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More Owls I'm afraid


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Had a day off today so I thought an early morning and a trip out with the camera was in order. I'd arranged to meet a mate and try a fairly new location where we knew a Barn Owl was hunting.

On my way to our meeting place I was surprised to see the bird floating down the farm track eagerly eyeing up the area for his breakfast. I grabbed a couple of quick shots and carried on to meet my mate. It had started off clear and bright, but within about 10 minutes a raft of low cloud covered the rising sun, turning the bright morning light into a dull, gloomy affair. My ISO settings were getting pretty high, but we carried on in the hope things would change...they didn't!!


As soon as we returned to the area of the sighting we could see the owl up and hunting along a nearby ditch, he didn't seem particularly bothered by our presence and sat up in a nearby copse.






He sat for a while before darting down into the long grass, some 50 yards away...he'd found a bit of breakfast. Was difficult to get a decent shot of him feeding as he had his back to us most of the time, and with the poor light and long grass he wasn't making life easy for us!!




He was soon up again, spooked by an early morning dog walker, and flew off into a plantation opposite our position. It wasn't long however until he made a pretty spectacular low flypast...






I've identified 3 birds now, in 2 locations, so hopefully one day everything will come together and I can get some sharp, well lit shots.


Oh, and here's a Whitethroat I caught a couple of evenings ago whilst waiting for the owls...




Hope you enjoy. :good:

Edited by poontang
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Stunning shots poontang. You should be very proud of them.


I like the Whitethroat :lol:


Was gutted when the light went this morning though, most shots were around 4500 ISO!!


This was taken at 9000ISO... :unhappy:



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Great pics and such a shame that you were denied the early morning light. At least you know that you did everything you had to do as the photographer, not your fault if the sky didn't play ball.


Cheers grr, It's frustrating to say the least...got him today though!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great pics, ISO 9000 :oops: my camera only goes to 1600 :lol:

imagine what the old film camera would have been like at that rate very very grainey . i have never pushed my canon to those limits , must give it a go and see what happens .......oh the owl pictures are stunning one of my favorite birds

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