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Yep thats them Norfolk people there Ditchman, ive seen them like that when im down there in the season scary they are, specialy at night.



yer a missin out...noight is the best toime........hope yew aint tu toight... :lol:...(oi gut sum larrd)

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It certainly was when we were at war with the French. The ships monkey was the only survivor washed onto the beach, the French sailors had made a little uniform and dressed the monkey in it. The folk wanted to just kill it but someone said no. So it was tried as a spy and hung. The Hartlepool Legend. Civilised even back then :lol:


Plenty online about it.


I researched it. Very dull and very boring like your **** stirring posts.

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Some great memories from trips to shoot around Holt. Loved the county and the people.

I have been lucky enough to sample the game shooting around Holt some years back and what a lovely place to shoot game with the gentle slopes and valleys around that area.


Glad you liked it Milo , people like you are welcome to come back to our county any time you like and I am sure you will see the locals and the area haven't changed that much .

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I have been lucky enough to sample the game shooting around Holt some years back and what a lovely place to shoot game with the gentle slopes and valleys around that area.


Glad you liked it Milo , people like you are welcome to come back to our county any time you like and I am sure you will see the locals and the area haven't changed that much .


Am I allowed in too? Lady JDog and I are currently looking to find a holiday cottage on the Norfolk coast in July.

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Am I allowed in too? Lady JDog and I are currently looking to find a holiday cottage on the Norfolk coast in July.

You and your good lady are welcome any time you want , July is normally a busy month on the coast so I would recommend you sorting your accommodation out sooner than later .


If you were stuck you could pitch a tent in ditchmans garden looking at the size of it, and then wine and dine around the hotels along the coast , starting at the Victoria at Holkham where I hear you have your own table awaiting your return :good:

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Am I allowed in too? Lady JDog and I are currently looking to find a holiday cottage on the Norfolk coast in July.

You will be more than welcome back to our wonderful county . It's those who live in cess pits and have never visited us that we don't what to come here . j dog if you are in nelsons county during harvest and you want a days pigeon shooting just get in touch . I will take you out with a couple of good ole boys on the stubble . No need to bring a gun or any gear we have plenty .



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You will be more than welcome back to our wonderful county . It's those who live in cess pits and have never visited us that we don't what to come here . j dog if you are in nelsons county during harvest and you want a days pigeon shooting just get in touch . I will take you out with a couple of good ole boys on the stubble . No need to bring a gun or any gear we have plenty .






gud ole boi ...

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Whitebridges - the shield on your profile. My wife thought this looked like her school blazer (Costessey Sec Mod)?


She's a worldly lady, must have been have to married you. Our county flag flies high,wide and proud all over Sandringham, Costessey and the rest of our county.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone watch this 4 part Documentary on BBC 2..? I came across it by accident and only seen the last two episodes.

It was pretty good and in the 3rd part it Showed some duck shooting on the North Norfolk Coast over Flight ponds and they were pheasant shooting last Week.

I think its available on the iplayer and must try and get the first two episodes. Was my kind of Show and I really enjoyed it.

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