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run off road tonight


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So, on way home down motorway, sat in lane one when a transit van goes flying by, look at my speedo and I'm doing 70. Hitched on the van is a trailer.

Up front is a lorry over taking another lorry so I change to lane two and then to lane three.

The van is caught up in this as he is towing. I drive past, 100 meters up is another lorry so I hold in lane two. In the mirror I have this van right up my backside. About a meters off me flashing his lights. I'm staying where I am as lorry ahead in lane one. Next this he is trying to undertake me. Looking at speedo I'm over 70mph by a little.


Next he slows down, cuts behind me then out into third lane. Races ahead and then swings in front, I'm on the brakes with his trailer almost over my bonnet.

I pull back, let him get out the way, he pulls in to lane one and is blocked in so I just get out the way and carry on heading home.


A couple of miles down the road he is there again up behind me. So I just pull into lane one and slow to 60 so he can clear off. He slows down and his passage is taking photos next to me.


I come off the motorway a junction early as I think something more might of happened.


The thing I don't understand is. He's towing a trailer, well over 80mph. Out in the outside lane and all this with a van that has hottubsuperstore logos all over it.

Why do people do this?

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I will be phoning them boss in the morning rather miffed as I don't drive fast and I didn't put others in danger as I like to go home in the evening, so when others wish to play with the lives of others then it rattles me.


Lucky it was to dark and the videon didn't come out else it would have been police.

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report to employer , before you start ask if they are the people that were on a tv programme last year about fitting them( fly on wall type programme). if it was they like their publicity, then ask if they would like some bad publicity. might be on m way camera's too.

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New dash camera is on order as its not the first time. Last year a lorry wanted to be where my car was just because he didn't like me do 50 in an average speed camera area.


Also had a lorry coming sideways towards me on a narrow lane. He had clipped the grass edge and lost control. Honestly thought we were going to be dead on that one.



Will ring today and find someone to speak to. But then its my word against 2 of them.

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The simple fact that someone has felt strong enough to report it the morning after is enough to mark their cards - if they've had complaints about them before - or if any come later. I got pursued around an industial estate by a break down truck driver recently who didnt like being overtaken - my passenger was bricking it as much as me. After I thought the coast was clear I toodled up the road - he came from the other direction and deliberately trid to off me but the car on the back had come loose so he had to swerve gentle enough for me to mount the kerb to squeeze by.

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Not sure where you was run off the road?


Sounds as if you are one of those middle lane drivers.


If you see lorries over taking, vans over taking or people getting all shirty with each other etc, stay back until it's safe to overtake, let the idiots fight it out and don't start quoting the highway law that won't make anything better.


As for a dash cam.....

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Not sure where you was run off the road?


Sounds as if you are one of those middle lane drivers.


If you see lorries over taking, vans over taking or people getting all shirty with each other etc, stay back until it's safe to overtake, let the idiots fight it out and don't start quoting the highway law that won't make anything better.


As for a dash cam.....

That was my thought.

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Me! Middle lane warrior. Haha. Far from it buddy. Far from it.

I was inside lane van went by and got cauvhtn up with a lorry overtake and other lorry up front. I pulled tomlane two and then three.

I got run off road when the van didn't like me sat in middle lane with 100 yard gap on lorry on inside lane. After which he pulls to third lane, with his trailer and then processed to cut infront, me on brakes and over into lane one. All this time I cant see the number plate on the trailer as my bonnets in the way.


You don't work for a spa company do you lmao

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Did you go onto the hard shoulder? 100 yard gap is big enough to move over.


I see enough people scared of changing lanes driving on motorways.


As for the obvious idiot in the van, which i agree should be complained about, he will come unstuck at some point. Just don't concern yourself with it, make the call and leave it and forget about it.

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Lane two and three are overtaking lanes, starting an overtaking maneuver when you're 100yrds behind the vehicle you intend to overtake is pretty rubbish, its not worthy of being dangerously intimidated tho. ;)


How close do you think he should get before overtaking?

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Lane two and three are overtaking lanes, starting an overtaking maneuver when you're 100yrds behind the vehicle you intend to overtake is pretty rubbish, its not worthy of being dangerously intimidated tho. ;)


Sorry but what a stupid statement! Many things to take into account, road conditions, speed of vehicle in the inside lane all have a bearing on at what point he thinks he should pull out to overtake, how can you tell that it was "pretty rubbish" without knowing these things???

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nasty experience, glad you reported him.


i had this up my bum in the States... (needless to say i got out the way quickly)

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Christ , I bet that made your eyes water :whistling:

Edited by fenboy
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I had come in from lane three into two. Normal M5 conditions. Vehicles in front on lane two and three.

If I had pulled into one it would have been less than ten seconds before having to move back.


In my eyes I was in no wrong. As some here think I was then OK. I'll move over, hold my hands up and say I'm not worthy of the better people here, and in the road.

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