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muscle rubs

darren m

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I buy something called Reflex spray from abroad. Used it when working in Spain years ago and hurt my neck badly on a water slide. It was the only thing that gave relief.

Smells like ralgex and in a red and white tin but works when ralgex dosent.


Tried all the ibulieve gel rubs.


Try your doctor if not getting relief.

Since when does playing on a water slide, count as WORK? Can I have a job like yours please? :D


As for Tiger Balm. The stuff in the pound shops I believe, is mainly the vicks copy. It seems to be a rub for colds. Also makes good candles! But when rubbing on I find no heat what so ever! Most heat rubs use Capsicum oils, and I don't think there is any in the tiger balm in the cheap shops! Though thry DO stock both Heat rub AND freeze rubs.

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need to add when the pain is at its worse , I cant lift my arm above my head or sometimes away from my side hardly at all , but also and not sure if its related but I get real bad pain shooting into my thumb muscle .

I always get these 2 things / symptoms together weird or what

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need to add when the pain is at its worse , I cant lift my arm above my head or sometimes away from my side hardly at all , but also and not sure if its related but I get real bad pain shooting into my thumb muscle .

I always get these 2 things / symptoms together weird or what

I've been through the same symtoms, doc said rotar cuff torn on shoulder,gave me steroid injection in shoulder pain relief within a couple of hours

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darren m i used kev for a long time when i gave up playing rugby started to get shoulder and neck pains, on the first visit he put 2 vertebraes back in. He also sports therapist for nottingham panthers ice hockey [ gets plenty of work of them] He came highly recommended, give him a try he"ll sort you out.

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finally going to see a doc about my shoulder , have to wait one month ( middle of feb ) to get an appointment to see the chap at our local surgery that deals with injections etc ridiculous or what...


anyway I first found some tigerbalm at the £1 shop it was the white stuff and **** basically looks and smells likes vicks.

I then found some tiger balm red at boyds discount store for £3.49 , its alittle bit better but not much.


so is there a different tiger balm out there that some of you chaps are talking about , as the ones I,ve found are not too good / hot .


anyone got any they could spare , ie just to try to see if any better than TB or deep heat .


thanks again for all the comments and advice

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as far as my shoulder I think it may be rotar cuff or impingement ,




I had a rotor cuff injury a year or so ago. I used ice packs, heat packs rubs, neurophen etc and it only relieved the symptoms for a short while. I went to a ciropracter and had a 4 or 5 treatments with him over a couple of weeks. It involved ultra sound, deep massage and a realinginment of my spine. He also recomended some exerise`s to do. It hasent given me any problems scince.

I now go to him a couple of times throughout the year for a "back crack" and aliginment.

In my case its a bit of an age thing with wear and tear and maby over doing some things now that i did not have any bother with when I was younger, cutting & spliting logs or digging in the garden.



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It sounds like you are catching a nerve with regard to the shooting pain in to the thumb. I did my shoulder a bit of a mischief last year, around April time I remember it coming on. Going too heavy with overhead stuff and lifting/pull ups. I saw my usual osteo and it didn't seem to do much, even my sports therapist had a few good goes at it which helped a bit. The best thing I did was buy a lacrosse ball and worked the affected area for up to 10 minutes each night, just teasing out the sinewy threads of muscle on and around the deltoid. It really was the best thing I did as I could feel it get better bit by bit. It's still not 100% but I can do pull ups and overhead squats, etc., without too much discomfort now. Couldn't even hold an unloaded bar over my head November/December time.


Tiger balm is ok if your muscles are little stiff as it gives a gentle warming action and smells lovely but for what you have, and while you are waiting for your appointment, go and get a lacrosse ball from your local sporting goods supplier. They're smaller than a cricket ball and harder than a tennis ball. It will hurt like ******* so just ease off a little until you can bare it and just work those knotty little areas.






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Doc - interesting , I,ve been lifting for years and wonder if this is the cause , but I cant remember what set it off , it was gradually getting worse over a few months then finally hurt that much that I couldn't lift even 10kg over head , also struggle to do any behind the neck exercise. even with rest now its no better


can you think is there any one trigger point area on your shoulder that hurts ie where or how do you massage it yourself.

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I had a rotor cuff injury a year or so ago. I used ice packs, heat packs rubs, neurophen etc and it only relieved the symptoms for a short while. I went to a ciropracter and had a 4 or 5 treatments with him over a couple of weeks. It involved ultra sound, deep massage and a realinginment of my spine. He also recomended some exerise`s to do. It hasent given me any problems scince.

