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who would you vote for Trump or Clinton



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  1. 1. who would you vote for Trump or Clinton

    • Trump
    • Clinton

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How on earth could anyone even remotely think that trump is remotely suitable to be in control of the most powerful country in the world? The man is a complete bozo. The powers that be will never allow the lunatic to get his hands on the steering wheel. If he does by some fluke win at the poles which is as likely as snow on Christmas day he will be told what to say, when to stand, when to sit. Hilary has more experience than anyone about how government works and how to pull the strings. It would not surprise me if trump doesn't receive a visit from the IRS or similar to discredit him. Perhaps they don't need to bother because of dirty tricks in the background and I'm sure that bill will call in all of the outstanding Favour's. Even most of the people in the Republican party have disowned him.

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Speaking of Lizards, courtesy of the late great Douglas Adams.

It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..."
"You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"
"No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford. "It is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"
"I said," said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, "have you got any gin?"


That's just what I was thinking of Dunc.

Edited by Adge Cutler
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I wouldn't be buying any lead sheet, bottled water or tinned beans just yet.


The president of the US is generally powerless and just a figurehead of the constitution controlled by congress.


The only way either of them could start a war is if they learned to fly hijacked a plane and crashed it into Kremlin

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I get the feeling it will be a landslide for Trump. I certainly would not vote for Clinton, she is a criminal and only still there because both the media and those in her pocket are keeping her there.

Trump has made Billions and OK has also lost Billions but Obama has put his country over three TRILLION in debt and Clinton means more of the same.

Trump may just surprise a lot of people if he makes it.

The political elite on both sides of the fence in the USA are buying diapers by the dozen. They are in panic mode. I'm amazed Assange has managed to stay alive so long. Lucky he is in an Embassy in the UK.


On her criminal background alone I have to say I would be voting Trump.

Edited by Walker570
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I wouldn't be buying any lead sheet, bottled water or tinned beans just yet.


The president of the US is generally powerless and just a figurehead of the constitution controlled by congress.


The only way either of them could start a war is if they learned to fly hijacked a plane and crashed it into Kremlin


This is largely true, I despise the pair of them for different reasons but firmly believe neither can deliver anything of consequence regarding their economy or internal affairs, the world has changed significantly since the 60's when they had the highest standards of living in the world and could boast of being Great or admired. Today countries we routinely refer to as third world can manufacture cars from scratch, China is just the tip of the iceberg as in decades to come we will just have to learn to live with a world where economic power is less heavily concentrated in Europe/America.


The only thing any future president could/should do is salvage their pathetic reputation and raise their education and improve their intellect.

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I get the feeling it will be a landslide for Trump. I certainly would not vote for Clinton, she is a criminal and only still there because both the media and those in her pocket are keeping her there.

Trump has made Billions and OK has also lost Billions but Obama has put his country over three TRILLION in debt and Clinton means more of the same.

Trump may just surprise a lot of people if he makes it.

The political elite on both sides of the fence in the USA are buying diapers by the dozen. They are in panic mode. I'm amazed Assange has managed to stay alive so long. Lucky he is in an Embassy in the UK.


On her criminal background alone I have to say I would be voting Trump.

:lol: where do you buy your tin foil? Edited by guest1957
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The problem is they think they will be running the most "powerful country " on earth.

And therein lies their problem. Russia and China would beg to differ. Either way they going to remain a thorn in the side of the rest of the world. An idiot in charge of a juggernaut is more dangerous than an idiot in charge of a Micra

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I get the feeling it will be a landslide for Trump. I certainly would not vote for Clinton, she is a criminal and only still there because both the media and those in her pocket are keeping her there.

Trump has made Billions and OK has also lost Billions but Obama has put his country over three TRILLION in debt and Clinton means more of the same.

Trump may just surprise a lot of people if he makes it.

The political elite on both sides of the fence in the USA are buying diapers by the dozen. They are in panic mode. I'm amazed Assange has managed to stay alive so long. Lucky he is in an Embassy in the UK.


On her criminal background alone I have to say I would be voting Trump.

I agree hes done pretty well...that's only 8400 dollars per capita compared to our £24,000 per capita. !!

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There is another way that the powers that be can get around Trump winning they could do what they did with J F K simply have him bumped off and let his running mate tak over like L B J did for those who do not no who he is this is the guy.



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I still find it unbelievable the self proclaimed "most powerful country in the world" has only got these 2 as their options. I would probably have to vote for Clinton as i think Trump is an idiot and irrational and you can never guess what an irrational idiot will do, dont get me wrong i think Clinton is a terrible choice but at least you can better judge what she may do and the powers that be can control her a bit better.


Trump IMO epitomizes everything that is wrong with america.

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As I have said of the two I would go with Trump having said that I still tend to think that it should be done the way that we used to do it with us all of the MPs from there party should choose who they think is best I do not think that the people should choose as what do we or they now just becouse someone looks ok to us does not mean that they are any good at the job.

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