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Hunt sabs


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Just a bit of an insight for anyone that doesn’t know what they are like, yesterday 3 hunt supporters where attacked by about 25 masked “animal lovers” well out trail hunting the sabs also smashed the car window of an old couple and stole a phone from them that was being used to video the attack


This same group of sabs have got a petition up to trying to stop the hunt meet on boxing day, The hut has a counter petition here http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/support-the-boxing-day-meet-in-lewes-high-street if anyone would like to sign it

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Some farms i shoot fox's on ask me not to go when the hunt is around in case it upsets them the fact I'm shooting them all...

Mike it will be the same mob as me, i got the last laugh,because when they wanted to come over last,Guy told them they would have to ask me for permission (as they push our woods & pheasant will be in there next year).I will be saying N0!

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I will put in a good word for my local hunt, the Pytchley, who always act in a courteous,polite and thoughtful manner and have a tremendous following by the local community. Speak to the Hunt about any issues or concerns you have as in my experience they want to help overcome any friction and be a welcome addition to the countryside. We have had contact with the yobs that wish to disturb proceedings who always seem to want to provoke attack as the Hunt are such an easy target...imagine the trouble we as pigeon shooters would have if we had to publish the dates, times and places we will be for the next few months!

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Mike it will be the same mob as me, i got the last laugh,because when they wanted to come over last,Guy told them they would have to ask me for permission (as they push our woods & pheasant will be in there next year).I will be saying N0!

I shoot Dons farm on the corner and they used to have false earths in his wood that the hunt built...

The hunt were told not to go on certain fields that had just been sown he even put new chains and padlocks on the gates..

What did they do cut the chains and went across the fields with quad bikes what a bloody mess they made there was hell to pay..

Stuart Don's son kicked them of they are not allowed on his land at all now. Then he rang me to take a gun and we went down to the woods

with his forklift arms on his tractor and ripped and dug up all the tunnels the hunt had built over the years i was there in case any had foxes in and i could have shot them with the shottie as they bolted

there were none at home...

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The hunts do themselves more damage than good,I was told by one huntsman to stop shooting foxes so they where left for them.Talk about putting nails in your own ⚰

Banned from our permission in Co Durham by the farmers for leaving gates open, scaring livestock, breaking hedges and fences, riding en masse over crops and driving quadbikes willy nilly.


Told them that me and my buddies are the preferred and only pest controllers allowed on the land.

Edited by Katzenjammer
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Another good word for the hunt that covers my shoot. Not naming names incase they see my fox shooting posts! but they were asked to stay away from my pen woods and do, to be honest do very little damage and the pheasants hardly notice. It would be a sad day if they are forced to stop

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I shoot Dons farm on the corner and they used to have false earths in his wood that the hunt built...

The hunt were told not to go on certain fields that had just been sown he even put new chains and padlocks on the gates..

What did they do cut the chains and went across the fields with quad bikes what a bloody mess they made there was hell to pay..

Stuart Don's son kicked them of they are not allowed on his land at all now. Then he rang me to take a gun and we went down to the woods

with his forklift arms on his tractor and ripped and dug up all the tunnels the hunt had built over the years i was there in case any had foxes in and i could have shot them with the shottie as they bolted

there were none at home...


Now i can understand the farmer being well ****** off, and rightly so. But how does ripping an earh out help matters?

Instead of having an easily accessable earth for the terrier u have now no idea where there cubbing, even if u dinae use terriers u still know where to sit out ans wait for vixen/cubs


Decent hounds cause very litle disturbance to pheasants, seen small gun packs draw pen woods or drives and hardly a bird flushes, quite strange really

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Also heard several reports of them running across land theyve not got permission on, knocking fences down and leaving gates open.


Obviously not all like that, but as said above some don't help themselves.


Some of these sabs have got no respect, hooligans.

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Now i can understand the farmer being well ****** off, and rightly so. But how does ripping an earh out help matters?

Instead of having an easily accessable earth for the terrier u have now no idea where there cubbing, even if u dinae use terriers u still know where to sit out ans wait for vixen/cubs


Decent hounds cause very litle disturbance to pheasants, seen small gun packs draw pen woods or drives and hardly a bird flushes, quite strange really



Apparently they had not been used for years so Stuart was just making sure the hunt didn't have excuse to come back onto his land..


So he dug all the pipes out and broke them, he doesn't get bother by foxes so he is quite happy for me to take any out that causes a problem

don't get many call for my services in this department, mainly calls about corvids shoot load on his land...

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Well glad to see we've a constant voice against the antis!

The hunts round here do end up on wrong land occasionally and seem to put right. They've never done it over our land but then were not arable.

Anyway OT sabs.

They have a far more devious hunt and when they taste their victory where will they go next? Farming? Butchers? Restaurants selling meat or businesses that work with any that do.

Let's not fight and see the enemy for who they are.


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