I now go to him a couple of times throughout the year for a "back crack" and aliginment.

In my case its a bit of an age thing with wear and tear and maby over doing some things now that i did not have any bother with when I was younger, cutting & spliting logs or digging in the garden.



how does realignment of the spine work , what did he do , how did he do it.


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Doc - interesting , I,ve been lifting for years and wonder if this is the cause , but I cant remember what set it off , it was gradually getting worse over a few months then finally hurt that much that I couldn't lift even 10kg over head , also struggle to do any behind the neck exercise. even with rest now its no better


can you think is there any one trigger point area on your shoulder that hurts ie where or how do you massage it yourself.

Incorrect form is what generally sets these things off. I had been trying to progress by getting PR's, lifting heavier and heavier weights. The trouble is, by doing that you get to a point where your form suffers and then that causes injury. The moment you can feel your form braking is the when you need to lighten the weight a tad.


Have a look on youtube under mobilitywod. There are videos posted by a guy called Kelly Starrett who is a world respected mobility expert. I got the tip for the lacrosse ball from him. For me, the pain came from the posterior deltoid, over the outside of the top of the shoulder joint, which I pinpointed down with the lacrosse ball. It's amazing, you work through the layers just teasing them out until they feel easier which can be up to about 10 minutes, but persistence is the key. I stood against a tiled wall and rolled the ball around on the affected areas, working it bit by bit. By standing you have greater control as to how much pressure you can apply. Laying down can be too much, I thought so anyway.


It may take up to 6 weeks or more for the area feel ready for putting it work with weights and stuff but just remember to go easy on it and listen to what it's telling you. If it hurts then stop and try scaling the exercise.

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how does realignment of the spine work , what did he do , how did he do it.



I am sure that there more informed people out there who will be able to tell you in more clinicial detail but in layman terms.


First of all he asks where the pain or disscomfort is

An initial assessment is carried out by you standing as stright as you can and he will look at your posture and the actual alingiment of the spine.

Then a hands on examination of all the vertebrae. This usually will find "hot" spots, areas of tenderness.

As you know our spine is made up of joints & discs and they will move naturally and sometimes move slightly to far and the term slip disc is often used.

The pain and discomfort you may feel is not nessaraly a sliped disc but just fluid built up and trapped between your discs.

The examination will usually identify these areas and as our body naturally protects itself fluid builds up or the muscle`s in the area becomes very tense or tight.

The treatment varies between him appling deep pressure and or ultrasound to these areas. Now here comes the scary part.

For the aliginment he will depending on where the tenderness is, manipulate your neck and spine by various methods.

You have to try and relax, for example he will get you to lie on your side and have one hand & arm on your shoulder area and the other on your hip and maby his knee in your lower back and then

basiically pushes your hip foward and pulls your sholder back at the sane time and in most cases you will hear an almighity crack, he will then ask you to turn around and do the same from the other side but as you know what is going to happen you tense up a little. He may also get you to lie on your front and press down on your spine at certain areas, again you will hear a crack or poping sound

You have to have complete confidence in what he is doing it sounds worse than what it is and believe it or not there is almost instant relief although you may need follow up treatment.


With regard to the rotor cuff. The shoulder blade is not connected to any other bone directly but floats in place and is held in place by muscle and tendons. It is these muscles & tendons that require attention. The treatment is by a mixture of ultrasound muscle stimulation, deep pressure message and streching. Again after a couple of treatments the relief will be notticalble.


I hope I have explaned this well enough for you. You should note that a ciropractor should be registered like doctors to a professional board I think the BMA or BMC not sure. Some have had full doctors training and diversified some have been trained in sports medicine and some both.

The costs I am sure will vary accross the country. My intial consulation was £45 for a 1 hour consultation and £30 for follow up treatments.


Not only have I had my back & neck "cracked" I also have had treatment for tennis elbow. Although the NHS is there for us as you know it can take forever to arrange anything so I thing having a few treatments quickly goes a long way to getting back to normial life.


As I mentioned before rubs and tablets will help relieve the symptoms, the body depending on its age and with rest & maby light streching exersises usually sorts itself out but we in todays world dont have time to rest.



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  • 3 weeks later...

well he didn't refer me, nor advise psyhio , but as offered me injections , but not till next month lol


not sure if I,m pleased or not.


he said because its being going on so long and I,ve already lost some movement and also have trouble getting to sleep lying on my shoulders , an injection or 2 would help in its recovery.


what do you think chaps , what would you do ??



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