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hello, hoping that my interview on the 27th will be ok and decided on a CZ 455 LR .22 are ranger finders a practical help or not worth getting and my scope will be the new Hawke rimfire which has a different reticule but you still need to know distance of rabbit, if you think they are good to have what make and model but not to expensine, i like the Simmons LRF400 but cant find in uk. any help appreciated. cheers

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Most rabbiting is done on the move when most of the time you won't have chance to ping for range, adjust holdover then shoot. I would suggest practice guessing 50yd ranges, pace it out and see how you close you can get. Not suggesting don't buy one at all, they are very usefull, I nearly always take mjne out.

Above all get out and shoot on paper from 15 yards to 75, in 10yrd steps note the drops. Spend more time on paper and you're bunny bags will show your time spent on practices.

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I tend to ambush rabbits when I shoot so I use my range finder when I find a position I'm happy with and then range different areas so when rabbits appear I know what holdover to use.


Especially useful for longer range shots I find.


Personally I wouldn't be without it but each to their own

Edited by belly47
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It's realy up to you but a range finder takes all the guess work out of it. I use mine to zero my scopes on my rifles and it will realy help you judge distances. I take mine out to work with me and lazer many different targets from trees to lamp posts and so on while guessing the range beforehand. It realy does work in helping get the range pretty good with lots of practice

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go to uk whare house,go to clearance sale,hawke 600 £100 posted,exelent bit of kit,use mine all the time

hello, sorry i could not find that offer can you be a bit more specific, i looked at this one to, from leisure persuits plymouth. PACECAT 1000 but i dont like the flag thingy more for golf

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I don't personally rate them much for such a use nor do i dial in for .22 RF. Thing is windages are at least twice as important as trajectory shooting past 75-80 yards and there are limits to what you can check-up and change with equipment . To sum up if you cant range it and dope it by looking and holding good enough then its too hard a shot for you to try just yet.


Shooting with but one fixed mag level (as it gives you a visual reference) and one fixed zero (so you learn your trajectory off pat, one choice of ammo will bring you on a lot quicker with .22 RF.


Remember this 6" low from a 50 yards zero, 4" of FV 10mph wind is a 100 yard dope for my own .22 and ammo of choice and i can see were to hold by that info alone using a 6x mag and std A4 reticule without lots of hashes and lines.

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I've got a hawke 900 range finder and use it a lot to judge distance, last weekend unfortunately it broke, went out shooting yesterday and did struggle with range without it.

So will be buying another but this Time will get a 400 as I never shoot past 400.

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Aite rangefinder 400 can be bought in realtree camo finish from Ebay, cost £89, if you really must have one for 22LR. Personally, I zero at 75 yds, and restrict shooting to targets between 50 and 100 yards estimated so I know to hold under by a couple of inches or hold over by about 4 inches at 100yds. The times when I would find one useful would be for 200yd to 250yd shots with the HMR in still conditions.

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hello, hoping that my interview on the 27th will be ok and decided on a CZ 455 LR .22 are ranger finders a practical help or not worth getting and my scope will be the new Hawke rimfire which has a different reticule but you still need to know distance of rabbit, if you think they are good to have what make and model but not to expensine, i like the Simmons LRF400 but cant find in uk. any help appreciated. cheers

has the scope got different range markings on it for the rimfire scope? Yard Ranges? If yes the two combined will be brilliant for calculating shots!!


Looks like this??






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Never had one. I know the size of the distances from the corner or gate to that oak and other points where the rabbits come out so dont really need one. I can confidently head shoot out to about 50 paces and body to about 80 so not really a problem with conecting. I just dont know how we managed all these years without a rangefinder. My mate has one and we have used it for a bit of fun when He was using his 222 and I was using my 223 to measure how 200 paces matched the range finder distance. I think that we were about 5 paces different. I was still hitting the target in the kill zone so it wasn't a hit or mis situation. possibly 5 clicks. cant remember

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has the scope got different range markings on it for the rimfire scope? Yard Ranges? If yes the two combined will be brilliant for calculating shots!!


Looks like this??





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Just snaffled one of those. Brilliant idea. Makes taking quick field shots a lot easier.

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hello, sorry i could not find that offer can you be a bit more specific, i looked at this one to, from leisure persuits plymouth. PACECAT 1000 but i dont like the flag thingy more for golf

Ladyjack might have meant Optics Warehouse as I posted about this clearance offer just recently - have just checked and they are not now shown.

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Just snaffled one of those. Brilliant idea. Makes taking quick field shots a lot easier.

I know i want one but am waiting for 4-12x50 subsonic reticle. I take it you have the 3-9x50 subsonic reticle.

How well do they work? How accurate are they at the different yardage points??

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I know i want one but am waiting for 4-12x50 subsonic reticle. I take it you have the 3-9x50 subsonic reticle.

How well do they work? How accurate are they at the different yardage points??

Your in luck as they do one in 4-12x50 .22lr subsonic.

Hawke vantage ir

I picked up the hawke 2015 brochure today to look at range finders to replace my broken one.


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