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E Cig Bans


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It's the smokers that gather just outside the door of a venue be it pub or cafe etc, you have to walk through a cloud of fag smoke to get in or out.


If i passed wind when walking past someone or a group people say "that's gross" not as much as breathing in their smoke.

Edited by keg
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They should have the same restrictions as normal smoking. Sat in a restaurant with oh and 2 year old then a bloke starts chugging like a choo choo train and it reeked. The staff did quickly ask him not to So wasnt too bad.


It almost seems alot of people take up vapping just so they can beat the ban and smoke indoors.

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Haven't read all the replies, but here's my experience of them FWIW


I've used an E-Cigareete for over a year, and since my first puff on an e-cig I haven't touched a conventional cigarette or even craved one. I was smoking 20-30 roll ups a day until this point.


My good lady says that I don't wheeze or cough in the night any more, and my teeth have returned to a shade of white from the yellow colour they used to be when smoking.


I don't stink of tobacco smoke any more, and nor does my breath smell like an ash tray! However, I do look a **** when using an E-cig.... I can live with that :lol:


I started on 24mg/ml nicotine liquid, and reduced to 8mg/ml now. I aim to cut it to 0% nicotine soon. Once I've been on 0% for a while, I'll look at quitting e-cigs.


E-cigarettes have been the only 'quit smoking' aid that's worked for me. I've tried patches, gum, hypnosis, cold turkey etc but always went back to smoking within several months. E-cigarettes are the only aid that has worked for me so far.


Regarding usage, I don't use it indoors/in a car where children are present. I would never even think about using it in a pub, cafe or shop etc.


I wouldn't oppose a ban in indoor or under cover public places, but in open air public places I don't think a ban could be justified.


EXACTLY what he said.

EXACTLY what he said.

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Apparently it's water vapour that's released. ergo let's ban all karcher products and car washes. I expect a ban on rain will appease the holier than though.

If indeed it's water vapour then that's kettles up the spout.....get it?.....kettles....up the spout!


I'll get me coat



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I'm an ex-smoker who gave up long before e cigs were available, so I think that anything that helps to get people to stop is a good thing.


Having said that, they should face the same indoor ban as proper fags imo. If you can't go into a pub/shop etc without 'lighting up' and blowing smoke all over the place, then don't go in at all.

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Chip, chip, chip..........I haven't smoked for around 10 years or so now, but if the vapour is merely water vapour then I can't see what the fuss is about really. A proposed ban is possibly nothing to do with any 'harmful effects' but rather more to do with the signal the image sends out to children that it is acceptable to smoke, but I may be wrong.

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I have nothing against them to be fair, but yeah I don't want someone vaping (is that right? Vaping? why the **** is it called that, ******* hipsters!!!) when I'm eating or even worse the inconsiderate twunts who crack one out when my daughters around...


I also have no idea why you can buy them huge ones, the size of a small car that give out enough vapour to fill the lungs of anyone within a mile radius



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How cool does she look!

Get your facts right, she's not trying to give up smoking she's a cloud chaser....completely different.
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I just find smokers ignorant, they don't care when or where they smoke as long as they can. I see everyday young mothers with children in the back of their cars puffing away driving, what's that all about? A few months ago they finally stopped the smoking outside the door of my local Hospital. When you see several people sitting in wheelchairs and drips in their arms smoking as if there was no tomorrow it doesn't send a good message. I've had tradesmen in my house who think they have the right to light a cigarette when they feel like it regardless of anything. Guns and guests at my shoot get in my car and want to light up as they are been driven to the next stand 3mins away and look at me with two heads when I tell them NO! I've been a non smoker all my life ( Or was I?) I was brought up a miners son and my parents smoked like lums and so did their entire family, so until the age of 25 I suffered a house full of cigarette smoke every day so I think I've had my fair share. I'm glad I've lived this long to see the effects of smoking as my Parents and 95% of family died of smoking related illness.

We've came a long way in the past few years and I think it would be a backward step to allow people to use e-cigs in hospitals, restaurants ETC. I would hate to go out for a meal and 50 people in the same place puffing away on e-cigs.

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I don't smoke, but it seems to me that the unintended consequence of the ban in Wales will mean that if the people who use e-cigs have to go out and join the smokers they might just as well have a real cigarette and that will be bad for the health of the nation!




