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Log Burner Fan


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I do a lot of re-upholstery for narrowboat owners, and most of them have one of these thermal fans sitting on top of the log burner. They certainly seem to distribute the heat around the boat; they cost nothing to run, and the boats are as warm as toast! I don't have a boat, or an interest in the fan companies, so this is an independent observation... £15.00 seems to be a 'snatch your arm off' price!



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My experience is that they're OK if (a) it's for a small room like in a narrowboat, in which case it does actually distribute the heat reasonably well, or (b) your stove is in an alcove and you just want do divert the heat from there into the body of the room. Mine wouldn't circulate air around a reasonable sized room. Worth £40 or so I'd say.

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Trust me, you won't need one in there!


When we looked at it last winter it was extremely warm all the way through the cottage,it's double glazed as well.



Ah, I feel the cold - better safe than sorry (Lady Seagrave gets proper baity if I start whinging) :yes:


For the sake of a score, I might as well.





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I've used an Ecofan for many years which starts spinning when the stove gets hot. It's lovely to watch but if you hold a pice of tissue in front of it you can see how little air it actually moves - certainly a lot less than moving about a room or opening a door. Get a ceiling fan if you need to distribute stove heat around a large room.

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I've used an Ecofan for many years which starts spinning when the stove gets hot. It's lovely to watch but if you hold a pice of tissue in front of it you can see how little air it actually moves - certainly a lot less than moving about a room or opening a door. Get a ceiling fan if you need to distribute stove heat around a large room.

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