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Boris - delusional?


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Bizarre comments from Boris today as Markets went haywire, is he really a potential PM?

Were you watching the same ITV headlines as me?


Boris Johnson:"People's pensions are safe, the Pound's stable, the markets are stable and I think that's all very good".


Then the news anchor: "Meanwhile shares continue to fall, as does the Pound."

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Boris doesn't seem to have done much lasting damage to London while he was Mayor, as far as I know, and he oversaw the London Olympics. Yes, he's a character, but he does appear to work at what he believes in.


Cameron? He announces a referendum with no plan whatsoever as to what the result may be. He buys off the Scottish independence vote by giving them devolution (independence) and buys off the UKIP vote by offering a referendum.

With the devolution of Wales and Northern Ireland, he has, over the last two years, effectively dissolved the United Kingdom and split his own party assunder.

Large swathes of the UK were fully expecting him to fiddle the referendum result and are still expecting some kind of jiggery-pokery to get himself out the mess he's made so he's pretty much destroyed many peoples trust in Parliament.


I know who I'd rather trust.

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Cameron... has, over the last two years, effectively dissolved the United Kingdom and split his own party assunder.

Absolutely right. The section on him on C4 news was painful to watch. I think it began, "This is what political failure looks like."


I'm not sure how his premiership could be considered positively. I always felt he was like a schoolboy, playing at politics and couldn't imagine him negotiating his way out a wet paper bag. Seems that was pretty much the case. You've got to wonder if the admissions boards of Eton and Oxford stand by their decision to let him in.

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Absolutely right. The section on him on C4 news was painful to watch. I think it began, "This is what political failure looks like."


I'm not sure how his premiership could be considered positively. I always felt he was like a schoolboy, playing at politics and couldn't imagine him negotiating his way out a wet paper bag. Seems that was pretty much the case. You've got to wonder if the admissions boards of Eton and Oxford stand by their decision to let him in.


Which politicians do you favour?

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Absolutely agreed, of all of the potentials I think Theresa May is the least crack pot. I'm glad that George Osbourne is staying put, we need a string chancellor to support the PM.

Are you kidding? She actually gave away absolutely incredible amount of power to the snoopers; theres pretty much no country who have the rights she's given to the snoops to gather completely unlimited access to people private life and communications, some of the 'oppressive' regimes out there can only be jealous of what they have here.

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Boris doesn't seem to have done much lasting damage to London while he was Mayor, as far as I know, and he oversaw the London Olympics. Yes, he's a character, but he does appear to work at what he believes in.


Cameron? He announces a referendum with no plan whatsoever as to what the result may be. He buys off the Scottish independence vote by giving them devolution (independence) and buys off the UKIP vote by offering a referendum.

With the devolution of Wales and Northern Ireland, he has, over the last two years, effectively dissolved the United Kingdom and split his own party assunder.

Large swathes of the UK were fully expecting him to fiddle the referendum result and are still expecting some kind of jiggery-pokery to get himself out the mess he's made so he's pretty much destroyed many peoples trust in Parliament.


I know who I'd rather trust.

I worked with him on a project in London. The rhetoric is there and for rallying the team he will be at the forefront but maybe his pragmatism is sometimes distracted by ambition. A leader yes a PM probably but I suspect he will make many fopaux in the process.

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Not a lot of love on here for Boris then. :)

I never considered him equiped for PMhood but i think he is not the blundering incompitent he apears to be, and i must say there is no one else suitable to lead this country in the conservative party.

We really are in a sorry state as a nation where politicians are concerned. Its a desert out there.

But if you look at history we were in the same sort of state in 1939 but an unlikely person jumped up and led us through.

Love him or loathe Boris we need him right now there is no one else at this time strong enough to lead this country its that simple.

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Boris doesn't seem to have done much lasting damage to London while he was Mayor, as far as I know, and he oversaw the London Olympics. Yes, he's a character, but he does appear to work at what he believes in.


Cameron? He announces a referendum with no plan whatsoever as to what the result may be. He buys off the Scottish independence vote by giving them devolution (independence) and buys off the UKIP vote by offering a referendum.

