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Any Other westcountrymen Downright Bloody Livid?


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Why do these people get less time than the girl with the sawnoff under the cot.

Following a petition, they're looking at making attacks on/injuries to police dogs/horses the same as that for policemen/women. Perhaps they should extend this to include a review of the available penalties for all animal cruelty. When you think about it, these morons are indirectly responsible to the current badger bTB/numbers explosion.

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Surely an easy target for the balaclava wearing anti every blood sport rent a mob ? Sadly the scum don't go after scum. HLS ? mob handed. Convicted animal abuser ? err, no. He may hit back. Where's the outcry from PETA, The west country sabs etc ?

He will go back to it, his sentence was a mere slap on the wrist.

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