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The first fox I called in was a surprise, Jess spotted it first at five yards and charged it! I will need to tie her up next time! Anyway the fox went defensive, you know how they put their ears back and gape their mouths!

I got the gun on it and after checking where Jess was for a safe shot it took off with Jess in hot pursuit before I could fire! Oh well now I know to tie Jess up!


I moved to an area of bracken on a hill side just above a chicken farm and did some calling. Nothing came but I noticed something along the hill side moving away on a run probably 300yards or so away so with the wind on my face we pursued it.


What happened next was rare! We came to the end of the bracken only for Jess to disturb a fox (it must of been one I spied in the distance and moving away from the call, maybe educated!) on a path, you can see the path in photo 1. The fox then ran right into a basin of bracken, turned and came straight at me!

In photo 1 the camera is at my shooting position and the fox placed where shot 1 was and don't be fooled by the lens it is two paces!

After the shot Jess had a go but came off where upon a second shot was added. It is amazing how quick one can reload a non ejector single!


I used one of my reloads of Nobel 80 and 1&1/4oz of course shot, #2#1 sort of size.






It has been a long time since shooting at single digit yardage and it sure was exciting.


This vixen was taking some ornamental birds and I found her fresh tracks leading to the ornamental chickens soon after!




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