With the devolution of Wales and Northern Ireland, he has, over the last two years, effectively dissolved the United Kingdom and split his own party assunder.

Large swathes of the UK were fully expecting him to fiddle the referendum result and are still expecting some kind of jiggery-pokery to get himself out the mess he's made so he's pretty much destroyed many peoples trust in Parliament.


I know who I'd rather trust.




I don't trust Boris as a politician. His capacity for opening his trap before engaging his brain is endless and his intelligence appears questionable. However, he has charisma and appears to be less divisive than Cameron. With a good team about him I can see him making a good caretaker PM until the next general election but only if the party unite behind him, which they may not. I predict the same will happen to the Tories that is currently happening with labour, and we'll have the party split. Signs of it are happening already.


As for Cameron, the less said the better. He has been an un-mitigated disaster as PM. The only thing I'll concede is that, all things considered, he's not done a bad job of managing the economic mess left by the disastrous Brown/Bliar government despite the impact of the cuts. The markets have remained stable under his leadership and the UK growth has seen the green shoots of recovery, and we can't deny Cameron that. For all of that, everything else he and his cabinet have touched has been a disaster. His greatest claim to fame, and greatest "achievement" seems to have been pushing through same sex marriages. If that's his yardstick of success, then he's clearly delusional. Gove made a complete mess of the Education Department so God help us if he's given a job like Chancellor! The man's inept


The Tories do have some very good people with genuine integrity on the back benches, people with intelligence and genuine ability but they're not part of the elite bratpack so wont get a look in.


The other front runners just don't seem to be people that would do well in negotiations. The two female candidates would split the party probably more than Boris. They're not at all liked by many in the party and have done nothing of note in negotiations. May is disliked especially by the voters for the powers that she conceded to Big Brother so wont have the confidence of the electorate, and her arrogance and nasty side has come to the surface on more than a few occasions. She'd be the last person we need.


It's a sad state of affairs when our best bet appears to be Boris. For now, we only need a PM who is good with people as our bargaining power depends on it, and he may well pull that one off. Let's hope so.

Edited by Savhmr
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Are you kidding? She actually gave away absolutely incredible amount of power to the snoopers; theres pretty much no country who have the rights she's given to the snoops to gather completely unlimited access to people private life and communications, some of the 'oppressive' regimes out there can only be jealous of what they have here.



It wasn't just down to her, but she had the courage to do what was needed. If people can't see the need for these powers, I despair.

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'The Tories do have some very good people with genuine integrity on the back benches, people with intelligence and genuine ability but they're not part of the elite bratpack so wont get a look in.'


Jacob Rees-Mogg for a future Tory Leader/PM???

Edited by Penelope
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'The Tories do have some very good people with genuine integrity on the back benches, people with intelligence and genuine ability but they're not part of the elite bratpack so wont get a look in.'


Jacob Rees-Mogg for a future Tory Leader/PM???


Spot on. Exactly who I was thinking of :good: Sadly, he comes across as a little too odd in front of the camera, but the man's got more about him than the whole front bench put together.

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I think they don't make 'em like they used to. Rees Mogg is great when he's had time to prepare something erudite, but I suspect Boris is sharper intellectually, but just too flippant.


And on the other side there's nobody.


Just when we need the very best negotiating team.

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As a debating point, there seems to be a general opinion on here that there are no politicians currently capable of leading a party, much less the country! Would that be because all political party's have over the last few years used positive descrimination or maybe a "quota system" when selecting their candidates for parliament? Based on "other" criteria rather than an ability to do the job.

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As a debating point, there seems to be a general opinion on here that there are no politicians currently capable of leading a party, much less the country! Would that be because all political party's have over the last few years used positive descrimination or maybe a "quota system" when selecting their candidates for parliament? Based on "other" criteria rather than an ability to do the job.

I'm not sure that that's the case with the MPs, but there's a lot of people that think that that's why we are having to put up with Sayeeda Warsi.

Poisonous woman.

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That's the worry with Boris. His pronouncements yesterday left everyone open mouthed, saying that the markets and the pound were stable, whilst behind him, it was carnage on the stock markets and the pound fell to a 35 year low! He's an idiot.

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