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I often walk into town and back (800 yards or so down a steep hill and through town) of a morning when working from home for a coffee and the craic in a local gallery, and this morning had to pay a visit to someone outside town so took the vehicle with the intention of calling at the gallery on the way back.

Parked up in town on return leg, did a bit of shopping, had a coffee and the craic for 30 mins in gallery.......and then walked back up the hill, got to house and for the briefest second wondered where my vehicle was........ :ninja:



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I often walk into town and back (800 yards or so down a steep hill and through town) of a morning when working from home for a coffee and the craic in a local gallery, and this morning had to pay a visit to someone outside town so took the vehicle with the intention of calling at the gallery on the way back.

Parked up in town on return leg, did a bit of shopping, had a coffee and the craic for 30 mins in gallery.......and then walked back up the hill, got to house and for the briefest second wondered where my vehicle was........ :ninja:



I have symapathy for you Scully, a few years ago my mrs came home from work at the end of the day and she drove past the shops en route, her first comment when she walked through the door was " why is your car parked outside the shops? "


I had been down there earlier in the door and was reading the newspaper when I left, got home and didn't even think about it.


I was in my mid 30`s then, im going down hill rapidly :unhappy:

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I have symapathy for you Scully, a few years ago my mrs came home from work at the end of the day and she drove past the shops en route, her first comment when she walked through the door was " why is your car parked outside the shops? "


I had been down there earlier in the door and was reading the newspaper when I left, got home and didn't even think about it.


I was in my mid 30`s then, im going down hill rapidly :unhappy:

:) I know how you feel.


Its not all bad , you remembered where your house was :)

There's always an upside. :good:

A bloke who used to work at the dairy once came to work on his day off because he'd gone to the newsagents and saw the local weekly rag was on sale so assumed it was Saturday, and his shift rota had him down to work Saturdays.

It was in fact a Friday but this particular one was Christmas Eve, and there are no newsagents open on Christmas Day, so the paper was distributed a day earlier. In his defence he was very close to retirement and not altogether there at the best of times.

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After a night shift we were tasked to the sort of job you dont want to get called to just before shift change, after a few hours we were released and whilst driving back i had that panic moment and said to my oppo....... sh ite where are the motor keys???....... after a bit of flapping,the pocket pat and a lean over the seats into the back we infact realised we were driving and as such the keys would be..... in the ignition!!!!!

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Just a couple of days ago I had a full on panic that I had lost my mobile phone, I was in my work gear so pockets everywhere, given myself a full pat down, gone back and checked the dash of the vehicle, only then did it click it was against my ear while i was on a call :/


Age 36, not good.... lol

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I quite like the Yeti. :|

I like it too. If that means I am getting old and a bit rubbish compared to the yoof of today well so be it.


As you get to be a bit forgetful life gets a bit fuller of unexpected small surprises, like thinking I fancy a G&T to discover that I have one beside me already that I fetched 30 mins ago and forgot about. That happy little surprise was just 5 mins ago :)

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At times when I've done a very long day at work and a tough day, I've walked around the car park looking for my car as I was so tired, I had no idea where I parked it, at times, not knowing which car park. I can imagine that if this was daily and a part of being old, it would be very frightening.

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