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Why all the fuss over a President?

Doc Holliday

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As the title says really. I don't really get why the Yanks make all this fuss over protecting a guy who's only in power for one or two terms at most. Can anyone expalin to me why this is the case. I'm sure I'm just ignorant of the fact so an insight or education may be useful, or not, which ever the case may prevail.


The question came about after watching Bear Grylls with Obama. Ok, if it was Prince Harry or someone of that ilk then it goes without saying, as they are schooled from a young age as to what is expected of them, but someone who potentially has the same background as any other average Joe...? I just don't get it. Seems like they are doing it just to make a point, which I don't quite get either.

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Trouble is he is probably one of the most targeted people in the world people ranging from his own people (ranging again from lone nut jobs through to some seriously organised militia types) to a lot of people in various middle east countries would like to see him dead .

Also unlike our own PM the president in the US wields a hell of lot more power. He is the commander in chief of the largest military in the world and has a wide range of powers on how they are deployed so I think they want to keep the person they chose safe to make the decisions he is elected for.

Sure our own royals are at risk but to be honest if Prince Harry got popped would we drop an marine amphibious division on them, would we be able to now? If the Americans proved some state assassinated their president there is every chance that state would cease to exist in fairly short order so the security is probably a hell of a lot cheaper :)​.

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He is the first citizen. Commander in chief of the military. His country is the host for United Nations HQ. For one or two terms he has has finger on a massive nuclear weapons system. He is the leader of the world's largest economy and a currency that has global purchasing power, to the extent that is accepted in many other sovereign states as valid tender. Oh, and his country's military interventions and adventures mean he is target number 1 on the wish list of most global terrorist organisations. Also, the self styled leader of the free world.



I am sure others can add to list

Edited by Dr D
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For the same reason we protect for life any prime minister that has ever served until death - we don't want any minorities/overseas agents/etc killing them in a point scoring exercise.


Obama or any US president has more power and influence than Prince Harry or other "minor" royals.

Edited by LondonLuke
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I once saw John and Norma Major shopping in Tescos with two bodyguards tailing them. This isnt bull by the way!

Fairly often see Gordon Brown walking along the coastal path near his house, again with two close protection officers in tow which is a shame as I would really quite like to shove him in the river :)

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Fairly often see Gordon Brown walking along the coastal path near his house, again with two close protection officers in tow which is a shame as I would really quite like to shove him in the river :)


My understanding is that they are there to protect the public from him! :)

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