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It could have ended a lot worse for him than it did. Pity really, would have been nice to have seen a picture of the weapon. I do wonder how many illegally held air rifles there are out there, many unknowingly. I spent a couple of hours playing with a chinese gun and it was hitting 20ftlb with fairly minor modifications. If I hadn't put it through a chronograph I'd have never known.

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So there you have disparity yet again, compare his 2K fine with the chap who was discussed on here recently who received 40 months, I had posted to say I felt it was an unnecessary sentence and as with this case the judge said he had "no criminal intent" seems the luck of the draw on judges and reason-ability is the key I now await the "he should have got 5 years" comments, from the hang them high I Have never done nowt wrong brigade.



Edited by kdubya
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He made an attempt to apply for his FAC, and got turned down, he then made another attempt to register, but again was refused due tono serial number. Yes maybe he was wrong but the FEO could of at least met the guy 1/2 way and offered some advice.

How could tbe power have been measured before completing, pray tel.

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Seems he got poor advice from the police station a properly trained FEO could possibly have kept this chap on the right side if the law.

he must have got bad advice on his other guns that were over the top as well then.



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he must have got bad advice on his other guns that were over the top as well then.



Well one he said was over from the factory. The other 2 who knows he may well have just stripped and improved upon the originals and gone over unintentionally. Fact is if he had registered as an RFD he would have been totally within the law! The police telling him he can't apply fit a cert for a gun that doesn't exist is nuts... No one knows before they apply the serial number of the guns that will be on their cert!

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It was stated in the report posted that all other over-limit guns were factory delivered and un-modified. I think its a case of him being not fully aware of air gun laws. The report also stated he was from Rhodesia originally which has markedly different gun laws. Now, although ignorance is no excuse, and he has likely had more than enough time to learn the laws, it can be extremely hard to shift a mind set learned as part of your upbringing.

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He made an attempt to apply for his FAC, and got turned down, he then made another attempt to register, but again was refused due tono serial number. Yes maybe he was wrong but the FEO could of at least met the guy 1/2 way and offered some advice.

How could tbe power have been measured before completing, pray tel.

So what is then the process if someone wants to make a firearm, one which would be legal in the UK and then legally register it?

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So what is then the process if someone wants to make a firearm, one which would be legal in the UK and then legally register it?

It's easy.....


First apply for a variation for what ever it is that you are going to make......ie a .25 cal air rifle which exceeds 12lb. The police don't need to know if you are making it or buying it.

If you have not got an FAC then apply for one with an appropriate slot for whatever it is.

After the usual checks and the grant has been made, then make the gun and when it is finished put it on your ticket and tell the police what you have done. It is acceptable to use you own name as the maker and just create a serial number.....like the date followed by 001 and if you make another, date plus 002 etc.


A pal of mine does this with large calibre hunting rifles that he makes.

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As above.

I have converted several section 2 shotguns to section 1 firearms. Just make sure you have the appropriate slot on your FAC, do the work, then inform the FLD. Obviously, changing from section 1 to section 2 requires a trip to the proof house as well.


You don't need a serial number, but it makes sense to add one. I have two rifles on my FAC that are listed by calibre and action only and appear as "no name" "no number". All my moderators are listed "no name" "no number".


As I said, if I was to build a new rifle, I would avoid any confusion and mark it with something unique. May be a name or moniker rather than a number, just to be different

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It's easy.....


First apply for a variation for what ever it is that you are going to make......ie a .25 cal air rifle which exceeds 12lb. The police don't need to know if you are making it or buying it.

If you have not got an FAC then apply for one with an appropriate slot for whatever it is.

After the usual checks and the grant has been made, then make the gun and when it is finished put it on your ticket and tell the police what you have done. It is acceptable to use you own name as the maker and just create a serial number.....like the date followed by 001 and if you make another, date plus 002 etc.


A pal of mine does this with large calibre hunting rifles that he makes.

Thanks for the information. According to what you wrote the guy in the story could have easilly added those rifles to a firearms license then.

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Incompetent Police once again not getting their backsides kicked . OK the guy broke the law and for that there is no excuse , but as he had approached the police then in my opinion the officer responsible should be fined as an accessory as he knew what was being done/planed or better still sacked .

Edited by Gunman
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