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Aya xxv Churchill


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Usual AyA features - including decent build, good value, upmarket features, easy to work on and plenty of choice. I believe both sidelock (based on the No 1 and No 2 actions) and boxlock versions are around. I also know of AyAs with 25" barrels and a normal rib (not the higher thinner 'Churchill' rib). Like all Spanish s/s guns, single triggers are best avoided as they are not always trouble free. I have 3 x AyA s/s guns and they are good guns.

Whether 25" barrels suit you - you will have to try. Personally, I don't like them, but some people do.

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My shooting mate of the last 30+ years had an old Midland game gun. It belonged to his grandfather then his father. He is one of the best game shots I have ever known.

When he was around 60 he was told by the local gunsmith that it was re-barrel or scrap time for the old gun. It became a wall hanger.

My mate then purchased a pair of Aya XXV's. He had them tailored to fit and went to the clay ground. Disaster!!!!!

Couldn't hit a thing with them. "Sell them", I said - "No", he replied - "They were a good deal, I got them cheap". (Typical Suffolk farmer).

Well he went on with the suffering for two seasons and a lot of leg pulling and general abuse from all in sundry - Then, on the third season, the act came together and he started hoovering partridge and pheasant out of the skies like the old days.

I have tried them but I am an o and u man and can't get on with them at all.

Ralph now swears by them but 'Ye God's' - it tried even his patience.

Super gun when you get used to them but be prepared for a big difference at first.

Those 25'' tubes just don't swing like 28's.

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it's all between the ears. They are just a tool like any other tool. Use it correctly and it will do the job intended. i've got both the side lock and the box lock. but i've also got lots of other guns ranging from single barrels, o/u, sbs to pump action. perhaps i'm lucky in that i just don't get hooked up on mental considerations regarding using these. i am also lucky that I shoot fairly well with all of them. but this is not about me it is about you and you better try to find someone that would let you use one because the short barrels don't suit everyone. they're nice well made guns.

Edited by fortune
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As above- any one got any experience with the above gun? Thinking of one for walk up rough shooting.


I have box lock version my friend has the side lock both fab guns

The Churchill rib makes it great for any o/u shooters to use as the rib is wide and high same as o/u


Used mine for decoy in hides great being short, good for roosting and driven pheasants I've had some amazing high birds too.

Buy one there lovely guns


By the way Pantile guns in Tonbridge Wells has 3 for sale on their own web page 2 box locks a 1 side lock all mint guns around £900 to 1000 he's had them a while and reckon he will take offers as they specialise in English sxs nice shop for a viewing too......


I love them !

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They look good too :-


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&&0![cdata[>I think that this picture is of a model that they call " Best boxlock" the general XXV model doesnt have that scoloped back to the action and the engraving is different. I'll go and find a picture of my boxloclk and the sidelock to show this.
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25 sidelock 195_9563rsz.jpg




25 XXV Boxlock





From the picture of the boxlock you can se what I’m on about the shape of the rear of the boxlock action, Both of these guns especially the boxlock are light. They are great for walking with or decoying but they are best suited to lighter weight loads from 21 gram to 28 gram. They can shoot sort of 36 gram but you would certainly know all about recoil if you went for a day shooting heavy stuff.

Another consideration is the current wave of shooting fashion is to go for long barrels so these are out of fashion so you get a lot of gun for the money. It depends on how good a shot you are because it’s great to show other shooters how to do the biz with stuff that is out of fashion.

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I have a similar gun in the guise of a no4 boxlock with 26" barrels. Open chokes and very light. I like to think I shoot well with it. Considering my other guns are auto's with 30" barrels it's quite a difference but I love taking it out. It's just so nice to shoot in the hide, and on game days. I will be taking it roost shooting later even though the trees are very high. It just feels great as is fast to handle. Like already stated they are no longer fashionable so some good bargains to be had. The engraving is good and have oil finished stocks. They are proven and reliable.

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Well I've gone and got it. Have a 30" beretta for my clays, a 28" sxs sidelock cheap Spanish gun and now the aya. Got it quite cheap so doing some tidying up of stock and will put some pictures up once it's all done. Very quick to come up and points surprisingly well. Lovely engraving!

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&&0![cdata[>I think that this picture is of a model that they call " Best boxlock" the general XXV model doesnt have that scoloped back to the action and the engraving is different. I'll go and find a picture of my boxloclk and the sidelock to show this.

It was bought/sold as a XXV. It has 25" barrels, has a raised rib and marked XXV in the normal place. I think I'm right in saying that the 'Best Boxlock' - No 4 deluxe - has tear drops. The problem is is that they have made so many variants over the years. This one - its condition belies its age is from 1964.

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A mate of mine has shot his 26" gun for nearly 40 years . He has shot grouse ,pheasant doves , and geese ! He was in his heyday regarded as a good shot .Often commented on about his choice of barrel length he always said it is a matter of choice and having the confidence in your self to hit what you shot at . He also shot for England DLT at international level , not with the same gun .

The prejudice against shorter barreled guns has grown over the last few years yet for nearly a century they have been used with great effect in both game and clay shooting .I think it is time that this was reassessed .

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It was bought/sold as a XXV. It has 25" barrels, has a raised rib and marked XXV in the normal place. I think I'm right in saying that the 'Best Boxlock' - No 4 deluxe - has tear drops. The problem is is that they have made so many variants over the years. This one - its condition belies its age is from 1964.

Seen a few of those early XXV models,lovely things ! No it`s not a Best Q as you rightly say.

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Whether ####ing or sidelock they are some of the nicest looking guns aya ever made and what a huge marketing opportunity they missed by not producing a 28" barrel version. If they had everyone would want one.

In their heyday,everyone did want one ! You couldn`t sell 30" barrelled guns easily in the 70`s and early 80`s,now you can`t hit anything without one or so some would have you believe......

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In their heyday,everyone did want one ! You couldn`t sell 30" barrelled guns easily in the 70`s and early 80`s,now you can`t hit anything without one or so some would have you believe......

Unfortunately I was around in the 70s and would argue that yes there was a market for 25/6" barrelled guns back then but 28" was still the most popular and I still maintain aya missed a serious opportunity by not offering the option of 28" on these guns

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Unfortunately I was around in the 70s and would argue that yes there was a market for 25/6" barrelled guns back then but 28" was still the most popular and I still maintain aya missed a serious opportunity by not offering the option of 28" on these guns

What would they have called it?

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