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Top Weekend 450+


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Myself and Alan went out yesterday to a farm that had cut 350 acres of wheat . Not a bird in sight.Gutted. !!!!
Drove round numerous farms and didn't see a bird in the sky. Headed back to a field where we shot 1,600 birds in a week last year as it is always a good flight-line
.There were a fair few birds on the stubble , so we set up about 1.00pm.
The birds just kept coming and coming all day .Young "Lugs" joined us for an hour and shot 22.
Packed up at 6.30pm
Shot 151
Goes to get my Jeep and Flat battery. My mate had left the ignition key on and radio playing. Doh!!!!!! Jump start from Lugs













Well, after a bit of a letdown on the wheat; where we had a 150 bag
yesterday; we went mooching and the boys Lee and "Lugs"found some on the
peas standing crop. They setup and had shot about 30 or so when I arrived to
join them.
The pigeons were flying past and decoying steady up until 1.00pm and then
they just switched on. We were banging away at all manner of birds. Left to
right crossers, brick droppers, moon walkers; you name it we had every
manner of bird available. The banter in the hide was brilliant. **** taking,
compliments, the works
Then about an hour later the combine came into the field to cut the crop.
Young Lee Dixon​ had a word with the farmer and he very kindly agreed to cut
the adjoining field first. Phew!!!!!!
He started combining and the birds went crazy. We shot non stop for the next 2 1/2 hours and shot 160 in that time.
Alan and Paul had shot 45 and all told we had shot 318 pigeons.
nightmare picking all the shells and birds up, but got to be done.
What a day and what a weekend.
Over 469 birds.
Big thanks to Lee Dixon for the opportunity.
Oh. and before any keyboard warriors start. I know my camera is a day out. !!!!
Edited by Topgunners
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Top darts there TG!!


I think it's time you got a video camera, would love to watch one of your hot days on the pigeons.



I have many short videos of us but funny; that I only said yesterday to the lads, it was a shame we hadn't shot that hour and half on video. The only problem is - Who is going to do the filming?


Just for you cosd. One of my old favourites.


Edited by Topgunners
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I have many short videos of us but funny; that I only said yesterday to the lads, it was a shame we hadn't shot that hour and half on video. The only problem is - Who is going to do the filming?


Just for you cosd. One of my old favourites.



Top draw video, really enjoyed that. I really liked the high left and right at 3:16.


I'm afraid you've laid a president there now TG, more videos required now :)


Thanks again


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