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Next England manager


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That's all it will be a rumour, don't confuse the fact that they are rubbish with not wanting to win. They'll have wanted to win the tournament as much as any other team the problem is English football is rotten from top to bottom.

the only way the England team will be successful is if dramatic changes are made. as I mentioned in a previous post alan shearer was responsible for the change in fortune of german football. during a defeat by England the head of the german fa was so shocked by how easy shearer took them apart that the next day he sacked everyone and said german football had to be rebuilt from the bottom up. every level of international football had to be played the same so players come seamlessly move up through the levels without changes being made. players don't get picked because they are the best they get picked because they suit the team. the german manager was also allowed to go backwards if it helped going forward at a later stage.

the England team don't have a style of football, all levels play differently. so when players move through the levels they are constantly having to adapt the way they play. we don't pick players to suit the team we pick the flavour of the month and expect everyone to change. because of the money involved managers must qualify for every tournament they are not allowed to develop a team over 4 years every team is a 2 year project.

unless radical changes are made to football similar to appointing eddie jones for the rugby team nothing will change.

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Great post and absolutely true .


I recently watched a programme about the 1966 cup winning team, and Jimmy Greaves was regarded as the best striker in the world, however Sir Alf thought Geoff Hurst suited the team style better .

As for Shearer, he could do a decent job, however he will be on a good earner with the BBC with no pressure .

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The manager is EXTREMELY important to a team. Look at England's rugby team before Eddie jones. Look at them now.

I don't see how the manager is so important. The players that England put on the field are world class but not one of them could string two passes together or not fall over. For many years we have lost sight of what the object of the game is, and that is to put the ball in the back of the opponent's goal. All we do is keep tip taping the ball sideways and backwards until We loose it. The players are on the field and it is them that have to do the business. Should we have a single manager? What do the assistants do? Look at all of the managers that individual clubs have had and sacked. Jose mourinio is a good example. He had top players at Chelsea and suddenly they can't sand up. I'd go for someone like Judgement Kinsman.

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Shearer doesn't have the coaching badges sadly. A former player who takes no prisoners is needed. Vincent Jones for example. For once we need a manager who isn't afraid to ring the changes and stick up to the FA. The guy who runs like a camp t Rex is an utter passenger.

The scouts need to go and watch games, not rely on media hype when they make selections. There are teams in the leagues below the hallowed premiership that would have given a better account of themselves.

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Ideally a few years away from international disapointment and then back in with a young team who might just be proud to represent their country!

Problem is that with the old team of terry,Cole,Gerard,lampard etc, every one was saying that we need a fresh young team with ambition but now we are saying that again with that team.

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The manager is EXTREMELY important to a team. Look at England's rugby team before Eddie jones. Look at them now.

I don't agree. The manager can point them in the right direction but the players have to perform on the field. There is a very long line of managers who have been very successful with teams and then suddenly there is complete failure and the guy is sacked. Ranieri is a good example in reverse. Sacked by Chelsea after spending 100million and no trophy, and won the premiership with unrated players at Leicester. The players that were selected for England had super seasons such as Kane and Vardy but they couldn't put a shot on target between them. And what of all the previous England managers none of them did any good English or foreign.

Edited by fortune
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