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True cylinder choke question


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Cylinder ,cylinder

Skeet, skeet

1/4, improved cylinder

1/2, modified

3/4, improved modified

Full, full


Skeet is often interperated differently according to the maker.


Beretta optima HP skeet is actually more open than cylinder. Where most skeet chokes are slightly tighter than cylinder......


Cylinder is exactly that, no constriction at all.

Edited by a303
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This has english designations to compare...... and makes point that although americans have a standard dimension for choke, in reality, there is quite a variation in dimensions to get the required pattern depending on which cartridge is used.


12 Bore 20 Bore 28 Bore .410" Bore American English Browning Italian Spanish Perazzi Percentage Constriction Constriction Constriction Constriction Designation Designation Codes Codes Codes Codes Pattern .000" -.001" .000" - .001" .000" .000" cylinder true cylinder *** C**** ***** 0 40% .002" - .006" .002" - .004" .001" - .004" .001" - .002" skeet impr cylinder **$ S 1 45% .007" -.013" .005" - .011" .005" - .007" .003" - .006" impr cyl quarter **- **** **** 3 55% .014" -.023" .012" - .019" .008" - .014" .007 - .012" modified half ** *** *** 4 60% .024" -.031" .020" - .026" .015" - .020" .013" - .017 " impr mod three quarter *- ** ** 6 65% .032" -.040" .027" - .033" .021" - .027" .018" - .021" full full * * * 9 70% .040"+ .034"+ .028"+ .022"+ extra full 10 75%
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i knew it would end up like this........................it always does ... :lol:


just get out with the gun and see what the pattern is at 15 and 35 yrds..................then if you think it is too tight then open it up a bit....having fixed chokes bored out a bit is not an expensive job....then try it again......



simples ..eh :good:

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i knew it would end up like this........................it always does ... :lol:


just get out with the gun and see what the pattern is at 15 and 35 yrds..................then if you think it is too tight then open it up a bit....having fixed chokes bored out a bit is not an expensive job....then try it again......



simples ..eh :good:

Ain't that a fact but how do you open up true cylinders? :whistling:

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It can be done, check out recess choking or jug choking.

I did it to a muzzloader one with a mandril I made.

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Sorry, mis understood, I thought you were talking about returning some choke.

Was going to wait and see how the OP got on once he has the gun and patterned it as intended. If he has a problem and things are too loose for his needs (even with steel), as you say, this is one solution - might just get somewhere close to Imp - but don't know the current cost per barrel. Where's Gunman?

Edited by wymberley
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im not sure you will have to correct me on this one.....but i believe some "experiments " were done on ELIPTICAL boring of a true cylinder so the shot formed an elipticle beaten zone...for shooters who couldnt be bothered to "dial in" lead for crossing birds


now that is laziness for you !!

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That's WHAT I thought until I was proven wrong. cyl in the USA IS NOT true cyl, and IC isn't IC but 1/4 after which they have modified (our half)

And then they have a skeet choke either side of their cyl too.

So trying to equate anything under modified / 1/2 gets very difficult, especially when different makes start changing the names too.

I ordered a beretta 1/4 choke off GMK and got delivered ICwhich they informed me is 1/4, and when I ordered IC I got told I already had it, called CYL.

All very confusing to someone who was brought up on fixed chokes. Most guns in my youth were sold half full, and then bored to suit, some were sold quarter three quarter, or even three quarter full, but most were board prior to delivery according to customers wishes.

Many were often bored again, when they were sold to someone else

It matters little what the uk/usa equivalents are. I just don't believe your open choke and big pellet theory.

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Sorry redditch' Im not jumping on the Band wagon nor im i an expert when it comes to Chokes ect but there is something not right with what your putting. I know there is not a lot of difference in a Metre and a good yard..by my calculation a metre is somthing around 3 feet. But killing birds clean at that distance through open chokes is just not right. I tend to agree with Wigeon man's comments on ehtics ect.. Tighter chokes are required for birds at that distance and even that is pushing things. I cant see how you can claim to get good patterns at that kind of distance with open chokes' I can only imagine how patchy they would be' not to mention the pellets running out of Steam.

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Sort of but I was avoiding the swear filter. When Starshot was introduced you needed a right load of No9 shot in something like TC or less. One option was to get an inexpensive gun and chop off the choke.



other wise known as "a cash withdrawl tool"...

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im not sure you will have to correct me on this one.....but i believe some "experiments " were done on ELIPTICAL boring of a true cylinder so the shot formed an elipticle beaten zone...for shooters who couldnt be bothered to "dial in" lead for crossing birds


now that is laziness for you !!

Yep, nothing new under the sun.

Right hand barrel done for crossers and the left at 90 degrees for driven/going away and you've got it cracked. :lol::good:



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To the OP . I use a MK 600 skeet gun with 26" barrels for decoying on a regular basis . And if i had to . I would rate myself as a fairly competent shot i spose . And depending on the shells i use . Its good for 25 -35 yards . As in producing reliable kills . The above is with lead or steel at those ranges there is no differnce .


Atb stevo

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70 yards is a long way...

I've done more than my fair share of long range shooting and would say I'm more comfortable than most past 50 odd yards, but I wouldn't dream of doing it without my regular tight chokes (3/4) and a minimum of 34g 5s. When I know I will be shooting real high stuff I go to 42g 4s as I know they are capable of what I want at the desired range.

As many have I'm sure, I too have had lucky shots at extreme range, but everyone needs to know their limits and keep within them. A singular pellet in the neck at 70/80/90 yards proves nothing other than our luck was in that particular day.

Keep in to 30 odd yards with cylinder and you will be fine, just be aware where it starts to become more luck than judgement.

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70 yards is a long way...

I've done more than my fair share of long range shooting and would say I'm more comfortable than most past 50 odd yards, but I wouldn't dream of doing it without my regular tight chokes (3/4) and a minimum of 34g 5s. When I know I will be shooting real high stuff I go to 42g 4s as I know they are capable of what I want at the desired range.

As many have I'm sure, I too have had lucky shots at extreme range, but everyone needs to know their limits and keep within them. A singular pellet in the neck at 70/80/90 yards proves nothing other than our luck was in that particular day.

Keep in to 30 odd yards with cylinder and you will be fine, just be aware where it starts to become more luck than judgement.

Another good Answer. Well Put..

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