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Smokers don't smoke because they're ignorant; they smoke because they're addicted to nicotine. It really annoys me when people say things like it's a 'filthy habit' etc. It is filthy, I agree, but it sin't a habit, it's drug addiction, pure and simple.

If you've never smoked then you can certainly have an opinion, but you're in no position to judge.

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I know its an addiction as my Father tried to give up for 5yrs and I helped him as much as I could as I wanted him to give it up more than he did. He failed but at least he tried. By ignorant, I mean don't care or bothered where they smoke or light up or where it is or who is there or affected. I also think 25yrs of serious passive smoking in the house I was brought up in doesn't mean I've never smoked. I cant stand in that persons shoes and actually feel their addiction but I think I'm in a position to judge as in my family there have been 3 heroin addicts and a few alcoholics and unfortunately I could see what they couldn't.

I work every day with a very good friend of mine who I'm helping to quit cigarettes but he is smoking e-cigs inside at his desk and then going outside for a real cigarette:

Has anybody any suggestions?

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What a load of rubbish. I don't mind smokers or e-smokers doing whatever they do - just don't blow the toxins in my direction.


If you don't support the liberty of others then you should hand in your fac as you don't deserve liberty either ...



Priceless - following this absurd logic, if you don't support the liberty of murderers to go about their work unimpeded - hand in your cert.

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What a load of rubbish. I don't mind smokers or e-smokers doing whatever they do - just don't blow the toxins in my direction.


this is the issue i have.... not one conclusive and impartial study has been done that proves that there are actually harmful toxins in 'vapour' that is given off from E-cigs.


and yet, people believe there is.


yes- lots of studies have been carried out, both for and against, but they are either backed and funded by the tobbacco companies or the vape machine manufacturers (both of which have a vested interest for money reasons)

i have stumbled accross a few tests carried out by healthcare 'officials/proffesionals' but on further digging they always semm to be affiliated to one or the other sides of the fence.

i do firmly believe that a full and impartial study needs to be carried out, but i have a suspicion that this wont happen for a while...


to quash any questions, i smoked for 15 years and switched to vaping just over 3 years ago. this wasnt because i wanted to give up, it was because i enjoyed the art of smoking but didnt want the 1000 chemical a puff stigma that went with it.

my opinion, and that is what it is, is that vaping is a darn sight safer than smoking conventional cigarretes. the health benefits are noticeable almost from the get go.

within a week of switching i could smell again, taste again and after a few weeks my chest cleared. no more coughing for 10 minutes every morning!


my stance on vaping in public is this,

i dont vape in bars or restraunts, i go out with the smokers. its just good manners.


i do however, vape at my desk at work. enclosed office with the window open. my productivity rate would probably drop by about 5% each day should it be banned indoors...

that may not sound like alot but 5% every day for a year makes a hefty dent!


there needs to be a common sense approach by vapers, or they will lose their right to vape, the same way smokers did with smoking.

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I am amazed how many people here have the attitude 'i don't like it so ban it' yet are shooters! Hugely hypocritical. If you don't support the liberty of others then you should hand in your fac as you don't deserve liberty either ...

We don't shoot under others noses.....

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I know its an addiction as my Father tried to give up for 5yrs and I helped him as much as I could as I wanted him to give it up more than he did. He failed but at least he tried. By ignorant, I mean don't care or bothered where they smoke or light up or where it is or who is there or affected. I also think 25yrs of serious passive smoking in the house I was brought up in doesn't mean I've never smoked. I cant stand in that persons shoes and actually feel their addiction but I think I'm in a position to judge as in my family there have been 3 heroin addicts and a few alcoholics and unfortunately I could see what they couldn't.

I work every day with a very good friend of mine who I'm helping to quit cigarettes but he is smoking e-cigs inside at his desk and then going outside for a real cigarette:

Has anybody any suggestions?

Passive smoking isn't addiction; until you've actually craved for a fix to the point where it interferes with everything else, then with all respect you have no idea.

I have known countless people whom have died through smoking related diseases, and even some of those craved the very thing that was killing them right to the end, so 'feeling' their addiction doesn't quite cut it I'm afraid.

If your friend REALLY wants to stop smoking then they could try reading The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allan Carr. Hundreds of thousands of people have successfully stopped smoked after reading this book, as have many others after vaping, but you still HAVE TO WANT TO stop. There is no miracle cure (although Allan Carrs book felt like it to me) and despite all your good intentions, THEY have to do it.

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