If they are doing it for the sake of it then clearly this needs addressing, in the correct manner. Not nice I agree and seeing those pictures is clearly distressing.


Its easy for the media to blow things out of proportion, remember the fox being killed on one of Phil the Greek's shoots a month or so back?

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Do you remember the add campaigns and pictures used to inform the public of the attrocities of the seal hunt. You remember Cute baby seals looking up with "Are You My Mother" or the photo futage of a bunch of seals being clubed to death with spikes prodruding out of the clubs, and the ice red with blood.


Turned out it was a very clever piece of footage shot by greenpiece themselves, as they killed a bunch of seals for their campaigne ends. Unfortunately by the time that this had been discovered alot of people had fallen for the ruse and voted to cancel that hunt. If the internet had been around in those days like it is now do you not think that you would be seeing that clip just as you are seeing the dolphine clip?


I am not saying that the dolphine do not need to be protected from OVER harvest but before you vote to stop the Japenese fisherman.....you could insert the Canadian sealer there.........do some research of your own and see what the real story is.



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I signed it and for a mixture of reasons.


Funny lot the Japs; the fact that their current government / population still can't bring themselves to admit, let alone apologise for their treatment of Allied prisoners in WW2 is irritating, especially when so much hand wringing and apologising has gone on for Hiroshima.


**** them and **** their fishing industry.

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NTTF, do you mean this video?


To be honest although killing dolphins is not something I approve of, who the hell are we to say to Japan to stop doing it? It is their culture. This is coming from the same people who are protesting that fox hunting is banned, what is the difference between a fox being chased down then ripped to pieces by a pack of hounds and what is shown in that video? At least dolphins will be eaten instead of being discarded like the lowly fox (though I'm not against fox hunting) in that case does that make it better than fox hunting - Given that these dolphins are probably not endangered or near extinction?


We can get on our high horse and say that it is wrong but when you get down to it, is it so much more different from PETA saying that shooting is wrong? Whats the difference between what Japan do to Sharks, Whales and Dolphins and our trawlers do to fish (yes, I do know that dolphins are mammals) every day of the week? Is the difference that Dolphins are intelligent where other fish are not? Or that they have been portrayed as being cute and cuddly by the media? Define what is intelligent, can a dolphin build a suspension bridge? In that sense they are not. Does that mean we need to look at the shooting of Corvids? They are indeed intelligent but perhaps not in the same way.


If people are objecting to the method of killing dolphins, however terrible it is, what method are chickens killed? Perhaps presently they are put through electrified water bath and stunned even this method is not pain free as sometimes they are not completely stunned. The traditional method which is still used is slitting of the neck arteries and they are allowed to bleed to death, that looks like the same method used for these dolphins... it is wrong for a dolphin but not a chicken which I guess goes back to the argument that dolphins are intelligent and chickens are not therefore it is alright to use for chickens but not dolphins.


To understand why there is such a protest I have tried to reason and conclude that I am not for or against such activities given that it is a different culture to the one I have accustomed to.

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Who are we to tell them they are doing it wrong?? The dolphins in question are not endangered and are of commercial benefit when dead. If it was a case of the Japs wiping out entire species of dolphins that would be different. From an environmental view, there can be no issue with what the Japs are doing. :lol:


If it is the cruelty aspect that bothers you, I hope you don't eat or buy anything that has died in a bloody way :lol: (Factory prepared chicken, ducks, foie gras, veal) But if it is the cruelty aspect that bothers you why don't you campaign for a different method of culling instead of trying to stop the whole thing.


Lastly, as has been pointed out, if the Japs came across here and started telling us what we are allowed to kill and the method we have to use to kill them, I don't think anyone on this forum would be too happy. Don't let emotional advertising cloud your common sense.



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If it is the cruelty aspect that bothers you, I hope you don't eat or buy anything that has died in a bloody way :lol: (Factory prepared chicken, ducks, foie gras, veal)



nah, im of the vegetarian kind. i just murder vegi's in cold blood :lol:

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i have no real problems with the japanese nation using dolphins as food . as long as the dolphin is killed in a relatively quick and humane way it's death is no worse than that of a sheep/cow/pig in a uk slaughterhouse .

the meat industry is a rather unpleasent business but as long as we eat meat it will carry on .


i have respect for the opinions of vegans that eat no animal products whatsover and i also respect the view of people that don't eat meat because they just don't like the taste , the people that i do have a problem with are the hypocrites that don't eat meat (because they see it as cruel)but still wear leather shoes and coats , in a previous life i worked in a slaughterhouse and they aren't the nicest of places and i suspect that most folks in this country would react to a slaughterhouse in the same way that millions of people worldwide have reacted to the dolphin video .


a little ps , i insist that any meat we eat that has come via a butchers is washed , i insist on this as during my time working with meat i would from time to time see meat that had been deliberately contaminated with human excrement/urine .

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