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Barrel bulge


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Gun is browning gold 10, the discrepancy can be seen if I look down both sides, it's that minor it could be flared as you say for chokes, I'm going to take it down to gunsmiths next week, for look.. When I look on inside of barrel it is perfectly clean and clear ,.. No sign of anything untoward

I am 99% sure all is well but get it looked at

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Two things I would ask a gunsmith to check for:

(1) a bulge just behind the multi-choke, which could be nasty if it allowed gases to get between the choke tube and the barrel;

(2) a bulge that expanded the barrel around the threads, such that the choke tube might not be held securely.


Hopefully it will turn out to be just a feature of the design.

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The descrepency only seems to be on outside, when looking down the inside of barrel ,no matter how hard I try I can see nothing, it's perfectly clear ,no shadows or anything, it's only on outside, and only when I hold it up against light and tilt head to catch it.. I'm still going to get it checked for peace of mind.... Don't want it making my shooting any worse haha

Edited by Smiler23
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I have seen many multi choked guns with bulges behind the choke . I have seen many multi choke guns with the ends of the barrels either blown off or split .I have seen multi choke guns with distorted chokes that potentially are a source of further damage .

Advice from well meaning people is all well and good but please take it to a competent gunsmith - thats not necessarily your local RFD- and get a profession opinion .

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Take it to a gunsmith and get it checked.


Describing the possible problem on the forum and taking advice from people that have not seen the problem (me included) is not good.


You are right to ask for advice but in this case getting a professional to look at it is the only solution (in my opinion).


That's my opinion to, its all very well for many to say don't worry, its normal, but who knows from his description?!



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You would be amazed how many barrels have little bulges and the owners have never even noticed. What the eye doesn't see....................


Taking it to a gunshop is not always the best idea because gunshop is not the same as gunsmith and some of them will not give you a straight answer (believe it or not!)

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Shot I use is steel 2,s for duck mainly, and steel bbb,s when after geese, iv been looking on www again this morning and have found information that browning gold 10, is flared at end to accommodate the threading for multi chokes... So looks like it is be being a worrying fanny, it's still getting looked at by gunsmiths this week tho

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If there is a bulge not meant to be there right where the chokes screw in the the chokes would be loose in the threads, no?

Lord, please.....

I think that perhaps the terminology is at fault here. As the Gold uses invector chokes where the threads are at the opposite end to the muzzle and the barrel was flared to accommodate the threads, then if that flare was a bulge how would you get the choke in? - You couldn't. Even if the threads were at the muzzle end of the choke, then the barrel would not have a bulge but a change in profile in order to accommodate them.


What has yet to be determined is whether the bulge is a bulge (as in "ring bulge") - ie, it starts and it finishes before the end of the barrel - or whether the enlargement in the barrel diameter continues to the muzzle.

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What has yet to be determined is whether the bulge is a bulge (as in "ring bulge") - ie, it starts and it finishes before the end of the barrel - or whether the enlargement in the barrel diameter continues to the muzzle.

We know now.


Panic over, it is flared for threading, iv just been and looked at 2 other barrels, cheers for input tho lads, thank you

Happy days! :good:

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