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Fox Stole

la bala

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When we were first married (late 1970's) I saved up and bought my wife a mink coat.


Fast forward to the politically correct 21st century and it got thrown out! Not even the charity shops would take it.



If I'd known then what I know now.....................

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Now i am showing my age here, do any of you senior guys remember some ladies wearing fox stoles around thier necks, and some carried a lucky rabbits foot in thier handbag. Come on , show your age. :lol:

I remember my old mum with a sabre tooth tiger stole that me dad cured after him and few mates killed it in a pit fall trap :yes: that was back in the day when all about here was fields

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Yes years ago my mums sister had fox stole and lots of people had lucky rabbits feet not that it did the rabbit much good when I first saw your post I thought that someone was steeling foxes. :rolleyes:

Some people do and send them down here with bandages on thier legs

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you lucky ****** the best that we could do was use a dead weasel that we found in the back garden.


Had a back garden!....you were really lucky... the best we could do was use a dead rat that we found floating in canal.

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my mate ...had a Davey Crocket hat which his mum made for him from his nan.....it looked a bit funny cause they didnt chop the dried head off ...so when he wore it he looked like a cross between Davey Crocket and Tutankamuen.............it looked a bit odd....when you spoke to him all you could see was this dried head thingy gooping at you with shiny brown button eyes.....bit putting off really.......

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my mate ...had a Davey Crocket hat which his mum made for him from his nan.....it looked a bit funny cause they didnt chop the dried head off ...so when he wore it he looked like a cross between Davey Crocket and Tutankamuen.............it looked a bit odd....when you spoke to him all you could see was this dried head thingy gooping at you with shiny brown button eyes.....bit putting off really.......

Your mates mum, made his Nan (her Mum) into a Davey Crockett type hat for him ?

How Strange lol

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my mate ...had a Davey Crocket hat which his mum made from a fox fur that belonged to his nan .....it looked a bit funny cause they didnt chop the dried head off ...so when he wore it he looked like a cross between Davey Crocket and Tutankamuen.............it looked a bit odd....when you spoke to him all you could see was this dried head thingy gooping at you with shiny brown button eyes.....bit putting off really.......

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When I was young one of my grans was a proper country person she had a big old cottage that was a bit run down as most country cottages were at that time and she kept ducks chickens and rabbits in cages.


The rabbets had two uses meat she eat them and she would hang the fur pelts up to cure when they was ready she made fur mittens and gloves to sell.


She also had the biggest pair tree that I have ever seen with the biggest Pairs they was as big as rugby balls you could not eat them to bitter they needed to be cooked first.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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Had lots of lucky rabbits feet as a kid, funny how they looked just like my pet rabbits feet after they escaped.


Not long ago saw an old lady in a Fox Stole, it looked so out of place in today's world. The head looked flat like it had been ran over.

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