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Not a bad winter Pike

leeds chimp

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Had a cheeky day off last week so decided to dust the rods down and get on the river as not been out since late November...

Ended up going on the Yare at Postwick...got there about 8am and was an old boy already fishing....had a little chat and not had a touch at all on the feeder or trotting a float through since day break so he was packing up ...thought would give it a go and see what happens... :rolleyes::whistling: as could not be bothered to go elsewhere.....


Started off with two feeders..one into the middle of the river and the other a little bit closer....mix of groundbait and maggots in the feeder and double maggot on the hook....both rods set and and relax....then got bored as not a touch or sucked maggot in nearly 30 mins so decided to set the pike rod up and chuck a deadbait out on a simple float set up as not keen on ledgered ..just personal choice.... even the dog was quiet....dog_zpsqy9rdura.jpg



set it up with a sardine and just chucked it in the margins while i rolled a cig.....



literally a couple of mins later watching the feeder tips and out of the corner of my (good :lol: :lol: ) eye saw the float move a little...thought it was just the flow...watched it a bit more and very slowly it started to move away and under...hit it right away (rather lose the fish that risk deep hooking) after a very slow fight...only took line 3 times and in the net she went...



not the best pic as was on my own...


Just over 18lb so not bad at all.....ended up staying a couple more hours but no more and absolutely nothing on the feeder which was a big surprise for the venue as its normally a very good spot for winter roach and skimmers...


but come the summer will be out on the boat as its just about ready now as bought as a bit of a project


Edited by leeds chimp
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Nice pike. Reminds me of the first decent pike my lad caught when he was younger, he cried for me to help reel it in, but I left him to it.


Is that a young Ed Sheeran?

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Leeds, you should try the boat yards at Wroxham or Stalham, the bait fish move in there in the winter, under the boats where they are protected from sudden temperature changes, the pike follow them in, there is always loads around, I used to live on a boat in Richardsons at Stalham and always had a line out when home, nice fish and a nice spot,at least your dog looks comfy, now forget the fishing, where are those pigeons? :good::good:

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Leeds, you should try the boat yards at Wroxham or Stalham, the bait fish move in there in the winter, under the boats where they are protected from sudden temperature changes, the pike follow them in, there is always loads around, I used to live on a boat in Richardsons at Stalham and always had a line out when home, nice fish and a nice spot,at least your dog looks comfy, now forget the fishing, where are those pigeons? :good::good:

Use to fish quite a few of the boatyards in wroxham but with companies moving on and people retiring not so much now
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