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Air rifle or shotgun


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Further to my recent post about a new perm...


I'm going to treat myself. I love air rifles and kinda fancy an HW100K. Though at 1 Gee for a good rig cheap they are not..


Do you guys consider a sub 12 air rifle to be an effective tool for decoying/roost shooting or do you think the money would be better spent on a nice 12bore?




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If shooting on a serious farm then your farmer friend would expect you to give him some kind of service shooting the pigeons . A shotgun is always going to be a better tool than an air rifle . An air rifle is probably a good tool for shooting a bird or two for the pot ,but will never compare with a shot gun .


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  • 2 weeks later...

I find generally that the pigeons don't land in my decoy pattern - as they approach they realise that it's a con and start to move off (by which time I've (hopefully) shot them). Younger woodies and ferals seem more trusting / stupid, so they do land sometimes. But if they come in in twos / threes then as soon as you shoot one the others will be gone - try shooting them with a rifle mid-flight. Two barrels and a shotgun gives you much more flexibility.


Roost shooting is different of course - if you want to pick them off the trees then it's probably easier with a rifle. I tend to take both out with me - I'll dispatch winged birds with the rifle from the hide to save appearing out on the pattern and if any bunnies appear or some pigeons in awkward trees I have the choice...

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i have both the s/gun for numbers a/rifle for fun 1 farm i shoot has domestic buildings around the farm yard worker cottages etc and the pigeons let you get very close and i regulary shoot 8 or 9 with the a/rifle up to 30 yds cant get within 150 yds on the farm itself

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Give yourself some options and get a 2nd hand HW100, and a cheap shotgun ...... both in your total budget, and when you know what you prefer you could upgrade in a year or two.


I've been shooting with a shotgun since age 11, but last year got an HW100, and as others have said ...... it's a really peaceful way of spending a quiet evening or two.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I use both everytime i go out i will set up on a rape field with my decoying equipment and try to get within 30-40 yds of sitty trees either side of me birds coming into my decoys i use shotgun birds landing in trees i use airgun .then around 3 oclock i pack up get into the roost wood and use my airgun as they land into the trees to settle for the night .several times i have bagged 23 birds plus before dark using my airgun which i find more satisfying than the shotgun. Ps walk away from the hw 100 though i've had 3 all from new and all leaked .i use the fx cyclone 177 .

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  • 3 weeks later...

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