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Best anti virus?


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I'd just like to add that whilst it's good to have a well respected antivirus tool on your PC, making sure your software, operating system and internet browsers are running the most up to date versions is a critical part of security.


Viruses and malware make the most of vulnerabilities in systems, but these are found and patched and fixed in software releases. Running outdated software can leave you exposed, even if you're running the best AV out there.

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Avast was good for a while but now slows up browsing dramatically so looking to go back to AVG which was good for a long while. Most infections come through attachments and in image files so disable image in preview and delete anything you didn't expect to get without having a butchers just in case it is interesting, it won't be.

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Hmm - bought the wife an HP laptop for Xmas as her old one is playing up.

This one is running windows 8 so its all a bit new to us.

The daughters boyfriend removed the free trail Nortan anti virus and installed AVG free version (I've used it for years).

No problems until day 2 -now there are pop ups everywhere, I've downloaded the latest anti popup programme and its still no good.

There are now so many pop ups she cant use the thing and the Boyfriend has gone back down South to his Mums.

We don't really know what to do now?

And I dont want to spend even more money at PC world !

Any thoughts?

Edited by mickyh
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Hmm - bought the wife an HP laptop for Xmas as her old one is playing up.

This one is running windows 8 so its all a bit new to us.

The daughters boyfriend removed the free trail Nortan anti virus and installed AVG free version (I've used it for years).

No problems until day 2 -now there are pop ups everywhere, I've downloaded the latest anti popup programme and its still no good.

There are now so many pop ups she cant use the thing and the Boyfriend has gone back down South to his Mums.

We don't really know what to do now?

And I dont want to spend even more money at PC world !

Any thoughts?

lots of sites offer you free AVG downloads, just make sure you are on the official AVG site or you will be downloading stuff you dont want

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Hmm - bought the wife an HP laptop for Xmas as her old one is playing up.

This one is running windows 8 so its all a bit new to us.

The daughters boyfriend removed the free trail Nortan anti virus and installed AVG free version (I've used it for years).

No problems until day 2 -now there are pop ups everywhere, I've downloaded the latest anti popup programme and its still no good.

There are now so many pop ups she cant use the thing and the Boyfriend has gone back down South to his Mums.

We don't really know what to do now?

And I dont want to spend even more money at PC world !

Any thoughts?

Having the same problem with a couple of laptops i bought the kids at xmas,binned the Mcafee and put on avast.Pop ups and new tabs opening with ads.

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I would suggest that the kids have been clicking on the pop ups for 'flash upgrade' etc that are really just a means of you unknowingly installing malware.


Try Malwarebytes Anti-malware https://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/. It can be very good at removing threats that some antivirus ignores.


Also look for Adblock. It'll help stop popups appearing reducing the risk of them being clicked on.

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I would suggest that the kids have been clicking on the pop ups for 'flash upgrade' etc that are really just a means of you unknowingly installing malware.


Try Malwarebytes Anti-malware https://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/. It can be very good at removing threats that some antivirus ignores.


Also look for Adblock. It'll help stop popups appearing reducing the risk of them being clicked on.

Thank you I'll give that a try.
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Well it didnt even look like it had downloaded, but it seems to have cured the laptop!

Thank you so much.

Enjoy your virtual pint and chaser I have just bought you.

We are very grateful I thought that would been a trip to the shop and a chunk of cash.

Best Regards Mick

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My own opinion is that if you need two then neither is worthwhile ;-). In reality it can't hurt other than to slow things down.


Antivirus, a firewall and a daily/weekly scan with a malware scanner should sort you. I appreciate it's not every ones cup of tea but I've used Mcafee for well over a year as an all in one solution and not had any problems.

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