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Green Party

Sha Bu Le

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Did anyone see the green party's election broadcast last night 19:00 BBC.


What a joke, all there 'significant leaders singing and dancing with lots of glitz. I know there was a message there (somewhere) but they chose a silly way to get it across to the electorate.


If this party ever gets a significant presence in parliament then heaven help us (all of us not just field sports people). However based on last nights election ad its not going to happen.

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Did anyone see the green party's election broadcast last night 19:00 BBC.


What a joke, all there 'significant leaders singing and dancing with lots of glitz. I know there was a message there (somewhere) but they chose a silly way to get it across to the electorate.


If this party ever gets a significant presence in parliament then heaven help us (all of us not just field sports people). However based on last nights election ad its not going to happen.


Are they going to cap all volcanoes to stop them from emitting smoke and gas?

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Have wasted half an hour of my life reading the first 18 of 86 pages of their on line manifesto. Gave in and skimmed the rest.


In order to implement this fairy tale they would a) have to get elected (not going to happen and b) Be in power for at least 200 years (not going to happen even if they did get in). We all know that any party's manifesto is a document of rhetoric that will never be fulfilled.


Are they going to cap all volcanoes to stop them from emitting smoke and gas?

I think so; they produce enough BS to do it.

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I note that they intend to ban the private ownership of *automatic* and semi-automatic firearms.

Nice to see they have read up on the current legal situation...

:good: I hear so many people spouting utter tosh about what is and isn't legal etc. It's fun putting them right

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I heard the Greens leader an Australian woman by trhe sound of her on radio 4 this morning.As far as I could gather their main fund raising was going to come from increasing road fuel duty by a big whack. Railways to be nationalised , fares reduced to drive people from their vehicles. There was me thinking that Comrade Sturgeon was a dangerous woman, found one who is her equal at least.



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We've got a big bunch of Greens in Norwich - mad as a bunch of frogs. Will soon close all roads into Norwich if they gain any further control. One of them, an old acquaintance of mine, ex-far left labour admits he now lives off a meagre pension but generous expenses. He is, of course, a veggie and against any form of animal 'exploitation' as he calls it. Driving around Norwich as I do on my p/t job all the green banners seem to be in the bandit zones ie social housing where normal people would not visit after dark!

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We've got a big bunch of Greens in Norwich - mad as a bunch of frogs. Will soon close all roads into Norwich if they gain any further control. One of them, an old acquaintance of mine, ex-far left labour admits he now lives off a meagre pension but generous expenses. He is, of course, a veggie and against any form of animal 'exploitation' as he calls it. Driving around Norwich as I do on my p/t job all the green banners seem to be in the bandit zones ie social housing where normal people would not visit after dark!


They seem to be targeting areas with large student populations and areas where, in the main, there is a standing Lib Dem or Labour MP. It's much easier to turn an already left leaning student into a frothing, rabid Green looney, than it would be to turn a Tory.

On the bonkers scale I'd rate them on a par with Boris Johnson and birders.

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Blimey. Just read the green party manifesto about firearms. Blimey. Seriously, wow. Annual renewal, cost to be based on "the damage done to society by guns and their abuse in general " or something in that vein. Astonishing. To read all that following their whole raft of measures to ensure the comfort, security and happiness of the few criminals whose crimes will be deemed serious enough to deserve a custodial sentence. So society is not served by making a multiple burglar /rapist a scapegoat, but is served by making me one for wanting to own and shoot a firearm.


I'm thinking that on the 7th I may not be voting green.

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I only read the manifesto overview but I couldn't work out where they were getting any real money from apart from taxing cars and the rich. I can't work out why they get so many of the student votes, supposedly further educated people voting to screw the country over.

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I only read the manifesto overview but I couldn't work out where they were getting any real money from apart from taxing cars and the rich. I can't work out why they get so many of the student votes, supposedly further educated people voting to screw the country over.



That has been my view for ever.............


They appear to believe money grows on trees, they want an open door policy, give money to anyone/everyone anywhere in the world, they make pledges to support any numb nuts ecological scam and have no idea whatsoever of how to run the country.


Heads in the clouds.


Their Australian leader emigrated to the UK because she thought it a better country than Australia, now she wants to change this country immeasurably, perhaps she should go home and try Australia, seems they are a long way behind us in her opinion!

Edited by Dekers
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